Advanced Features
Learning Feature
The AUDIO ZAPPER comes with a complete library
of preprogrammed codes. After you have set up
the AUDIO ZAPPER for your device, you may find
that there are one or more keys which you had on
your original remote which do not have a place on
the AUDIO ZAPPER keypad.
As a convenience, the AUDIO ZAPPER offers a
special Learning feature that allows you to copy
any function from your original audio remote
control onto the keypad of the AUDIO ZAPPER.
To use the Learning feature, please follow the
instructions below. You can learn a function from
your original remote control onto any key of the
AUDIO ZAPPER except for the MAGIC key and the
device keys (TUN, CD, TAPE, and MD). If you
require to learn more per mode, you will need to
place the learned function on a shifted key. Please
see the next section titled Shifted Learning.
Before you start:
- Make sure your original remote control is
working correctly.
- Make sure your AUDIO ZAPPER nor your original
remote control are pointing at your device.
Place both remote controls (the AUDIO
ZAPPER and your original) on a flat
surface. Make sure the ends which you
normally point at your device are facing
each other. Keep the remotes at a
distance of 2 to 5 cm.
Press and hold down the MAGIC key until
the light blinks twice (the light blinks once
then twice).
Press Programme -, Volume -, Volume +
(the light will blink twice).
Press the device key (on the AUDIO
ZAPPER remote) to select the mode to
which you want to copy the learned function.