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Users Guide
Direct Print Ver. 1.1
Direct Print
1 Introduction
1.1 System Requirements ..................................................................1-1
1.2 Main Features................................................................................1-2
1.3 Copyright Information ..................................................................1-4
2 Installing PageScope Direct Print
2.1 Installing ........................................................................................2-1
2.2 Uninstalling....................................................................................2-7
3 Starting PageScope Direct Print
3.1 Using the “Start” Menu.................................................................3-1
3.2 Using the Application Icon on the Desktop................................3-1
3.3 Main Window .................................................................................3-2
4 Specifying Printer Settings
4.1 Adding a Printer ............................................................................4-1
4.1.1 “Network” tab..............................................................................4-3
4.1.2 “Authentication/Account Track” tab ............................................4-4
4.1.3 “Option” tab.................................................................................4-6
4.1.4 Specifying printer search parameters.........................................4-8
4.2 Changing Printer Settings............................................................4-9
4.3 Deleting a Printer ..........................................................................4-9
5 Programming Job Settings
5.1 Adding a Job Setting ....................................................................5-1
5.2 Changing a Job Setting ................................................................5-3
5.3 Deleting a Job Setting ..................................................................5-4
6.1 Using the Appropriate Icon on the Desktop .............................. 6-1
6.2 Using the Shortcut Menu (Displayed by Right-Clicking) .......... 6-3
6.3 Specifying a File From the Main Window................................... 6-5
6.4 Using Hot Folders......................................................................... 6-6
6.4.1 Setting up hot folders ................................................................. 6-6
6.4.2 Specifying detailed hot folder settings ....................................... 6-9
6.4.3 Hot folders monitoring icon ...................................................... 6-10
6.4.4 Printing using a hot folder ........................................................ 6-11
7 Security Functions
7.1 Common to Administrators and General Users ........................ 7-1
7.2 Administrators.............................................................................. 7-1
7.3 General Users ............................................................................... 7-2
8 Additional Settings
8.1 Edit Job Setting for each printing............................................... 8-1
8.2 Edit Authentication/Account Track for each printing ............... 8-3
9 Checking the Printing Status and Print Log
9.1 Checking the Printing Status ...................................................... 9-1
9.2 Viewing the Print Log................................................................... 9-3
9.2.1 Specifying the log setting ........................................................... 9-4
9.2.2 Retrieving data........................................................................... 9-5
10 Warning/Error Messages
10.1 Messages Concerning PDF Versions ....................................... 10-1
1 Introduction
PageScope Direct Print is an application for sending files such as PDF
and TIFF files directly to a printer.
A file can be printed by dragging it to the appropriate icon on the desktop
or by using the Windows shortcut menu (displayed by right-clicking), or
the file can be printed automatically by using hot folders.
In addition, job settings, which consist of specified print settings, can be
1.1 System Requirements
* Differs depending on the printer being used for printing.
With PageScope Direct Print, the only files that can be printed are
those of formats compatible with the printer.
When PageScope Direct Print sends a file to the printer, file formats
that can be printed are automatically detected.
For details on compatible file formats and versions, refer to the support
information for the printer being used.
operating systems
Windows Me, Windows 2000 Professional (Service Pack 4 or later),
or Windows XP Home Edition/Professional (Service Pack 1 or later)
Compatible printers Refer to the PageScope Direct Print Help or the Readme file for the
model names of compatible printers.
* A connection to an Ethernet network is required.
Compatible files PDF, TIFF, PS, PCL, ASCII (Text)
1.2 Main Features
Printing by dragging a file to the appropriate icon on the desktop
A file can easily be printed by dragging it to the appropriate icon on the
In addition, a desktop shortcut can be created for each job setting,
allowing you to print using the print settings that best meet your needs.
Printing using the Windows shortcut menu (displayed by right-
A file can easily be printed by right-clicking it, then selecting PageScope
Direct Print in the shortcut menu that appeared.
Automatic printing using a hot folder
A file can automatically be printed by copying it to a hot folder (folder
monitored for printing) that has been set up in advance.
In addition, by specifying that a hot folder be shared and allowing it to be
used on the local network, other users logged onto the network can print
using the hot folder.
Registering multiple printers/job settings
By setting up multiple printers and job settings, it is no longer necessary
to change the settings each time you wish to print.
Various settings such as the paper tray, paper type, stapling and hole
punching settings, and the number of copies can be customized for each
job setting.
Editing print settings
Job settings, such as the number of copies to be printed and the paper
tray, can be edited during printing.
Specifying the authentication setting
The authentication settings can be specified when a printer is registered.
In addition, a dialog box for authentication appears before printing begins
so that the user name or account name and their passwords can be
Security functions
The settings can be saved by each user logged onto Windows.
Users with administrator privileges can use the settings of all users.
However, a general user has limitations applied when using the settings
of other users.
1.3 Copyright Information
Trademark Acknowledgements
KONICA MINOLTA and the KONICA MINOLTA logo are trademarks or
registered trademarks of KONICA MINOLTA HOLDINGS, INC.
PageScope is a trademark or a registered trademark of KONICA
Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation.
Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and other countries.
All other company and product names are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies.
Screen Images
The dialog boxes shown in this manual are those that appear in Windows
Unauthorized reproduction, translation or duplication of this document,
whether in its entirety or in part, is strictly prohibited.
The content of this document is subject to change without notice.
INC. All rights reserved.
Installing PageScope Direct Print
2 Installing PageScope Direct Print
2.1 Installing
Install PageScope Direct Print onto your computer.
When installing onto Windows 2000 or Windows XP, be sure to log in
with administrator privileges.
Quit all applications (including virus detection programs) that are
In addition, if a previous version of PageScope Direct Print is installed
on the computer, be sure to uninstall the previous version of
PageScope Direct Print before beginning the installation.
Check that the printer to be used is connected to a network, and then
make sure that the printer is turned on.
Operating procedure
1 Place the CD-ROM into your computers CD-ROM drive.
2 Start up the installation program. (Setup.exe)
The following dialog box appears.
Installing PageScope Direct Print
3 Click the [Next] button.
The License Agreement dialog box appears.
4 Read the end user license agreement, and then select I accept the
terms in the license agreement.
5 Click the [Next] button.
A dialog box appears, allowing you to select the folder where the file
or folder is to be copied to.
6 To install the application into a folder other than the one indicated, click
the [Change] button, and then specify the folder where you wish to
install the application.
Installing PageScope Direct Print
7 Click the [Next] button.
The following dialog box appears.
8 Click the [Install] button.
The installation begins.
Once the installation is completed, the following dialog box appears.
Installing PageScope Direct Print
9 Click the [Initialize] button.
The compatible printers on the network are detected and appear in the
Add Printer dialog box.
If no compatible printers can be found on the network, only
“Manual Setting” appears in the list. In addition, if the enhanced
security function has been set from the printer, the printer cannot
be detected and only “Manual Setting” appears.
In this case, click the [Cancel] button to quit initializing. This
completes the installation, even though the [Cancel] button was
clicked. After starting up PageScope Direct Print, specify the range
to search for printers or manually register printers. For details, refer
to “Adding a Printer” on page 4-1.
10 Select the printer that you wish to use.
If multiple printers are listed, select the printer to be used as the
default printer.
Installing PageScope Direct Print
11 Click the [Add] button.
The Printer Setting dialog box appears.
12 Specify the appropriate printer settings.
On the Option tab, specify the option configuration for the printer.
For details on the various settings, refer to Adding a Printer on
page 4-1.
The printer settings can also be changed after it is registered. For
details, refer to Changing Printer Settings on page 4-9.
13 Click the [OK] button.
A message appears, indicating that the initial setup is completed.
14 Click the [OK] button.
This completes the installation of PageScope Direct Print and its initial
Installing PageScope Direct Print
After the message indicating the completion of the initial setup
appeared, a message may appear, recommending that the computer
be restarted. If this message appears, follow the on-screen
instructions to restart Windows.
Installing PageScope Direct Print
2.2 Uninstalling
Uninstall PageScope Direct Print by using Add or Remove Programs
(Add/Remove Programs with Windows Me/2000).
Before uninstalling, quit the PageScope Direct Print application.
Operating procedure
1 With Windows XP, click Control Panel in the Start menu, and then
double-click Add or Remove Programs.
With Windows Me/2000, point to Settings in the Start menu, click
Control Panel, and then double-click Add/Remove Programs.
2 From the Currently installed programs list, select PageScope Direct
3 Click the [Remove] button. (With Windows Me, click the [Add/Remove]
The following confirmation message appears.
4 Click the [Yes] button.
PageScope Direct Print is uninstalled.
Installing PageScope Direct Print
Starting PageScope Direct Print
3 Starting PageScope Direct Print
PageScope Direct Print can be started using either the Start menu or the
application icon on the desktop.
3.1 Using the Start Menu
Operating procedure
In the Windows Start menu, point to All Programs (Programs with
Windows Me/2000), KONICA MINOLTA, then PageScope Direct
Print, and then click PageScope Direct Print.
The main window for PageScope Direct Print appears.
3.2 Using the Application Icon on the Desktop
Operating procedure
Double-click the PageScope Direct Print icon on the desktop.
The main window for PageScope Direct Print appears.
Starting PageScope Direct Print
3.3 Main Window
2 5 3 6 4 7
No. Element Name Description
1 Registered Printers/Job
Settings list
Displays the list of registered printers and job settings
in a tree structure.
Click + to display the names of job settings
programmed for the printer; click - to close the tree
Right-click the printer or job setting to display a menu
containing commands for changing or deleting the
2 [Add Printer] button Select Available Printers in the Registered
Printers/Job Settings list, and then click this button to
add a printer.
For details, refer to Adding a Printer on page 4-1.
3 [Edit Printer] button Select a printer in the Registered Printers/Job
Settings list, and then click this button to change the
settings for a registered printer.
For details, refer to Changing Printer Settings on
page 4-9.
4 [Delete Printer] button Select a printer in the Registered Printers/Job
Settings list, and then click this button to delete a
registered printer.
For details, refer to Deleting a Printer on page 4-9.
Starting PageScope Direct Print
5 [Add Job Setting] button Select a printer in the Registered Printers/Job
Settings list, and then click this button to add a job
setting for a registered printer.
For details, refer to Adding a Job Setting on
page 5-1.
6 [Edit Job Setting] button Select a job setting in the Registered Printers/Job
Settings list, and then click this button to change the
print settings for a programmed job setting.
For details, refer to Changing a Job Setting on
page 5-3.
7 [Delete Job Setting] button Select a job setting in the Registered Printers/Job
Settings list, and then click this button to delete a
programmed job setting.
For details, refer to Deleting a Job Setting on
page 5-4.
8 Details of Printers/Job
Setting box
This box displays the print settings for the job setting
that is selected in the Registered Printers/Job
Settings list.
9 [Print a File] button Click this button to specify the file to be printed from
the main window.
For details, refer to Specifying a File From the Main
Window on page 6-5.
10 [Job Status View] button Click this button to view the printing status.
For details, refer to Checking the Printing Status on
page 9-1.
11 [Log View] button Click this button to view the log of files that have been
For details, refer to Viewing the Print Log on
page 9-3.
12 Use Hot Folders check box If this check box is selected, hot folders (folders
monitored for printing) can be used.
For details, refer to Using Hot Folders on page 6-6.
13 [Edit Hot Folders] button Click this button to specify the settings for the hot
For details, refer to Setting up hot folders on
page 6-6.
14 Edit Job Setting for each
drag-and-drop printing.
check box
If this check box is selected, a dialog box for changing
the print settings of the job setting appears each time
printing is performed by dragging a file to the
appropriate icon on the desktop or by using the
shortcut menu (displayed by right-clicking).
For details, refer to Administrators on page 7-1.
15 Edit Authentication/Account
Track for each drag-and-drop
printing. check box
If this check box is selected, a dialog box for
authentication appears each time printing is
performed by dragging a file to the appropriate icon
on the desktop or by using the shortcut menu
(displayed by right-clicking).
For details, refer to General Users on page 7-2.
No. Element Name Description
Starting PageScope Direct Print
Specifying Printer Settings
4 Specifying Printer Settings
4.1 Adding a Printer
A printer can be added to the Registered Printers/Job Settings list in the
main window. With PageScope Direct Print, multiple printers can be
In addition, printers can be added manually if they could not be detected
when PageScope Direct Print was installed.
Check that the printer to be used is connected to a network, and then
make sure that the printer is turned on.
Operating procedure
1 Start up PageScope Direct Print.
The main window appears.
If no printer could be detected when PageScope Direct Print is
installed, the dialog box shown in step 3 appears. Either perform
the operation described in Specifying printer search parameters
on page 4-8, or skip to step 4.
2 Select Available Printers in the Registered Printers/Job Settings
Specifying Printer Settings
3 Click the [Add Printer] button.
The compatible printers on the network are detected and appear in the
Add Printer dialog box.
The Add Printer dialog box can also be displayed by right-clicking,
then selecting Add Printer in the menu that appeared.
Printers cannot be detected if their security functions have been
set. In this case, since only Manual Setting appears, specify
manual settings in steps 4 and 5.
Printers that have already been registered do not appear in the list.
If no printer is listed, specify the search settings, and then search
again. For details, refer to Specifying printer search parameters
on page 4-8.
Specifying Printer Settings
4 Select the printer to be used, and then click the [Add] button.
If the listed printers cannot be used or to specify manual settings,
select Manual Setting, and then click the [Add] button.
The Printer Setting dialog box appears.
5 Specify the printer name and the various settings on the Network,
Authentication/Account Track, and Option tabs, and then click the
[OK] button.
In the Printer Name box, type in the name of the printer.
To print a test page, click the [Print Test Page] button.
4.1.1 Network tab
IP Address
For a printer that was detected, the IP address of the printer appears.
For a manual setting, type in the IP address of the printer.
Check with the network administrator for the IP address of the printer.
Port Number
Type in the port number for the printer.
Specifying Printer Settings
4.1.2 Authentication/Account Track tab
These settings are available only if the user authentication or account
track settings have be set from the printer.
Use User Authentication check box
Select this check to use user authentication, and then select either Public
User or Recipient User.
Public User
Select this setting to specify no user name for sending print data to the
printer. A user name and password do not need to be specified.
Recipient User
Select this setting to specify a user name for sending print data to the
printer. A user name and password must be specified.
User Name
When Recipient User is selected, type in the user name (between 1 and
64 characters). If the name of the user currently logged into the computer
is to be specified, the user name can be selected from the drop-down list.
Specifying Printer Settings
When Recipient User is selected, type in the password (no more than 64
alphanumeric characters) for the specified user name.
If the Enhanced Security check box has been selected, the password
cannot be typed in.
Hide Password check box
Select this check box to hide the password typed in the dialog box.
Use Account Track check box
Select this check box to use account track, and then type the account
name and password in the Account Name and Password boxes.
Account Name
Type in the account name (no more than 8 alphanumeric characters) used
for sending print data to the printer.
Type in the password (no more than 8 alphanumeric characters) for the
entered account name.
If the Enhanced Security check box has been selected, the password
cannot be typed in.
Hide Password check box
Select this check box to hide the password typed in the dialog box.
Specifying Printer Settings
Enhanced Security check box
Select this check box if the enhanced security function has been specified
from the printer.
If both the printer and PageScope Direct Print are not set to use the
enhanced security function, the enhanced security function cannot be
used. For details on specifying settings from the printer, contact the
printers administrator.
The following cannot be used when the enhanced security function is
[Gather Option Information] button on the Option tab
Automatic detection of printers (Manually search for printers.)
Password setting under User Authentication
Password setting under Account Track
Password setting in the Secure Print Settings dialog box
4.1.3 Option tab
Specifying Printer Settings
Specify the appropriate settings according to the option configuration of
the printer being used.
[Gather Option Information] button
Click this button to gather option information from the printer and the
specify the appropriate settings.
This button is not available if the Enhanced Security check box has
been selected.
[PageScope Web Connection] button
Click this button to display the PageScope Web Connection page for the
printer in order to specify the printer settings.
Specifying Printer Settings
4.1.4 Specifying printer search parameters
The range for searching for a printer on a network can be specified.
Operating procedure
1 In the Add Printer dialog box (refer to Adding a Printer on page 4-1),
click the [Search Settings] button.
The Printer Search Settings dialog box appears.
2 In the Start IP Address and End IP Address boxes, type in the
corresponding IP addresses to specify the range on the network to
search for the printer.
3 Click the [OK] button.
The Add Printer dialog box is displayed again.
4 Click the [Search] button to search the specified range.
Compatible printers are searched for, and the search results appear in
the Unregistered Printers list.
Specifying Printer Settings
4.2 Changing Printer Settings
The settings for a registered printer can be changed.
Operating procedure
1 From the Registered Printers/Job Settings list in the main window,
select the printer whose settings you wish to change.
2 Click the [Edit Printer] button.
The Printer Setting dialog box appears.
The Edit Printer dialog box can also be displayed by right-clicking
the printer, then selecting Edit Printer in the menu that appeared.
3 Change the printer settings, and then click the [OK] button.
For details on the various settings, refer to Adding a Printer on
page 4-1.
4.3 Deleting a Printer
Registered printers can be deleted.
Operating procedure
1 From the Registered Printers/Job Settings list in the main window,
select the printer that you wish to delete.
2 Click the [Delete Printer] button.
The confirmation message dialog can also be displayed by right-
clicking the printer, then selecting Delete Printer in the menu that
When deleting a printer registered with a hot folder, the following
confirmation message appears. Click the [OK] button.
Specifying Printer Settings
3 In the confirmation message dialog box, click the [OK] button.
The printer is deleted from the Registered Printers/Job Settings list.
Programming Job Settings
5 Programming Job Settings
Job settings, which consist of specified print settings, can be programmed
for each printer.
The print settings available for job settings differ depending on the
printer being used.
5.1 Adding a Job Setting
Operating procedure
1 From the Registered Printers/Job Settings list in the main window,
select the printer that you wish to create a job setting for.
2 Click the [Add Job Setting] button.
The Print Settings dialog box appears.
Programming Job Settings
The Print Settings dialog box can also be displayed by right-
clicking the printer, then selecting Add Job Setting in the menu
that appeared.
3 In the Job Setting Name box at the top of the dialog box, type in the
name of the job setting.
4 Specify the appropriate print settings for the job setting.
For details on the various settings, click the [Help] button in the lower-
right corner of the dialog box, and then refer to the help information.
To create a desktop shortcut for the current job setting, select the
Create a shortcut icon on desktop. check box at the bottom of the
dialog box.
To specify this job setting as the default settings, select the
Specify as a default setting. check box at the bottom of the dialog
Default settings are indicated with a red check mark ( ).
5 After the desired settings are specified, click the [OK] button.
Programming Job Settings
5.2 Changing a Job Setting
The settings for a programmed job setting can be changed.
General users cannot change the job settings of other users.
Operating procedure
1 From the Registered Printers/Job Settings list in the main window,
select the job setting whose print settings you wish to change.
2 Click the [Edit Job Setting] button.
The Print Settings dialog box appears.
The Print Settings dialog box can also be displayed by right-
clicking the job setting, then selecting Edit Job Setting in the
menu that appeared, or by double-clicking the job setting.
3 Change the print settings for the job setting, and then click the [OK]
For details on the various settings, click the [Help] button in the
lower-right corner of the dialog box, and then refer to the help
Programming Job Settings
5.3 Deleting a Job Setting
Programmed job settings can be deleted.
General users cannot delete the job settings of other users.
Operating procedure
1 From the Registered Printers/Job Settings list in the main window,
select the job setting that you wish to delete.
2 Click the [Delete Job Setting] button.
The job setting can also be deleted by right-clicking the job setting,
then selecting Delete Job Setting.
A confirmation message dialog box appears.
3 Click the [OK] button.
The job setting is deleted from the Registered Printers/Job Settings
6.1 Using the Appropriate Icon on the Desktop
A file can be printed by dragging it to a printer icon (or a shortcut icon for
a job setting) on the desktop.
Operating procedure
1 With PageScope Direct Print closed, select the file that you wish to
2 Drag the file to the printer icon (or the shortcut icon for a job setting)
on the desktop.
If the file is dragged to a printer icon on the desktop, the file is printed
with the default print settings (indicated by ( )) for PageScope
Direct Print.
If the file is dragged to a shortcut icon for a job setting, the file is printed
with the print settings of the selected job setting.
For details on creating a desktop shortcut for a job setting, refer to step
4 of Adding a Job Setting on page 5-1.
If the Edit Job Setting for each drag-and-drop printing. check box or
Edit Authentication/Account Track for each drag-and-drop printing.
check box is selected, a dialog box appears so that the settings can
be specified when printing is performed. For details, refer to
7 Security Functions.
6.2 Using the Shortcut Menu (Displayed by Right-
In Windows, a file can be printed by right-clicking it, then selecting
PageScope Direct Print in the shortcut menu that appeared.
Operating procedure
1 With PageScope Direct Print closed, select the file that you wish to
2 Right-click the file, and then select PageScope Direct Print in the
shortcut menu that appeared.
If the Edit Job Setting for each drag-and-drop printing. check box
or Edit Authentication/Account Track for each drag-and-drop
printing. check box is selected, a dialog box appears so that the
settings can be specified when printing is performed. For details,
refer to 7 Security Functions.
3 Select the printer that you wish to use to print the file.
4 Specifies the job setting.
The file is printed with the selected job setting.
6.3 Specifying a File From the Main Window
A file can be printed by selecting a job setting in the main window (p. 3-2),
then selecting the file to be printed.
Operating procedure
1 From the Registered Printers/Job Settings list in the main window,
select the job setting that you wish to use.
2 In the main window, click the [Print a File] button.
The Print a File dialog box appears.
The Print a File dialog box can also be displayed by right-clicking
the job setting, then selecting Print a File in the menu that
3 From the Files of type drop-down list, select the type of file to be
printed (PDF, TIFF, PS, PCL or TEXT file).
4 Select the file to be printed.
Multiple files can be selected while the [Shift] or [Ctrl] keys are held
5 Click the [Print] button.
The selected file is printed.
6.4 Using Hot Folders
A file can automatically be printed by copying it to a hot folder (folder
monitored for printing) that has been set up in advance.
If the folder is set to be shared, printing is possible from other computers
on the network.
Shared folders on a computer running Windows XP cannot be
accessed by computers running Mac OS 8 or 9.
6.4.1 Setting up hot folders
In order to print using hot folders, the hot folders must first be set up.
Operating procedure
1 In the main window, select the Use Hot Folders check box.
2 Click the [Edit Hot Folders] button beside the check box.
The Hot Folder Settings dialog box appears.
If a hot folder has already been set up, it is listed in the List of Hot
Folders list. The registered printers and their job settings appear in
the Registered Printers/Job Settings list.
3 To set up a new hot folder, click the [Add] button.
The Browse For Folder dialog box appears.
4 Select the folder to be used as a hot folder.
Click + to open a folder, or click - to close the folder.
To create a new folder, select the folder that will contain the new
folder, and then click the [Make New Folder] button. When the new
folder is created, type in the name of the folder.
5 Click the [OK] button.
The selected folder is added to the List of Hot Folders list in the Hot
Folder Settings dialog box.
6 Select a hot folder in the List of Hot Folders list, and then select the
printer and job setting from the Registered Printers/Job Settings list
to be used with the selected hot folder.
Be sure that only one job setting for a printer is assigned to a single
hot folder. To use different job settings, create multiple hot folders
and use the hot folder corresponding to the desired job setting.
7 Click the [OK] button.
This completes the setup of the hot folders.
Using multiple hot folders
Repeat steps 3 through 6 to create multiple hot folders, and then assign
the desired printer and job setting to each hot folder.
Cancelling a hot folder setup
In the Hot Folder Settings dialog box that appears in step 2, select the
folder whose hot folder setup is to be cancelled, and then click the [Delete]
button. The hot folder setup for the selected folder is cancelled.
When the hot folder setup of a folder is cancelled, the folder itself is not
6.4.2 Specifying detailed hot folder settings
Detailed settings for the hot folder can be specified.
Operating procedure
1 In the Hot Folder Settings dialog box (refer to Setting up hot folders
on page 6-6), click the [Detail Settings] button.
The Detail Settings of Hot Folders dialog box appears.
2 Specify the desired settings under Files Sent from Hot Folders and
Intervals of Watching Hot Folders and for the Show icon on
Windows system tray. check box.
Files Sent from Hot Folders
Select whether to delete files sent to the printer from a hot folder or
to move the files to a subfolder.
Intervals of Watching Hot Folders
Specify the interval at which the hot folders are monitored.
Show icon on Windows system tray. check box
If this check box is selected, the icon ( ) appears in the system
3 Click the [OK] button.
The Hot Folder Settings dialog box appears again.
6.4.3 Hot folders monitoring icon
If the Show icon on Windows system tray. check box in the Detail
Settings of Hot Folders dialog box is selected, the icon ( ) appears in
the system tray.
Right-click this icon to display a menu that contains the following
Launch PageScope Direct Print
Select this command to display the main window.
Stop Watching Hot Folders
Select this command to stop monitoring the hot folders.
Show Icon at Watching Hot Folders
If there is no check mark beside this command, the icon does not
appear in the system tray.
Select this command to display the version information for PageScope
Direct Print.
6.4.4 Printing using a hot folder
Operating procedure
1 Select the file that you wish to print.
2 Copy the file into a hot folder that has previously been set up.
When the file is copied into the hot folder, the print job is automatically sent
to the printer and the data is printed. Before printing, no messages or
dialog boxes appear.
If Move to Sub-Folder was selected in the Detail Settings of Hot Folders
dialog box, a subfolder named Sent Data is created in the hot folder
when a print job is sent to the printer. Files that have been sent to the
printer are moved to this subfolder.
If Move to Recycle Bin was selected in the Detail Settings of Hot
Folders dialog box, printed files are automatically deleted from the hot
Security Functions
7 Security Functions
The settings and print logs can be protected for each user logged onto
Users with administrator privileges can view or edit the settings of all
users. However, limitations are applied to general users specifying or
editing the settings of other users.
Users belonging to the Administrators group and having administrator
privileges are called administrators, and all other users are called
general users.
7.1 Common to Administrators and General Users
Both users with administrator privileges and general user can perform the
following operations.
View, use and change device settings (settings on the Authentication/
Account Track tab) for other users
Delete print logs for all users
7.2 Administrators
Users with administrator privileges can perform the following operations.
View, use and change device settings (settings on the Network and
Option tabs) for all users
View, use and change job settings for all users
View, use and change hot folder settings for all users
View and perform (delete) jobs of all users
View print logs for all users
Security Functions
7.3 General Users
General users can perform the following operations.
View and use administrator device settings (settings on the Network
and Option tabs)
View and use administrator job settings
View and use administrator hot folder settings
View, use and change their own device settings (settings on the
Network and Option tabs)
View, use and change their own job settings
View, use and change their own hot folder settings
View jobs of other users*
View and perform (delete) their own jobs
View print logs for other users*
View and save their own print log
General users cannot perform the following operations.
Change device settings (settings on the Network and Option tabs)
for other users
Change job settings for other users
Change hot folder settings for other users
Perform (delete) jobs of other users
Save print logs for other users
*General users can view the print status and print logs of other users;
however, they cannot view the names of files in the jobs.
Additional Settings
8 Additional Settings
8.1 Edit Job Setting for each printing
The application can be set so that a dialog box for changing the print
settings of the job setting appears each time printing is performed by
dragging a file to the appropriate icon on the desktop or by using the
shortcut menu (displayed by right-clicking).
This is useful for checking or changing the job setting before printing.
Operating procedure
1 In the main window, select the Edit Job Setting for each drag-and-
drop printing. check box.
2 Click the [OK] button to quit the application.
3 Print by either dragging a file to the appropriate icon on the desktop or
using the shortcut menu (displayed by right-clicking).
For details on these printing methods, refer to Using the
Appropriate Icon on the Desktop on page 6-1 and Using the
Shortcut Menu (Displayed by Right-Clicking) on page 6-3.
The Print Settings dialog box appears.
1 4
Additional Settings
4 Select the desired job setting or change the print settings, and then
click the [Print] button.
The file is printed with the selected job setting.
If the Edit Authentication/Account Track for each drag-and-drop
printing. check box in the main window was selected, the
Authentication/Account Track dialog box appears.
No. Element Name Description
1 Printer/Job Setting List Displays the list of registered printers and job settings
in a tree structure.
When the dialog box is displayed, the default printer/
job setting is selected.
From this list, a different printer or job setting can be
2 Job Setting Name Displays the name of the selected job setting.
3 Print settings Displays the print settings for the selected job setting.
The settings on the various tab can be changed.
4 [Save] button Click this button to save the current job setting with
the new print settings.
Additional Settings
8.2 Edit Authentication/Account Track for each
The application can be set so that a dialog box for entering the user name
or account name and their passwords appears each time printing is
performed by dragging a file to the appropriate icon on the desktop or by
using the shortcut menu (displayed by right-clicking).
This setting is available only if the user authentication or account track
settings have be set from the printer.
Operating procedure
1 In the main window, select the Edit Authentication/Account Track for
each drag-and-drop printing. check box.
2 Click the [OK] button to quit the application.
3 Print by either dragging a file to the appropriate icon on the desktop or
using the shortcut menu (displayed by right-clicking).
For details on these printing methods, refer to Using the
Appropriate Icon on the Desktop on page 6-1 and Using the
Shortcut Menu (Displayed by Right-Clicking) on page 6-3.
The Authentication/Account Track dialog box appears.
Additional Settings
If the Edit Job Setting for each drag-and-drop printing. check box
was selected, this dialog box appears after the Print Settings
dialog box is displayed.
4 To use user authentication, select the Use User Authentication
check box, and then select either Public User or Recipient User.
If Recipient User is selected, type in the user name (between 1 and
64 characters) and the password (no more than 64 alphanumeric
characters). To hide the password typed in the dialog box, select the
Hide Password check box.
If the Enhanced Security check box has been selected, the
password cannot be typed in.
5 To use account track, select the Use Account Track check box, and
then type the account name (no more than 8 alphanumeric characters)
and password (no more than 8 alphanumeric characters) in the
Account Name and Password boxes. To hide the password typed
in the dialog box, select the Hide Password check box.
If the Enhanced Security check box has been selected, the
password cannot be typed in.
6 After the desired settings are specified, click the [OK] button.
The specified user authentication or account track information is set to
the printer and the file is printed.
Checking the Printing Status and Print Log
9 Checking the Printing Status and Print
The printing status and the print log for the application can be checked.
These may differ from the printing status and the print log for the
General users cannot save the print logs of other users.
9.1 Checking the Printing Status
Operating procedure
In the main window, click the [Job Status View] button.
The Printing Status dialog box appears.
Element Description
Printer Displays the name of the printer where the print job was sent.
User Displays the name of the user who sent the print job.
Status Displays the printing status (PRINTING, WAIT, PAUSED, or
When a file of a version incompatible with the printer is printed,
Error is displayed.
Checking the Printing Status and Print Log
File Name Displays the name of the file being printed. General users
cannot view the names of files printed by other users.
Hot Folder Displays the path to the hot folder (only when a hot folder is
[Resume] button To resume printing a file after printing was stopped (file with the
PAUSED status), select the print job, and then click this
[Delete] button To delete a file queued for printing, select the file, and then click
this button.
Element Description
Checking the Printing Status and Print Log
9.2 Viewing the Print Log
Operating procedure
In the main window, click the [Log View] button.
The List of Log dialog box appears.
The number of files displayed in the log differs depending on the size
specified in the Log Settings dialog box. For details on specifying the
log setting, refer to Specifying the log setting on page 9-4.
Element Description
Date/Time Displays the date and time that the file was printed.
User Displays the name of the user who sent the print job.
File Name Displays the name of the printed file. General users cannot
view the names of files printed by other users.
Printer Displays the name of the printer where the file was sent.
Hot Folder Displays the path to the hot folder (only when a hot folder is
Result Displays the result of printing the file (OK, DELETED, or
When a file of a version that may not be printed correctly is
printed, Warning is displayed.
[Log Settings] button The maximum amount of log data that is saved can be set.
For details, refer to Specifying the log setting on page 9-4.
[Save Sent File as] button A print job previously sent to the printer can be retrieved and
saved as a file.
For details, refer to Retrieving data on page 9-5.
Checking the Printing Status and Print Log
9.2.1 Specifying the log setting
The maximum amount of log data that is saved can be set.
Operating procedure
1 In the main window, click the [Log View] button.
The List of Log dialog box appears.
2 Click the [Log Settings] button.
The Log Settings dialog box appears.
3 Specify the log capacity.
A setting between 100 and 1,000 MB can be specified, however, a
capacity larger than the size of the computer's hard disk cannot be
4 Click the [OK] button.
Checking the Printing Status and Print Log
9.2.2 Retrieving data
A print job previously sent to the printer can be retrieved and saved as a
Operating procedure
1 In the main window, click the [Log View] button.
The List of Log dialog box appears.
2 Select the file whose data you wish to retrieve, and then click the [Save
Sent File as] button.
The Save Sent File dialog box appears.
3 Select the folder where the data is to be saved and specify a file name,
and then click the [Save] button.
Checking the Printing Status and Print Log
Warning/Error Messages
10 Warning/Error Messages
The error messages that appear when printing with PageScope Direct
Print are described below.
10.1 Messages Concerning PDF Versions
This message appears if the printer supports PDF ver. 1.3 files and you
try to print a PDF ver. 1.4 file.
This message does not appear when printing is performed using a hot
folder, however, WARNING will appear under Result in the List of
Log dialog box.
For details on compatible PDF versions, refer to the support
information for the printer being used.
Warning/Error Messages
This message appears if you try to print a PDF file of a version that is not
compatible with the selected printer.
This message does not appear when printing is performed using a hot
folder, however, Error will appear under Status in the Printing
Status dialog box.
For details on compatible PDF versions, refer to the support
information for the printer being used.
2005. 24343-PS093-02

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