This function lets you use the grill + microwave at the same time, which affords rapid cooking.
You may combine any one of the three grill levels with any of the microwave levels up to 700W.
Food Quantity Programming Time
Shoulder of lamb (boned and tied) 1300 g 200 W + GP3 40 - 45 min
Ribeye steak 800 g 200 W + GP3 18 - 23 min
Chicken, guinea fowl 1200 g 500 W + GP3 25 - 27 min
Turkey roast 800 g 300 W + GP3 27 - 32 min
Pork roast 1000 g 300 W + GP3 35 - 40 min
Veal roast 1200 g 300 W + GP2 50 - 55 min
Use a microwave-safe and heatproof dish, preferably made of earthenware (less splashing than with
Place the food item in a dish on the grill at level 1, turn halfway through cooking.
Cook preferably non-barded roasts to avoid grease splashes and smoke.
Season when cooked, let the meat sit in aluminium foil for 10 minutes. This helps the meat fibres to
relax and the roast will be more tender.
tthhee ggrriillll && mmiiccrroowwaavvee ffuunnccttiioonn
gguuiiddee ttoo ccooookkiinngg uussiinngg
tthhee ggrriillll && mmiiccrroowwaavvee ffuunnccttiioonn
Turn the selector knob to the GRILL + MICROWAVE
function. The power level 500W, flashes in the display,
requesting you choose the desired microwave power
Turn the - / + selector knob to set a lower microwave
power level, ex. 300W. Confirm by pressing °C/W, GP3
flashes, requesting you choose the desired grill level.
Turn the - / + selector knob to set a lower grill level,
ex. GP2. Confirm by pressing °C/W, the time digits
Turn the - / + selector knob to set the required com-
bined microwave + grilling time, ex. 20 min.
Confirm by pressing START, the light switches on and
the programme starts.
The programme time may be changed at any time simply by turning the
- / + selector knob
If you wish to verify your microwave power level, you may press
to check the dis