While above the Stop Depth, no off gassing credit will be given. Once off gassing credit
begins (you descend below the Stop Depth), required Deco Stop Depths and Time will de-
crease toward zero, then operation will revert to the No Deco Mode.
Delayed Violation # 1 - above a required Deco Stop Depth for more than 5 minutes.
Upon being alerted of this condition, you would need to descend below the required Stop
Depth and follow the Stop Depths and Times indicated toward the surface until the TLBG
recedes into the No Deco zone.
Delayed Violation # 2 - Deco Stop between 60 FT (18 M) and 70 FT (21 M) is required.
Upon being alerted of this condition, you would need to ascend to just deeper than 60 FT
(18 M), staying as close to 60 FT (18 M) as possible without causing the Total Ascent Time
display to flash. When the required Stop Depth indicates 50 FT (15 M), etc., you can then
ascend to, but no shallower than those depths and continue decompressing.
The PDC cannot accurately calculate Deco times for Stop Depths much greater than 60
FT (18M) and offers no indication of how much time spent underwater would result in the
need for a greater Stop Depth.
Delayed Violation # 3 - exceeding Max Operating Depth (MOD).
Upon being alerted of this condition, Current Depth will not be displayed until ascent is
made to a depth shallower than the MOD. Max Depth will not be displayed for the re-
mainder of that dive.
(continued on page 25)