3.5 Using the Memory Function
The monitor automatically s tores the result up to 90 sets.
It can also calculate an average reading based on the
measurements from t he last three readings taken w ithin 10
minutes. If th ere are only two readings in memory for that
period, the average will be based on two readings . If there is
one reading in memory for that period, the average wi ll be
based on one r eading.
• If the memory is full, the monitor will delete the oldes t
• When viewing the reading t ak en without setting t he date and
time, “-:--” is displayed instead of the date and t ime .
T o View t he A verage V alue
T o View the Readings Stored in Memory
T o Delete All the V al ues Stored in Memor y
Note: Y ou cannot partially delet e the stored readings.
4.1 The Icons and Error Messages
Note: The irregular heartbeat sy mbol ( ) and the movement error
symbol ( ) may also be displayed with error messages.
4.2 T roubleshoot ing
4.3 Maintenance
T o protect y our unit from damage, p lease obse rve the
follo wing:
• Do not sub ject the m ain unit and the cuff to
extreme temperatur es, humidity , mois ture or
dire ct sunli ght.
• Do not d isassemble t he unit.
• Do not sub ject the u nit to strong s hocks or
vibration s (for exa mple, dropp ing the uni t on the
• Do not u se vola tile liqu ids to c lean the m ain unit.
• Do not w ash the cuff or immerse i t in water .
• Do not u se petro l, thinner s or simil ar solvents to
clean th e cuff.
• Do no t carry ou t repairs o f any ki nd yourse lf. If a
defect occ urs, consult your OMRON retail outl et
or distribu tor as me ntioned on the packaging.
• The uni t should be c leaned with a soft, dry clo th.
• Use a so ft, moistened c loth and neutral soa p to
clean th e cuff.
• Keep the u nit in its s torage cas e when not in
• Fold th e cuff into the stor age case.
Do not st ore the un it in the fo llowing si tuations:
• If the uni t is wet.
• Locatio ns exposed to extreme te mperatures ,
humidi ty , direct sun light, dust or corrosive
vapour s.
• Locatio ns exposed to vibratio ns, shock s or
where i t will be at an angle.
Calibratio n and Service
• The a ccuracy of th is blood pressu re monito r has
been car efully tes ted and is design ed for a long
service life.
• It is gen erally r ecommended t o have the unit
inspected every two years to ensure correc t
function ing and ac curacy . Please con sult your
authorise d OMRON dealer or the OMR ON
Customer Service at the addre ss given o n the
packaging or attached l iterature.
Note: Subject to technical modification without prior notice.
• This device fulfils the provis ions of EC directive 93/ 42/EEC
(Medical Device Directive).
• This blood pressure monitor is designed according to the European
S tandard EN1060, N on-invasive sphygmom anometers Part 1:
General Requirements and P art 3: Supplementary requirem ents
for electromechanical blood pressure meas uring systems.
• T his OMRON product is produced under the strict quality sy stem of
OMRON HEAL THCARE Co. Lt d., Japan. The Core component for
OMRON blood press ure monitors, which is the Pressure Sensor , is
produced in Japan.
Made in China
Press the button.
Note: If there are no measurements
results stored in the memory , the
screen to t he right is displayed.
Press the bu tton, while the av erage va lue is
display ed.
The Memory number
appears for a second
before the pulse rate is
displayed. The newest
set is numbered “1”.
Press the bu tton re peatedly to v iew the
readings s tored in memory .
When th e memory sym bol ( ) appears, f irst press
button. Then whi le holding it dow n, press the
ST ART/ST OP button simult aneously for abou t 2 - 3
second s.
Error Display Cause Remedy
Irregular heartbeats
are detected.
Remove the wrist cuf f. Wait
2 - 3 minutes and t hen take
another measurem ent.
Repeat the steps in section
3.3. If this error c ontinues to
appear , contact your doc tor .
Movemen t during
Carefully read and repeat the
steps in section 3.3.
The batteries are
low .
Y ou s hould replace them with
new ones ahead of time.
Refer to sect ion 2.1.
The batteries are
Y ou s hould replace them with
new ones at once.
Refer to sect ion 2.1.
Wrist cuff no t
applied correctly .
Apply the wrist cuff correctly .
Refer to sect ion 3.1.
Movemen t during
Repeat Measurement while
remaining still and refraining
from talking during the
Refer to sect ion 3.3.
Wrist cuff no t
applied correctly , or
movemen t during
Apply the wrist cuff correctly
and repeat mea surement
while remaining still and
refraining from taking during
the measurement.
Refer to sect ion 3.1 and 3.3.
Arm position
changed during
Remain still until the
measurement is complete.
Refer to sect ion 3.3.
Device error .
Contact your OMRON retail
outlet or distributor .
4. T roubleshooting and Mai ntenance
Problem Cause Remedy
The reading is
extremely low
(or high).
The wrist cuff is n ot
at heart level.
Measure while in the
corr ect po sture .
Refer to section 3.2.
The cuff is not
wrapped sn ugly
around the wris t.
Wrap the cuff correctly .
Refer to section 3.1.
The arms and
shoulders a re
Relax and try taking the
measurement again.
Refer to section 3.3.
Move ment o r
talking during
Remain still and do not
talk during Measurement.
Refer to section 3.3.
Wrist c uff pre ssur e
does not rise.
Air is leaking f rom
the wrist cuff.
Consult your OMRON
retail outlet or dist r ibutor .
Wrist c uff defl ate s
too soon.
The wrist c uff is
Apply the cuff correctly so
that it is firmly wrapped
around the wrist. Refer to
section 3.1.
The blood pressu re is different
each time. The reading is
extremely low (or high) .
Blood pressur e readings
constantly vary with ti me
of day and how relaxed
you are. T ake several
deep brea ths and try to
remain relaxed before
taking a measurement.
The unit loses
power during
The batteries a re
Replace the batteries with
new ones.
Refer to section 2.1.
Nothing happens
when you press
the buttons.
The batteries have
been inserted
incorrectly .
Insert the batteries with
the correct (+/-) polarity .
Refer to section 2.1.
Other problems.
• Press the ST ART/STO P button and repeat
• If the problem continues, try re placing the
batteries with new ones.
If this still does not solve the problem, cont act
your OMRO N retail outlet or distributor .
Product Descript ion Wrist Blood Pressur e Monitor
Model OMRON RS 6 (HEM-6221-E)
Display LCD Digit al Display
Measurement M ethod Oscillometric me thod
Measurement Range Pressure: 0 to 299 mmHg
Pulse: 40 to 180 beat s/min.
Accuracy Pressure: ± 3 mmHg
Pulse: ±5% of dis play reading
Inflation Automatic inflation by pump
Deflation Automatic rapid deflation
Memory 90 Measurements
Power Source 2 x 1.5V (LR03, AAA alkaline batteries)
Battery Life Approx. 300 measurements with new
alkaline batteries at a room temperature of
Applied Part = T ype B
Protection Against
Ele ctric Sh ock
Internally powered ME equipment
Operating tempe rature/
+10 to +4 0°C / Maxim um: 30 to 85 % RH
S torage temperature/
Humidity/Air pressure
-20 to +6 0°C / M axim um: 10 to 95% RH /
700 to 1060hPa
Console Weight Approximately 85 g without batteries
Outer D imensions Approximately 87 (w) mm x 64 (h) mm x
14 (d) mm (without the wr ist cuff)
circ umfere nce
Approximately 13.5 to 21.5 cm
Cuff Material Nylon and polyester
Package Cont ent M ain unit, stor age case, battery set,
instruction manual, guarant ee card, blood
pressure pass
Important information regarding Electro Magnetic
Comp atibility (EMC)
With the increased number of electronic devices suc h as PC’s and
mobile (cellular) telephones, medical devices in use may be
susceptible to electromagnetic interference f rom other devices.
Electromagnetic interference may result in incorrec t operation of
the medical device and create a potentially unsaf e situation.
Medical devices should also not interfere with ot her devices.
In order to regulate the requirements for E MC (Electro M agnetic
Compatibility) with the aim to prevent unsaf e product situations , the
EN60601-1-2:2007 standard has b een implemented. This standard
defines the levels of immunity to electromagnetic interferences as
well as maximum levels of electromagnetic em issions for medical
This medical device manufac tured by OMRON HEAL THCARE
conforms to this EN60601-1- 2:2007 standard for both immunity and
Nevertheless, special precautions need to be observed:
• Do not use mobile (cellular) telephones and other devices, which
generate strong electrical or electromagnetic fields, near the
medical device. T his may result in incorrect operation of t he unit
and create a potentially uns afe situation. Recommendation is to
keep a minimum distance of 7 m . V erify correct operation of the
device in case t he distance is shorter .
Further documentation in ac cordance with EN60601-1-2:2007 is
available at OMRON HEAL THCARE EUROPE at the addr ess
mentioned in this instruc tion manual.
Documentation is also ava ilable at www .omron-healthcare.com.
Correct Disposal of This P roduct
(Waste Electrical & Electro nic Equipment)
This marking shown on the product or its
literature, indicates that it s hould not be
disposed of, with ot her household was tes at the
end of its working life.
T o prevent possible harm to the environme nt or h uman health from
uncontrolled waste dispos al, please separate this p roduct from
other types of was tes and recycle it re sponsibly to prom ote the
sustainable reuse of material resources.
Household users should contact either the retailer where they
purchased this product, or their local government office, for details
of where and how they can retu rn this item for environmentally safe
Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms
and conditions of the purchase cont ract. This product should not be
mixed with other commercial wastes for disposal.
53, Kunotsubo, T erado-cho, Muko , Kyoto,
617- 0002 JA P AN
Sc orpius 33 , 2132 LR Hoofd dorp
www .om ron-health care.com
Product ion Facilit y
Dalian, CHINA
Subsid iary
Op al Driv e, Fox Mil ne, Mil ton Keyn es, MK15 0DG
John-De ere-S tr. 81a 68163 Mannheim, G ERMANY
www .om ron-medizin technik.de
14, rue de Lisbonne, 93561 R osny-sous-Bo is
HEM-6221-E.book Page 2 Tuesday, November 6, 2012 2:06 PM