Notes on MP3
What is MP3?
MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer-3) is the compression format of digital
audio. This is developed by MPEG (Motion Picture Experts
Group). Using this compression format, you can record the
contents of about 10 music CDs on a single CD. (This figure
refers to data recorded on a 650 MB CD-R or CD-RW at a fixed
bit rate of 128 kbps and a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz.)
¡ MP3 encoding and CD writing software programs are not
supplied with this unit.
Points to remember when making MP3 files
¡ High bit rate and high sampling frequency are recommended
for high quality sound.
¡ Selecting VBR (Variable Bit Rate) is not recommended
because playing time is not displayed properly and sound
may be skipped.
¡ The playback sound quality differs depending on the encoding
circumstances. For details, refer to the instructions of your
own encoding software and writing software.
¡ It is recommended to set the bit rate to “128 kbps or more”
and “fixed”.
Display Information
Displayed items
Displayable characters
¡ Displayable length of file name/folder name: within 32 charac-
ters. (Unicoded file and folder names are reduced by half in
the number of displayable characters.)
¡ Name files and folders in accordance with the standard of
each file system. Refer to the instructions of writing software
for details.
¡ ASCII character set and special characters in each language
can be displayed.
¡Some Cyrillic characters in the Unicode can be displayed.
ASCII character set
A to Z, a to z, digits 0 to 9, and the following symbols:
(space) ! ” # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ˆ _ ` { | }
Special characters
À Á Â Ã Å à á â ã å
Ä ä
Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö ò ó ô õ ö
Ù Ú Û Ü ù ú û ü
¡ With some software in which MP3 format files have been
encoded, the character information may not be displayed
¡ Undisplayable characters and symbols will be converted into
an asterisk ( ).
¡It is recommended that the length of the file name is less than
8 (excluding the file extension).
Disc title
Track title
¡ MP3
Folder name
File name
¡ MP3 (ID3 tag)
Title and artist
¡Never assign the “.mp3” file name exten-
sion to a file that is not in the MP3 format.
This may not only produce noise from the
speaker damage, but also damage your