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How to avoid causing my Paradigms pain!
Use an appropriate amplifier. At high volumes, a very powerful amplifier can overdrive your Paradigms and damage
them. On the other hand, if your amplifier isn’t powerful enough, it can produce clipping distortion that can easily damage
high-frequency drivers.
(See your dealer for info on choosing the right amplifier … we recommend an Anthem amplifier.)
Don’t be fooled by the volume control. Your amp’s volume control adjusts listening level—it doesn’t indicate power
output. If your Paradigms begin to sound harsh or grating, or if you hear the bass breaking up, turn the volume down right
away or you’ll damage them.
Tone controls and equalizers can demand even more power from an amp, lowering the point at which it produces
clipping distortion. Use them sparingly, if at all, and don’t use them when listening at loud levels.