After connecting your appliance or after a prolonged power failure,
flashes in the display.
TToo sseett tthhee cclloocckk DDiissppllaayy
Turn the selector to set the time, ex. 6:30.
Confirm by pressing the CLOCK key or
A beep confirms that your clock is set.
WWhheenn tthheerree iiss aa ttiimmee cchhaannggee DDiissppllaayy
Press the
. The time display flashes.
Programme the new time (ex. 7:30) by turning the
Confirm by pressing the CLOCK key or
A beep confirms that your clock is set to the new time.
f you do not press the clock key, the time displayed is automatically recorded after one minute.
Your appliance is equipped with a back-up so that during a power failure the time remains displayed
for a day.
To dim the display, press the clock key for 5 seconds.
Only the backlight will remain lit.
Press again for 5 seconds to light the display up again
If there is insufficient space for the dish to turn freely inside the oven, set the STOP TURNTABLE
function before or during the programme.
NNoottee:: iitt iiss nnoott ppoossssiibbllee ttoo ssttoopp tthhee ttuurrnnttaabbllee dduurriinngg aann aauuttoommaattiicc ddeeffrroosstt pprrooggrraammmmee..
To set:
Press the STOP TURNTABLE key, the symbol
lights up and the turntable stops.
To cancel:
To cancel the function, follow the same procedure.
It is necessary to turn the container or stir the con-
tents halfway through the programme when the
STOP TURNTABLE function is set.
hhooww ttoo sseett // cchhaannggee tthhee ttiimmee
ssttoopp ttuurrnnttaabbllee ooppttiioonn