01 / 2010 C2000Page 150
No unauthorised persons are permitted in the danger area.
There must not be any interfering objects or obstacles in the
seat adjustment area. There are crushing points caused by
the construction in the area between the seat frame and
wheelchair frame. Never let any parts of the body (hands,
feet) or objects get under the raised seat. This risk of crush-
ing must be explained to the attendants.
Riskofinjuryifthepowerwheelchairtipsover. Before
driving up inclines or over curbs, a tilted seat must be lowered
to its basic position, the seat height adjustment device must
be in its lowest position and the back must be in the upright
position. Since tipping resistance is reduced in such situa-
tions, additional caution is required.
Slightly tilt the seat to the rear when driving down inclines
or curbs and reduce the speed (max. 3 km/h).
Riskoffalling. Do not lean the upper part of the body beyond
the seat area while the seat is raised.
Riskofaccidentsduetoarestrictedfieldofvision. Keep
in mind that your eld of vision is restricted when driving the
wheelchair with the seat in the raised position and when
actuating the seat with built-in height adjustment.
Riskofdamagecausedbyoverload. Depending on the
standard version, the maximum load capacity is 160 kg or
200 kg; the maximum load capacity of the heavy-duty version
is 260 kg.
Riskofdamageduetoimpropermaintenance. Inspect
the seat height adjustment device for visible signs of damage
at least once a month and ensure all screw connections are
tight. Also maintain correct air pressure in the tyres.
Riskofdamageduringtransportation.Always lower the
seat height adjustment device fully for loading or transporta-