MOSAIC is set at the factory to emit a beep and blink the LED each time you tap a key. To turn the
beep sound off (or back on), perform the following procedure:
1. On the Device Screen in the upper left corner, tap on Setup.You will see the main SETUP Menu
that greets you and asks,“What would you like to configure?”
2. Tap on the SYSTEM key.You will see the SYSTEM Menu.
NOTE: To return to a previous menu,tap on the ESC key.To return to last-displayed Device
Screen, press down on ESC or MUTE for at least 2 seconds. For help, tap the ? key.
3. Tap on the SOUND ON/OFF key.You will see the SOUND Menu with the current setting denot-
ed by a thicker outline.
• To turn off the beep sound,tap on the OFFkey.MOSAIC will turn off the beep sound and return
to the System Menu.
• To turn on the beep sound, tap on the ON key.MOSAIC will turn on the beep sound and return
to the System Menu.
NOTE: As an additional low-battery warning,MOSAIC will emit a beep sound even if the
sound is turned off (see page 3).