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Océ OP14 Printing System Functions
erations Guide
Education Services
Operations Guide
English version
<Functions Edition>
Chapter 1 Printer-related operation
1. Printer Settings
2. Memory Card / RAM Disk
Chapter 2 Software-related operation
1. Procedure for Installing and Printing
with a Printer Driver
2. Windows XL Driver
3. Printer Driver for Windows 95/98
4. Printer Driver for Windows NT
5. Printer Driver for Windows 2000
6. Printer Driver for Macintosh
Trademark Information
• PRESCRIBE is a registered trademark of Kyocera Corporation.
• PRESCRIBE 2e and KPDL2 are trademarks of Kyocera Corporation.
• MS-DOS, Windows and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
• PCL and PJL are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company.
• PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
• Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation.
• Novell and NetWare are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc.
• Centronics is a trademark of Centronics Data Computer Corporation.
• IBM and IBM PC-AT are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
• PowerPC is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation of America and other corporations.
TrueType and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
• AppleTalk is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
This product was developed using Tornado, the real-time operating system (ROTS) general development environment from Wind
River Systems, Inc.
This printer uses PeerlessPrintXL, a PCL compatibility system developed by Peerless Group, to emulate the HP LaserJet Printer
Control Language (PCL6). PeerlessPrintXL is a trademark of Peerless Group (Redondo Beach, CA 90278, U.S.A.).
• Contains UFST
and MicroType
from Agfa Corporation.
All other company and product names contained in this Instruction Handbook are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies. The designations ™ and ® will not be used in this handbook.
All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the Publisher.
Legal Restriction On Copying
• It may be prohibited to copy copyrighted material without permission of the copyright owner.
• It is prohibited under any circumstances to copy domestic or foreign currencies.
• Copying other items may be prohibited.
About this On-Line Manual
This On-Line Manual is included with your Printing System (M) and should be read in combination with the Instruction Handbook
<Set-Up Edition> for that product.
This manual contains information on making settings in your printer, as well as on installing and setting the printing properties for the
corresponding Printer Drivers.
The explanations in this manual were written with the assumption that the user has a basic understanding of how to work in Microsoft
Windows. For further information on using Windows, refer to your Microsoft Windows manual.
The Programs are licensed not sold. IBM, or the applicable IBM country organization, grants you a license for the Programs only in
the country where you acquired the Programs. You obtain no rights other than those granted you under this license.
The term “Programs” means the original and all whole or partial copies of it, including modified copies or portions merged into other
programs. IBM retains title to the Programs. IBM owns, or has licensed from the owner, copyrights in the Programs.
1. License
Under this license, you may use the Programs only with the device on which they are installed and transfer possession of the
Programs and the device to another party. If you transfer the Programs, you must transfer a copy of this license and any other
documentation to the other party. Your license is then terminated. The other party agrees to these terms and conditions by its first use
of the Program.
You may not:
1) use, copy, modify, merge, or transfer copies of the Program except as provided in this license;
2) reverse assemble or reverse compile the Program; or
3) sublicense, rent, lease, or assign the Program.
2. Limited Warranty
The Programs are provided “AS IS.
Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.
3. Limitation of Remedies
IBM’s entire liability under this license is the following;
1) For any claim (including fundamental breach), in any form, related in any way to this license, IBM’s liability will be for
actual damages only and will be limited to the greater of ;
a) the equivalent of U.S.$25,000 in your local currency; or
b) IBM’s then generally available license fee for the Program
This limitation will not apply to claims for bodily injury or damages to real or tangible personal property for which IBM is legally liable.
IBM will not be liable for any lost profits, lost savings, or any incidental damages or other economic consequential damages, even if
IBM, or its authorized supplier, has been advised of the possibility of such damages. IBM will not be liable for any damages claimed
by you based on any third party claim. This limitation of remedies also applies to any developer of Programs supplied to IBM. IBM's
and the developer’s limitations of remedies are not cumulative. Such developer is an intended beneficiary of this Section. Some
jurisdictions do not allow these limitations or exclusions, so they may not apply to you.
4. General
You may terminate your license at any time. IBM may terminate your license if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this
license. In either event, you must destroy all your copies of the Program. You are responsible for payment of any taxes, including
personal property taxes, resulting from this license. Neither party may bring an action, regardless of form, more than two years after
the cause of action arose. If you acquired the Program in the United States, this license is governed by the laws of the State of New
York. If you acquired the Program in Canada, this license is governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario. Otherwise, this license
is governed by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Program.
Typeface Trademark Acknowledgement
All resident fonts in this printer are licensed from Agfa Corporation.
Helvetica, Palatino and Times are registered trademarks of Linotype-Hell AG.
ITC Avant Garde Gothic, ITC Bookman, ITC ZapfChancery and ITC Zapf Dingbats are registered trademarks of International
Agfa Japan License Agreement
1. “Software” shall mean the digitally encoded, machine readable, scalable outline data as encoded in a special format as well as
the UFST Software.
2. You agree to accept a non-exclusive license to use the Software to reproduce and display weights, styles and versions of
letters, numerals, characters and symbols (“Typefaces”) solely for your own customary business. Agfa Japan retains all rights,
title and interest to the Software and Typefaces and no rights are granted to you other than a License to use the Software on
the terms expressly set forth in this Agreement.
3. To protect proprietary rights of Agfa Japan, you agree to maintain the Software and other proprietary information concerning
the Typefaces in strict confidence and to establish reasonable procedures regulating access to and use of the Software and
4. You agree not to duplicate or copy the Software or Typefaces, except that you may make one backup copy.
5. This License shall continue until the last use of the Software and Typefaces, unless sooner terminated. This License may be
terminated by Agfa Japan if you fail to comply with the terms of this License and such failure is not remedied within thirty (30)
days after notice from Agfa Japan. When this License expires or is terminated, you shall either return to Agfa Japan or destroy
all copies of the Software and Typefaces and documentation as requested.
6. You agree that you will not modify, alter, disassemble, decrypt, reverse engineer or decompile the Software.
7. Agfa Japan warrants that for ninety (90) days after delivery, the Software will perform in accordance with Agfa Japan-published
specifications. Agfa Japan does not warrant that the Software is free from all bugs, errors and omissions. THE PARTIES
8. Your exclusive remedy and the sole liability of Agfa Japan in connection with the Software and Typefaces is repair or
replacement of defective parts, upon their return to Agfa Japan. IN NO EVENT WILL AGFA JAPAN BE LIABLE FOR LOST
9. New York, U.S.A. law governs this Agreement.
10. You shall not sublicense, sell, lease, or otherwise transfer the Software and/or Typefaces without the prior written consent of
Agfa Japan.
11. Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in the Rights in Technical Data and
Computer Software clause at FAR 252-227-7013, subdivision (b)(3)(ii) or subparagraph (c)(1)(ii), as appropriate. Further use,
duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions applicable to restricted rights software as set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (c)(2).
1. Printer Settings
Press the Printer key again to switch back to the copier mode.
Use the “(+)” and “(-)” keys to scroll through the menu numbers one number at a
time. (Any menu number that does not have a corresponding setting item will be
skipped and the next viable menu number that DOES have an available setting will
be displayed.)
Select the desired setting.
Settings are normally changed by using the “(+)” and “(-)” keys to select a value, or
by typing in the desired value directly. Press the Enter key when you are finished in
order to register the selected setting.
When typing in a network address, press the Enter key after each block of 3 digits.
1. Printer Settings
All setting items and the selection of their actual settings are accomplished in this machine based on a maximum 3-digit entry system.
Refer to “1-2 List of settings” on page 1-3 for information regarding the various items as well as their corresponding menu numbers and
available settings.
1-1 Procedure for making settings
Press the Printer key. The machine will switch to the printer mode and “P00” will
appear in the copy quality/magnification display.
<Inch version> <Metric version>
1. Printer Settings
Operation keys
<Inch version>
<Metric version>
Printer KeyCopy quality/magnification display
Zoom (-) key Zoom (+) key
Stop/Reset (Cancel) key
Start (Go) keyEnter key
Printer KeyCopy quality/magnification display
Zoom (-) key Zoom (+) key
Stop/Reset (Cancel) key
Start (Go) keyEnter key
1. Printer Settings
Printer Status Page print out
Prints out a list of such items as the current printer
default settings and memory volume, etc.
Parallel TX/RX mode
Sets the transmission and reception mode when the
printer is connected to your computer with a parallel
NetWare ON/OFF
NetWare frame type
Sets the NetWare frame type.
IP address
Subnet Mask
Gateway address
EtherTalk ON/OFF
Network Card Status Page print out ON/OFF
Sets whether a Status Page regarding conditions in
the Network Card will be printed out as well when
the standard Status Page for the printer (menu: P11)
or that for use by your service representative (menu:
P76) are printed out. A more detailed Status Page is
printed out together with the “Service Rep Status
Page print out” setting (menu: P76).
Emulation protocol (parallel interface)
Sets the emulation protocol that will be used.
Available settings
– – –
(1) Auto
(2) Normal
(3) High Speed
(4) Nibble (high)
(1) On
(2) Off
(1) Auto
(2) 802.3
(3) Ethernet II
(4) 802.2
(5) 802.3 SNAP
(1) On
(2) Off
(1) On
(2) Off
Enter the address.
Enter the address.
Enter the address.
(1) On
(2) Off
(1) On
(2) Off
(1) Line Printer
(2) IBM Proprinter
(3) DIABLO 630
(4) EPSON LQ-850
(5) PCL 6
(6) KPDL
Print out will begin as soon as the
corresponding menu number is
displayed and the Enter key pressed.
Available only when the Network
Card is installed.
Available only when the Network
Card is installed.
Available only when the Network
Card is installed.
Available only when the Network
Card is installed.
Available only when the Network
Card is installed.
Available only when the Network
Card is installed.
Available only when the Network
Card is installed.
Available only when the Network
Card is installed.
Available only when the Network
Card is installed.
1-2 List of settings
1. Printer Settings
KPDL Error Report print out ON/OFF
Sets whether an Error Report will be automatically
printed out whenever a KPDL error occurs.
Auto emulation switching (parallel interface)
Sets the back-up emulation that, depending upon
the type of data received, may be switched to for
printing out when “KPDL (AUTO)” (setting: 7) is
selected under the “Emulation protocol” setting
(menu: P30).
Emulation protocol (network interface)
Sets the emulation protocol that will be used.
Auto emulation switching (network interface)
Sets the back-up emulation that, depending upon
the type of data received, may be switched to for
printing out when “KPDL(AUTO)” (setting: 7) is
selected under the “Emulation protocol” setting
(menu: P35)
Number of copies
Page Protect
If “AUTO” (setting: 1) is selected here, the machine
will monitor the data and, if necessary, will automati-
cally turn Page Protect ON. If a “Print overrun” error
(error code: E80) does happen to occur even then,
the machine will automatically change the Page
Protect setting to “ON” (setting: 2).
Line Feed (LF) handling (parallel interface)
Line Feed (LF) handling (network interface)
Carriage Return (CR) handling (parallel interface)
Carriage Return (CR) handling (network inter-
Available settings
(1) On
(2) Off
(1) Line Printer
(2) IBM Proprinter
(3) DIABLO 630
(4) EPSON LQ-850
(5) PCL 6
(1) Line Printer
(2) IBM Proprinter
(3) DIABLO 630
(4) EPSON LQ-850
(5) PCL 6
(6) KPDL
(1) Line Printer
(2) IBM Proprinter
(3) DIABLO 630
(4) EPSON LQ-850
(5) PCL 6
001 - 999
(1) Auto
(2) On
(1) LF only
(2) CR and LF
(3) Ignore LF
(1) LF only
(2) CR and LF
(3) Ignore LF
(1) CR only
(2) CR and LF
(3) Ignore CR
(1) CR only
(2) CR and LF
(3) Ignore CR
Available only when the Network
Card is installed.
Available only when the Network
Card is installed.
Available only when the Network
Card is installed.
Available only when the Network
Card is installed.
1. Printer Settings
Wide A4 ON/OFF
Increases the printing area on A4 size paper.
Printing orientation (parallel interface)
Printing orientation (network interface)
Smoothing ON/OFF
Allows a printing resolution of an interpolated 2400
dpi x 600 dpi through the smoothing process.
EcoPrint ON/OFF
Allows printing in a toner-saving mode. This mode is
especially suited for test pages, etc., where high
printing quality is not required.
Printing resolution
RAM disk size
Sets the amount of memory that will be used as a
RAM disk. The maximum size that can be selected
is the total amount of memory installed minus the
amount used by the system (9 MB).
Bypass mode
If “First” (setting: 2) is selected here and there is
paper set in the Multi-Bypass, paper feed will be
accomplished from the Multi-Bypass.
Force-print time-out
If “000” seconds is selected here, successive pages
will not be printed until they are manually force-
printed (by pressing the Start (Go) key in the printer
Available settings
(1) On
(2) Off
(1) Portrait
(2) Landscape
(1) Portrait
(2) Landscape
(1) On
(2) Off
(1) On
(2) Off
(1) 300 dpi
(2) 600 dpi
(1) On
(2) Off
01 - 99 (MBytes)
(1) Cassette
(2) First
000 - 495 (sec.)
Available only when the Network
Card is installed.
At least 16 MB of additional memory
(option) must be installed.
1. Printer Settings
Receive dump mode
The data that the printer receives for debugging
programs and files is turned into hexadecimal code
and printed out. If “OK” (setting: 1) is selected here,
this receive dump mode will be activated. The
receive dump mode will be canceled under the
following circumstances:
The Start (Go) key is pressed in the printer mode.
• A force-print time-out occurs.
Printer reset
Resets the Printer Board only even without turning
the power to the machine OFF.
Resource protect mode
Protects the resource data of fonts and macros
downloaded through PCL6 and, even if the emula-
tion protocol is switched, the PCL resource will be
saved in the printer’s memory. If “Permanent”
(setting: 2) is selected here, temporary resources
will not be saved. If, however, “Permanent/Tempo-
rary” (setting: 3) is selected, temporary resources
will also be saved.
Auto Continue ON/OFF
If one of the following error messages appears and
“On” has been selected here, the error state will be
released and the printing operation will be restarted
automatically after a specified amount of time.
“Memory overflow (error code : E70)”
“Print overrun (error code : E80)”
Recovery time for Auto Continue
Sets the amount of time before Auto Continue
engages when “On” (setting: 1) is selected under the
“Auto Continue ON/OFF” setting (menu: P74). If
“000” seconds is selected here, Auto Continue will
engage immediately after the error.
Service Rep Status Page print out
Prints out a Status Page for use by your service
Available settings
(1) OK
(1) OK
(1) Off
(2) Permanent
(3) Permanent/Temporary
(1) On
(2) Off
000 - 495 (sec.)
– – –
At least 16 MB of additional memory
(option) must be installed.
Print out will begin as soon as the
corresponding menu number is
displayed and the Enter key pressed.
2. Memory Card / RAM Disk
2. Memory Card / RAM Disk
2-1 Memory Card
This machine comes equipped with a slot for inserting a Memory Card.
Use a Memory Card that contains fonts in order to print with fonts other than those already installed in the machine, or use the card to
save and then read print data.
Inserting the Memory Card
Insert the Memory Card into the slot carefully with the front of the card facing the rear of the machine.
BE SURE to turn the main switch OFF (O) BEFORE inserting or removing the Memory Card.
* The Memory Card is managed through printer control commands received from your computer. Refer to “2-3 Printer control commands” on
page 2-2.
2-2 RAM Disk
In this machine, it is possible to create a RAM Disk, or a portion of memory that is used as a virtual disk. By creating a RAM Disk of a
desired size from among the total memory in the printer, it is possible to perform electronic sorting (which shortens the overall time
required for printing) as well as to save data to and retrieve data from that disk very quickly.
Additional memory (option) must be installed before a RAM Disk can be created.
The RAM Disk is created from that portion of the printer’s memory that is normally available to the user. Thus, if the size of the RAM disk
created is too large, printing speed may actually be decreased or the machine may run out of available memory.
WARNING: Resetting the printer or turning the main switch OFF (O) will erase all data written to the RAM Disk.
The factory default setting for the RAM Disk is “OFF” . In order to create a RAM Disk it is necessary to change the setting on the operation
panel of the copier itself. Refer to “1. Printer Settings” on page 1-1, as appropriate to your machine, for information on the appropriate
* The RAM Disk can be used for saving and reading print data.
* Saving and reading data on the RAM Disk is managed through printer control commands received from your computer. Refer to “2-3
Printer control commands” on page 2-2.
2. Memory Card / RAM Disk
2-3 Printer control commands
It is possible to issue simple commands to the Memory Card and RAM Disk from the MS-DOS Prompt in Windows.
2-3-1 Using printer control commands
A printer control command line includes “!R!” (Command operation start), as well the actual commands and parameters that are to be
implemented and that are entered after that.
The basic configuration of a printer control command line is as follows:
[Example] To delete the print data entitled “SAMPLE.txt” from the Memory Card
A: DOS command
B: Command operation start
C: Command (“RWER D” is the command to delete data)
D: Parameters (“A” refers to the Memory Card, “2” refers to the type of data [in this case print data] and “SAMPLE.txt” is the name of the
corresponding partition)
E: Command operation end
F: Printer connection port (Network: “PRN”, Local: “LPT1”, etc.)
When issuing DOS commands in the Japanese input mode, ALWAYS use JIS ASCII (JIS C6220) characters. Kanji Code and Kanji Half-
Space Code input will not work.
Enter all commands in uppercase (capital) letters.
Be sure to enter a semi-colon (;) at the end of each standard command [shown as “C” in the example above] (or after the corresponding
parameter, if included), and separate each individual parameter with a comma (,).
Be sure to enter a space before and after the “!R!” command, as well as before “EXIT;”.
2. Memory Card / RAM Disk
2-3-2 Formatting the Memory Card
Perform the following procedure when you want to initialize the Memory Card from your computer.
WARNING;: Initializing the Memory Card will erase all data in the card. Make sure that you want to initialize that Memory Card before
starting the procedure.
1 Insert the Memory Card that you want to initialize into the Memory Card slot.
2 Open an MS-DOS Prompt in Windows.
3 Type in the command to format the Memory Card and then press the ENTER key.
4 Once the Memory Card is formatted, the “FORMAT INFORMATION” report will be printed out.
2-3-3 Writing print data
Perform the following procedure when you want to write print data to a Memory Card or RAM Disk from your computer.
* Verify beforehand that the Memory Card is in a write-enabled state and that the RAM Disk is turned ON.
1 Open an MS-DOS Prompt in Windows.
2 Type in the command to write data and then press the ENTER key.
[Example] To write the print data entitled “SAMPLE.txt” to a Memory Card
* To write the data to a RAM Disk, simply change the “A” parameter to “0”.
3 Send the print data from your computer.
4 Once the print data is sent, the next command can be sent.
5 Print out the Partition List to verify whether or not the data was written properly.
* Refer to “2-3-7 Printing out the Partition List” for information on printing that list.
2. Memory Card / RAM Disk
2-3-4 Writing font data
Perform the following procedure when you want to write font data to a Memory Card or RAM Disk from your computer. At the same time
as the font data is written to disk, it will be sent to the printer as well.
* Verify beforehand that the Memory Card is in a write-enabled state and that the RAM Disk is turned ON.
* Only TrueType fonts can be written to the Memory Card or RAM Disk.
1 Open an MS-DOS Prompt in Windows.
2 Type in the command to write data and then press the ENTER key.
[Example] To write the font data entitled “FONT1” to a Memory Card
12 3 4 5
The parameters contained within the command line are as follows:
1: “A” refers to the Memory Card and “0” refers to the RAM Disk
2: “0” refers to a TrueType font, “1” refers to a Japanese TrueType font, “2” refers to a Japanese TrueType Collection font
3: File name
4: Font name
5: Font data length (binary data bytes)
3 Send the font data from your computer.
4 Once the font data is sent, the next command can be sent.
5 Print out the Partition List to verify whether or not the data was written properly.
* Refer to “2-3-7 Printing out the Partition List” for information on printing that list.
2. Memory Card / RAM Disk
2-3-5 Reading print data
Perform the following procedure when you want to read print data that has been saved on a Memory Card or RAM Disk.
* Verify beforehand that the Memory Card is in a write-enabled state and that the RAM Disk is turned ON.
* To verify saved data and the corresponding partition name, it is helpful to print out the Partition List. Refer to “2-3-7 Printing out the Partition
List” for information on printing that list.
1 Open an MS-DOS Prompt in Windows.
2 Type in the command to read data and then press the ENTER key.
[Example] To read the print data entitled “SAMPLE.txt” from a Memory Card
* To read the data from a RAM Disk, simply change the “A” parameter to “0”.
3 Print out of the corresponding data will begin.
2-3-6 Deleting print data or font data
Perform the following procedure when you want to delete print data or font data that has been saved on a Memory Card or RAM Disk.
* Verify beforehand that the Memory Card or RAM Disk contains the data that you want to delete.
* To verify saved data and the corresponding partition name, it is helpful to print out the Partition List. Refer to “2-3-7 Printing out the Partition
List” for information on printing that list.
1 Open an MS-DOS Prompt in Windows.
2 Type in the command to delete data and then press the ENTER key.
[Example] To delete the print data entitled “SAMPLE.txt” from a Memory Card
* To delete the data from a RAM Disk, simply change the “A” parameter to “0”.
* To delete font data, simply change the “2” parameter to “1”.
3 Deletion of the corresponding data will begin.
4 Print out the Partition List to verify whether or not the data was deleted properly.
2. Memory Card / RAM Disk
2-3-7 Printing out the Partition List
Perform the following procedure when you want to print out the Partition List in order to verify the print data and font data that has been
saved on a Memory Card or RAM Disk.
1 Open an MS-DOS Prompt in Windows.
2 Type in the command to print out the Partition List and then press the ENTER key.
[Example] To print out the Partition List for a Memory Card
* To print out the Partition List for a RAM Disk, simply change the “A” parameter to “0”. If you do not include this parameter, both
Partition Lists will be printed out.
3 Print out of the Partition List will begin.
2-3-8 Auto Partition List print out ON/OFF
It is possible to have a Partition List printed out automatically any time data is written to a Memory Card or RAM Disk. Perform the
following procedure when you want to change the setting for automatic print out.
1 Open an MS-DOS Prompt in Windows.
2 Type in the command to have the Partition List printed out automatically and then press the ENTER key.
[Example] To turn Auto Partition List print out ON
* To turn Auto Partition List print out OFF, simply change the “E” parameter to “D”.
1. Procedure for Installing and Printing with a Printer Driver
Procedure for Installing and Printing with a Printer Driver
1-1 Included printer drivers
The following printer drivers are included with this product.
* Each type of printer driver has a version appropriate to a specific model of copy machine. Be sure to choose the driver that is appropriate for your
Driver type
Universal driver
XL driver
KPDL2 driver
Macintosh PPD file
This driver has superior compatibility with application software, thereby
enabling WYSIWYG printing.
By attaching optional equipment it is possible to easily extend printer
functionality. This driver will enable you to use such compound printer
functions to their fullest.
This driver is compatible with Adobe PostScript 2.
A PPD (PostScript Printer Description) file is included for use with
this product. Use “LaserWriter 8” as the printer driver for your Mac
Compatible OS
Windows 95/98
Windows NT4.0
Windows 2000
Windows NT4.0
Windows 2000
Windows 95/98
Windows NT4.0
Windows 2000
Macintosh System
7.61 or later
Collator driver
Two drivers, the standard printer driver and a Collator driver, can both be used as Universal drivers for Windows 95, Windows 98
and Windows NT4.0.
Except for the method for printing out multiple sets of copies, the Collator Driver is used in the same way as the standard driver.
[Standard printer driver]
[Collator driver]
Refer to “6-1 Printer Driver for Macintosh”on page 6-1 for information on installation on a Macintosh computer.
1. Procedure for Installing and Printing with a Printer Driver
Windows 2000
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows NT 4.0
IBM PC / AT or compatible
Pentium 133 MHz or more
64 MB or more
10 MB or more
Pentium 133 MHz or more
64 MB or more
10 MB or more
CD-ROM drive 1 drive
Parallel interface port IEEE 1284
IBM PC / AT or compatible
i486SX 25 MHz or more
16 MB or more
10 MB or more
Pentium 90 MHz or more
32 MB or more
10 MB or more
CD-ROM drive 1 drive
Parallel interface port IEEE 1284
1-2 System Conditions
IBM PC / AT or compatible
i486SX 25 MHz or more
8 MB or more
10 MB or more
Pentium 90 MHz or more
16 MB or more
10 MB or more
CD-ROM drive 1 drive
Parallel interface port IEEE 1284
IBM PC / AT or compatible
i486DX 66 MHz or more
16 MB or more
10 MB or more
Pentium 90 MHz or more
32 MB or more
10 MB or more
CD-ROM drive 1 drive
Parallel interface port IEEE 1284
1. Procedure for Installing and Printing with a Printer Driver
1-3 Screen that Appears when the CD-ROM is Inserted
This section explains the screen that appears when the CD-ROM supplied with the Printing System (M) is inserted into the CD-ROM drive.
Install Drivers
Click to start installation of the printer driver. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen to install the printer driver.
Driver Tools
Click to display a menu including uninstallation of the printer driver.
[Remove Drivers] ......................Starts the uninstaller of the printer driver.
[Make Driver Disk] .....................Copies the installer program to a floppy disk. Use of this floppy disk allows you to install the printer
driver without the need of the installer CD-ROM.
* Driver for Macintosh cannot be made.
Click to display the printmonitor’s installation menu. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen to install the print monitor.
Click to display the manual (PDF) supplied with the printer driver. To open this PDF manual, Adobe Acrobat Reader (developed to view
PDF files) is required, so make sure that Adobe Acrobat Reader is installed before opening the manual.
[Install Acrobat Reader]............Installs Adobe Acrobat Reader.
[User’s manual] .........................Displays the manuals (PDF) of the printer and printer driver. They explain the installation procedure
of the printer driver and operation procedure of the printer.
[Release Notes], [Read me] ...... This file contains information which is not explained in the manuals. Please read this file before using
the printer driver.
[Programming Manuals] ...........Displays the manuals (PDF) of the PRESCRIBE.
1. Procedure for Installing and Printing with a Printer Driver
1-4 Installing the Printer Driver (Windows)
Install the printer driver as follows:
* The printer can be connected to the computer by one of the following two methods: local or network. If you want to connect them through network,
refer to the operation manual of the operating system (OS).
* DO NOT use Plug&Play when installing the printer driver. Depending upon the printer you are using, the printer driver may not be installed correctly.
ALWAYS use the menu of the CD-ROM that is included with this product to install the printer driver.
* The screens shown in the following explanation are those displayed when installing the printer driver for Windows 95/98.
Start Windows.
* If any applications are currently running, exit them.
Insert the CD-ROM supplied with the printer into the CD-ROM drive.
A start window will appear.
Click Install Driver in the lower left corner of the window.
* If the start window does not appear even if the CD-ROM is inserted, double-click
My Computer on the desktop, then double-click the CD-ROM icon.
The Set-up Wizard window will appear, so click Next.
A list of printer models will appear.
Select the printer you are using, then click Next.
The language to be used can be selected. Select the desired language from the box,
then click Next.
1. Procedure for Installing and Printing with a Printer Driver
Select the driver type.
From the list, select the type of driver to be installed, then click Next.
* Refer to “1-1 Included printer Drivers” on page 1-1 for information regarding each
printer driver.
Select the connection type: Local or Network.
Local: The printer is connected directly to the parallel port.
Network: The printer is connected to the printer via network (using a network
* If Local is selected, proceed to step 12. If Network is selected, proceed to step 11.
Enter the network queue name or the path for the network queue in the box.
To select another network queue name, press Browse.
If you are going to use a local port for the network queue, click the check box displayed
below, then proceed to step 12.
Otherwise, proceed to step 13.
All available options will be displayed. Select the items that you want to install and
then click on the [Next] button.
The End User Licence Agreement will be displayed. Please read all of the contract
and, if you agree with the conditions contained therein, click on [Accept]. If you click
on [No] the installation procedure will quit.
1. Procedure for Installing and Printing with a Printer Driver
Select a printer port. From the list, select the desired port, then click Next.
* Normally, set to LPT1.
* When installing the printer driver for Windows NT, the Add LPR Port button will
appear below the box, so press the button to set the desired LPR printer.
A name can be assigned to your printer.
Specify a new name or select the desired name from the list, then click Next.
Specify whether this printer is to be used as the default printer.
Click Yes if so, or click No if not.
The settings you have made so far will appear. If they are correct, click Next.
Installation of the printer driver will start.
To exit installation, click Finish.
* If you want to add another printer driver, click Add Printer and then repeat the same
Installation of the printer driver is now complete.
1. Procedure for Installing and Printing with a Printer Driver
1-5 Uninstalling the Printer Driver
The following procedure explains how to uninstall the printer drivers. The uninstall program can be found on the CD-ROM that is included with
this product.
Start Windows.
Insert the printer driver installer CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive on your computer.
The window shown on the right will appear.
Click on [Driver Tools] and then on [Remove Drivers] from the subsequent menu. The
[Remove Printer Drivers] dialog box will appear.
Select the driver that you want to delete and then click on [Uninstall].
A message to verify whether or not you really want to delete that driver will appear. If
you DO want to delete the selected driver, click on [Yes]. The selected driver will be
1. Procedure for Installing and Printing with a Printer Driver
Making the printer driver settings in Windows
Click on [Start] on the Task Bar.
The Start menu will appear.
Use the mouse to point to [Settings] and click on [Printers] in the corresponding
The [Printers] folder will open.
Use the right mouse button to click on the icon for this printer. A pop-up menu will be
Select [Properties] from that menu.
The Properties window will appear.
Click on the [Device Options] Tab.
“Installable Options” setting
Select and installed options here. Once you have completed the setting for each
option, the functions of that option will be available for use.
Once you have completed these settings, click on [OK].
1-6 Printing
The following is an example procedure for printing using a printer driver under the conditions and environment noted below.
• OS : Windows 95
• Printer driver : KPDL2 Driver
• Application : Wordpad
If you use a system or driver other than that noted above, use the following procedure simply as a reference tool. It is additionally recom-
mended that you read the section corresponding to your operation system as it will contain further explanations specifically regard that OS
and other related drivers.
1. Procedure for Installing and Printing with a Printer Driver
Printing from the application
Use the application that you want to use to open the document that you want to print.
Select [Print] in the [File] menu.
The [Print] dialogue box will appear.
Select the desired number of copies that you want to make and which pages are to be
Select this printer in the [Name] field.
Click on [Properties].
The Properties window will appear.
Click on the [Device Options] Tab and select the desired function(s).
Click on [OK]. You will be returned to the [Print] dialogue box. Click on [OK] once
again. Printing will begin.
Click on the [Paper] Tab and select the desired paper size, cassette, etc.
2. Windows XL Driver
Use the right mouse button to click on the icon for this printer. A pop-up menu will be
Select [Printing Preferences] from the menu.
The Printing Preferences window will open.
* When you are making settings for optional equipment, select [Properties] here and
then click on the [Device Settings] Tab.
2. Windows XL Driver
The following section explains the functions of the XL driver.
* The following procedure is explained as though it is being carried out in Windows 2000. If
you are using another operating system, use this procedure simply as reference.
* Depending upon version upgrades of the printer driver, the screenshots shown here may
differ somewhat from that of the actual printer driver.
* Refer to the Instruction Manual for Windows regarding items that are not explained in this
Instruction Handbook.
2-1 Making printing and property settings
Start up Windows.
Click on [Start] in the Task Bar.
The [Start] menu will be displayed.
Use the mouse to point to [Settings] and click on [Printers] in the submenu that is
displayed. The [Printers] folder will open.
2. Windows XL Driver
2-2 Media Tab
Paper Size:
Allows you to select a standard size of paper or an envelope size.
The following sizes of paper or envelope can be used with this printer.
Click on this button when you want to print onto a non-standard size of paper. The “Custom Media Size” dialog box will appear. Refer to “2-
2-1 Custom Media Size” on page 2-3 for more detailed information.
Print Size:
Allows you to select the size of the printed image. The image size will be enlarged or reduced according to difference in the setting made
here and in the “Page Size” field.
Sets the orientation of printing.
[Portrait] .....................................The image will be printed vertically.
[Landscape] ...............................The image will be printed horizontally.
[Rotated] ....................................Select this checkbox by clicking on it and putting a check mark in the box in order to have the image
printed upside-down.
Select the desired location of paper feed from the dropdown list. The factory default setting is “Auto Source Selection”.
Standard-size paper
Letter (8-1/2" x 11"), Legal (8-1/2" x 14"), Statement (5-1/2" x 8-1/2"), A4, A5,
A6, JIS B5, JIS B6 and Folio
COM-10, Monarch, DL and C5
2. Windows XL Driver
2-2-1 Custom Media Size dialog box
Setting a custom paper size
Perform the following procedure in order to register a custom size when you want to print onto a non-standard size of paper. The
information registered here will be displayed under the “Page Size” setting in the Media Tab as well as in the Paper Size setting of your
Select the desired unit of measurement in the “Units” block and the desired dimen-
sions of the paper in the “Size” block.
<Available settings>
Units: “Inches” or “Millimeters”
Height: 5.83 - 14.00 [Inches]
148.1 - 355.6 [Millimeters]
Width: 3.88 - 8.50 [Inches]
98.4 - 215.9 [Millimeters]
Type into the “Name” field the name you want to use for this custom size of paper.
* It is the name that you register here that will actually be displayed under the “Page
Size” setting.
Click on the “Save” button.
* The “Save” button will change to the “Delete” button when you are deleting a me-
dia size that is already registered, and to the “Rename” button when you are changing
the name of a registered media size.
Click on the “OK” button.
2. Windows XL Driver
2-3 Layout Tab
Pages per Sheet:
Allows you to print reduced images of multiple (1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 16 or 25) pages onto a single sheet of paper. This function is called “N-Up”
printing (where “N” equals the number of image pages). Reduction of the images is calculated automatically so that all of the selected
pages fit onto the single sheet of paper. The factory default setting is “1” (one page to each sheet of paper).
Example: With 2-Up printing
Prints reduced images of 2 full pages onto a single sheet of paper.
Print Borders
Prints border lines between the different images when the “Pages per Sheet” function is selected.
Specifies the order of display of the images when the “Pages per Sheet” function is selected.
Allows enlargement or reduction of the image size.
The image size will normally be enlarged or reduced according to the difference in the setting made in the “Page Size” and “Print Size”
fields. If you then change the setting here, the actual magnification will be based on the original settings and the image may be even
further enlarged or reduced.
2. Windows XL Driver
2-4 Imaging Tab
Print Quality:
Specifies the printing resolution (number of dots per inch) to be used
when printing. Select between “600 dpi [High]”, “300 dpi [Low]” and “Draft Mode”. If you select the “Draft Mode” option, printing will be
accomplished printing in a toner-saving mode. This mode is especially suited for test pages, etc., where high printing quality is not
Grayscale Adjustment
Adjusts the brightness and contrast of the printed image. The factory default for both settings is “0”.
[Brightness] ...............................Adjusts the brightness of the image. When you want to print the image brighter than the actual
original, drag the slider towards the plus “+” sign, or type in a positive number directly into the field at
the right of the slider bar. Conversely, when you want to print the image darker than the actual
original, drag the slider towards the minus “-” sign, or type in a negative number directly into that field.
[Contrast] ...................................Adjusts the contrast of the image. When you want to print at a sharper image contrast, drag the slider
towards the plus “+” sign, or type in the desired value (a positive number) directly into the field at the
right of the slider bar. Conversely, when you want to print at a softer image contrast, drag the slider
towards the minus “-” sign, or type in a negative number directly into that field.
TrueType Fonts
Selects the method of printing with fonts. The factory default setting is “Download TrueType fonts as outline”.
[Download TrueType fonts as outline]
....................................................TrueType fonts will be downloaded to the printer as outline fonts for printing.
[Download TrueType fonts as bitmap]
....................................................TrueType fonts will be downloaded to the printer as bitmap fonts for printing.
2. Windows XL Driver
2-5 Output Tab
Specifies the number of prints to be made. Select between 1 and 999 copies by clicking on the arrows at the right of the field or by typing
the desired number directly into the field. The factory default setting is “1”.
When you are printing more than one copy of one or more pages, it is
possible to sort the printed copy sets.
*It is necessary to create a RAM disk. (Refer to “RAM disk” on page 2-7)
Example: If the “Collate” option is selected, it is possible to print out
2 sets of the same copies.
2. Windows XL Driver
2-6 Device Settings Tab
To access the Device Settings screen, in step 4 on page 2-1 select [Properties] from the menu and then click on the Device Settings Tab.
When you have added optional equipment, make the appropriate settings for that equipment here. Once the corresponding setting is com-
plete, the corresponding function of the installed option will be added to the printer.
Device Options
Select and installed options here. Once you have completed the setting for each option, the functions of that option will be available for
Optional Paper Feeder
Perform this setting according to the installed Option Cassette.
RAM Disk
Perform this setting when you want to create a RAM disk. Refer to “Chapter 1, 2-2 RAM Disk” on page 2-1 for more detailed information
on creating a RAM disk.
* In order to create a RAM disk, it is necessary to increase the memory capacity of your printer. After increasing memory, perform the
setting here according to the “Memory” setting below.
Specifies the amount of memory installed in the printer. If you make a mistake in the setting here, it is possible that printing will not be
accomplished properly.
RAM Disk
Specifies the amount of memory to be used for the RAM disk. This setting will only be available when you have selected “RAM Disk” in the
“Device Options” list.
Click on this button when you want to register a user and/or department name. The [User Settings] dialog box will appear. It is also
possible to select the “GDI compatible mode” from that dialog box. Refer to “2-6-1 User Settings” on page 2-8 for more detailed informa-
2. Windows XL Driver
2-6-1 User Settings
Register the desired user and/or department name.
Page Description Language
The emulation modes that can be used with this product will be displayed in the dropdown list. If multiple modes are displayed, it is
possible to select the desired mode.
GDI compatible mode
Select this mode in order to accomplish printing that is more accurate to the data shown on your monitor. Select this mode if text
corruption, etc., does happen to occur or if the image is in any other way not printed correctly.
3. Printer Driver for Windows 95/98
3. Printer Driver for Windows 95/98
The following procedure explains the functions of the Universal driver and the KPDL2 driver for those who use Windows 95 or Windows 98 as their
operating system.
* Depending upon version upgrades of the printer driver, the screenshots shown here may differ somewhat from that of the actual printer driver.
* Refer to the Instruction Manual for Windows or to On-Line Help for information regarding items that are not explained in this Instruction Handbook.
* Two printer drivers have been included with this product: a standard printer driver and a Collator-compatible driver. Refer to “1. Procedure for
Installing and Printing with a Printer Driver” on page 1-1 for more detailed information.
* If you use the KPDL2 driver, be sure to set the emulation mode in the printer to “KPDL or “KPDL(AUTO)”.
Start Windows 95 or Windows 98.
Click on [Start] on the task bar.
The Start menu will appear.
Use the mouse to point to [Settings]. A submenu will appear, so click on [Printers].
The [Printers] folder will open.
Use the right mouse button to click on the icon for this printer. A pop-up menu will be
Select [Properties] from the menu.
The Properties window will appear.
3-1 Opening the Properties Window
3. Printer Driver for Windows 95/98
3-2 Paper Tab (Universal Driver)
Paper size:
Select the size of standard-size paper sheet or envelope.
The following standard-size paper sheets and envelopes can be used with this printer:
Select the print orientation from the following:
[Portrait] .....................................Prints lengthwise.
[Landscape] ...............................Prints widthwise.
Paper source:
Displays a list of trays installed in your printer. Select the desired tray from the list. The factory default setting is “Auto Select”.
Media choice(EcoPrint)
Saves on toner. The factory default setting is “Off”.
Unprintable Area...
Click this button in order to open the Unprintable Area dialog box and set the area that should not be printed onto.
Standard-size paper
Letter (8 1/2" x 11"), Legal (8 1/2" x 14"), Statement (5 1/2" x 8 1/2"), A4, A5,
A6, Folio (210 x 330 mm), JIS B5, JIS B6
COM-10, Monarch, DL, C5
3. Printer Driver for Windows 95/98
3-3 Graphics Tab (Universal Driver)
Specify the desired print resolution. The resolution must be specified in the number of dots per inch (dpi). Select between “600 x 600 dots
per inch” and “300 x 300 dots per inch”. The factory default setting is “600 dots per inch”.
Specifies the method of Dithering. Refer to On-Line Help for more detailed information.
Allows you to adjust the printing contrast. Drag the slider towards “Darkest” or “Lightest”, as appropriate.
Graphics mode
Selects the method of data transmission when printing detailed objects. Generally, if you select “Use vector graphics” printing speed will
be increased. However, if you experience trouble (the positioning of objects is not correct, etc.) select “Use raster graphics”.
3. Printer Driver for Windows 95/98
3-4 Device Option Tab (Universal Driver)
Printer memory:
Perform this setting according to the amount of memory in your printer. If a mistake is made in this setting, there is a possibility that printing
will not be accomplished properly.
3. Printer Driver for Windows 95/98
3-5 Paper Tab (KPDL2 Driver)
Paper Size:
Select the size of standard-size paper sheet or envelope.
The following standard-size paper sheets and envelopes can be used with this printer:
The Layout options enable you to print out the reduced images of either 2 or 4 full pages onto a single sheet of paper.
Select the print orientation from the following:
[Portrait] .....................................Prints lengthwise.
[Landscape] ...............................Prints widthwise.
[Rotated] ....................................Prints the image upside-down when “Landscape” is selected.
Paper source:
Displays a list of trays installed in your printer. Select the desired tray from the list. The factory default setting is “AutoSelect Tray”.
* It is necessary to perform the settings under “Page Policy” on page 3-7 BEFORE making settings here. If you want to select the source
of paper feed according to the tray, make sure that “Cassette Base” is selected there. If you select “AutoSelect Tray” here, be sure that the
“Page Policy” setting is set to “Auto Size Select” or there is a possibility that printing will be accomplished onto paper that is difference the
Unprintable Area...
Click this button in order to open the Unprintable Area dialog box and set the area that should not be printed onto.
Standard-size paper
Letter (8 1/2" x 11"), Legal (8 1/2" x 14"), Statement (5 1/2" x 8 1/2"), A4, A5,
A6, Folio (210 x 330 mm), JIS B5, JIS B6
COM-10, Monarch, DL, C5
3. Printer Driver for Windows 95/98
3-6 Graphics Tab (KPDL2 Driver)
Specify the desired print resolution. The resolution must be specified in the number of dots per inch (dpi). Select between “600 x 600 dots
per inch (dpi)” and “300 x 300 dots per inch (dpi)”. The factory default setting is “600 dots per inch (dpi)”.
Specifies values for the number of line per inch “frequency” and angle of the pattern that you want to use for halftone screens. If you are
getting a more pattern when you print graphics such as photographics or detailed images, you may want to adjust these settings.
However, the default printer settings should work in most cases.
* Do not change these settings unless you have experience using halftones. To return to the default settings after you have made
changes, click Use printer’s settings.
[Print as a negative image] ......Prints a negative of the image by complementing the RGB values or reversing the black and white
values. Click this option to see an example.
[Print as a mirror image] ..........Prints a mirror image of the your document by reversing the horizontal coordinates. Click this
option to see an example.
Allows enlargement or reduction of the image size.
3. Printer Driver for Windows 95/98
3-7 Device Options Tab (KPDL2 Driver)
Available printer memory (in KB)
Indicates the amount of memory available for printing. As this is determined according to the amount of memory entered as the “VM
Option” setting under “Installable Options”, there is normally no need to change it.
Print features
It is possible to change the settings related to various printer functions. Select the desired function here and then change the setting in the
field under “Change setting for: xxxx”. Functions available for selection are as follows:
Saves on toner. The factory default setting is “Off”.
Edge Smoothing
Turning this setting “On” allows the jaggies that appear around the edge of text and graphics to be evened out through the smoothing
Page Policy
Perform this setting in conjunction with the settings to be made under “Paper source” on page 3-5.
[Auto Size Select] ......................Select this setting when you want to select “AutoSelect Tray” under “Paper source”.
[Cassette Base] .........................Select this setting when you want to select the source of paper feed according to the tray under
“Paper source”.
* If you are going to select “AutoSelect Tray” under “Paper source”, be sure to select “Auto Size Select” here or there is a possibility that
printing will be accomplished onto paper that is difference the expected.
Job Spooling
When you want to print out more than one set of the same documents, it is possible to have them sorted and ejected one set at a time.
[None] .........................................Does not sort.
[Temporary] ...............................Sorts and prints in order of sets: Set 1, Set 2, Set 3, etc.
* It is necessary to create a RAM disk. (Refer to “ Optional Disk” below.)
Installable options
Perform the settings here whenever you add optional equipment. The functions of the optional equipment will only be available to the
printer after you have completed the setting here. Select the desired optional equipment here and then change the setting in the field
under “Change setting for: xxxx”. The optional equipment available for selection are as follows:
Optional Feeder
Perform this setting according to the installed Option Cassette.
Optional Disk
Perform this setting when you want to create a RAM disk. Refer to “Chapter 1, 2-2 RAM Disk” on page 2-1 for more detailed information
on creating a RAM disk.
* In order to create a RAM disk, it is necessary to increase the memory capacity of your printer. After increasing memory, perform the
setting here according to the “VM Option” setting below.
VM Option
Perform this setting according to the amount of memory in your printer. If a mistake is made in this setting, there is a possibility that
printing will not be accomplished properly.
3. Printer Driver for Windows 95/98
3-8 PostScript Tab (KPDL2 Driver)
Allows you to make PostScript-related settings. Refer to On-Line Help for more detailed information.
4. Printer Driver for WindowsNT
4. Printer Driver for WindowsNT
4-1 Opening the Properties Window
Start WindowsNT.
Click on [Start] on the task bar.
The Start menu will appear.
Use the mouse to point to [Settings]. A submenu will appear, so click on [Printers].
The [Printers] folder will open.
Use the right mouse button to click on the icon for this printer. A pop-up menu will be
Select [Document Defaults] from the menu.
The Document Defaults window will open.
* When you are making settings for optional equipment, select [Properties] here and
then click on the [Device Settings] Tab.
The following procedure explains the functions of the Universal driver and the KPDL2 driver for those who use Windows NT4.0 as their operating
* Depending upon version upgrades of the printer driver, the screenshots shown here may differ somewhat from that of the actual printer driver.
* Refer to the Instruction Manual for Windows or to On-Line Help for information regarding items that are not explained in this Instruction Handbook.
* Two printer drivers have been included with this product: a standard printer driver and a Collator-compatible driver. Refer to “1. Procedure for
Installing and Printing with a Printer Driver” on page 1-1 for more detailed information.
* If you use the KPDL 2 driver, be sure to set the emulation mode in the printer to “KPDL” or “KPDL(AUTO)”.
4. Printer Driver for WindowsNT
Paper Size:
Select the size of standard-size paper sheet or envelope. Selection can be made in the “Change ‘Paper Size’ Setting” area.
The following standard-size paper sheets and envelopes can be used with this printer:
Select the print orientation from the following: Selection can be made in the “Change ‘Orientation’ Setting” area. The factory default setting
is “Portrait”.
[Portrait] .....................................Prints lengthwise.
[Landscape] ...............................Prints widthwise.
Paper Source:
Select the desired tray in the “Change ‘Paper Source’ Setting” area. The factory default setting is “Automatically Select”.
Copy Count:
Set the number of copies to be made. The allowable range is from 1 to 999. Setting can be made in the “Change ‘Copy Count’ Setting”
area. Click the arrow buttons (,) or enter directly from the keyboard. The factory default setting is “1”.
4-3 Graphic (Universal Driver)
Specify the desired print resolution. The resolution must be specified in the number of dots per inch (dpi). Select between “600 x 600 dots
per inch” and “300 x 300 dots per inch”. The factory default setting is “600 dots per inch”.
4-2 Paper/Output (Universal Driver)
Standard-size paper
Letter (8 1/2" x 11"), Legal (8 1/2" x 14"), Statement (5 1/2" x 8 1/2"), A4, A5, A6, Folio (210 x
330 mm), JIS B5, JIS B6
COM-10, Monarch, DL, C5
4. Printer Driver for WindowsNT
Saves on toner. Setting can be made in the “Change ‘Media’ Setting” area. The factory default setting is “Eco Print-Off”.
4-4 Document Options (Universal Driver)
4. Printer Driver for WindowsNT
Paper Size:
Select the size of standard-size paper sheet or envelope. Selection can be made in the “Change ‘Paper Size’ Setting” area.
The following standard-size paper sheets and envelopes can be used with this printer:
Select the print orientation from the following: Selection can be made in the “Change ‘Orientation’ Setting” area. The factory default setting
is “Portrait”.
[Portrait] .....................................Prints lengthwise.
[Landscape] ...............................Prints widthwise.
Paper Source:
Select the desired tray in the “Change ‘Paper Source’ Setting” area. The factory default setting is “Automatically Select”.
* It is necessary to perform the settings under “Page Policy” on page 4-6 BEFORE making settings here. If you want to select the source
of paper feed according to the tray, make sure that “Cassette Base” is selected there.
If you select “Automatically Select” here, be sure that the “Page Policy” setting is set to “Auto Size Select” or there is a possibility that
printing will be accomplished onto paper that is difference the expected.
Copy Count:
Set the number of copies to be made. The allowable range is from 1 to 999. Setting can be made in the “Change ‘Copy Count’ Setting”
area. Click the arrow buttons (,) or enter directly from the keyboard. The factory default setting is “1”.
4-6 Graphic (KPDL2 Driver)
Specify the desired print resolution. The resolution must be specified in the number of dots per inch (dpi). Select between “600 x 600 dots
per inch” and “300 x 300 dots per inch”. The factory default setting is “600 dots per inch”.
4-5 Paper/Output (KPDL2 Driver)
Standard-size paper
Letter (8 1/2" x 11"), Legal (8 1/2" x 14"), Statement (5 1/2" x 8 1/2"), A4, A5, A6, Folio (210 x
330 mm), JIS B5, JIS B6
COM-10, Monarch, DL, C5
4. Printer Driver for WindowsNT
Allows you to make PostScript-related settings. Refer to On-Line Help for more detailed information.
4-7 Document Options (KPDL2 Driver)
4-7-1 PostScript Options:
4. Printer Driver for WindowsNT
Saves on toner. Setting can be made in the “Change ‘EcoPrint’ Setting” area. The factory default setting is “Off”.
Edge Smoothing:
Turning this setting “On” allows the jaggies that appear around the edge of text and graphics to be evened out through the smoothing
Perform this setting in conjunction with the settings to be made under “Paper source” on page 4-4.
[Auto Size Select] ......................Select this setting when you want to select “Automatically Select” under “Paper source”.
[Cassette Base] .........................Select this setting when you want to select the source of paper feed according to the tray under
“Paper source”.
* If you are going to select “Automatically Select” under “Paper source”, be sure to select “Auto Size Select” here or there is a possibility
that printing will be accomplished onto paper that is difference the expected.
Job Spooling:
Allows you to select whether to sort the copies in the case of multiple copy.
[None] ........................................Does not sort.
[Sort] .........................................Prints in the order of 1st, 2nd, 3rd copies and so on.
* It is necessary to create a RAM disk. (Refer to page 4-7.)
4-7-2 Printer Features
4. Printer Driver for WindowsNT
4-8 Device Settings Tab
In order to access the device settings, select “Properties” in step 4 on page 4-1 and then click on the “Device Settings” Tab.
<Universal Driver>
Installed Memory (Kilobyte)
Perform this setting according to the amount of memory in your printer. If a mistake is made in this setting, there is a possibility that printing
will not be accomplished properly.
<KPDL2 Driver>
Optional Feeder
Perform this setting according to the installed Option Cassette.
Optional Disk
Perform this setting when you want to create a RAM disk. Refer to “Chapter 1, 2-2 RAM Disk” on page 2-1 for more detailed information
on creating a RAM disk.
* In order to create a RAM disk, it is necessary to increase the memory capacity of your printer. After increasing memory, perform the
setting here according to the “Memory” setting below.
Perform this setting according to the amount of memory in your printer. If a mistake is made in this setting, there is a possibility that printing
will not be accomplished properly.
5. Printer Driver for Windows2000
5. Printer Driver for Windows2000
5-1 Opening the Printing Preference Window
Start Windows2000.
Click on [Start] on the task bar.
The Start menu will appear.
Use the mouse to point to [Settings].
A submenu will appear, so click on [Printers].
The [Printers] folder will open.
Use the right mouse button to click on the icon for this printer. A pop-up menu will be
Select [Printing Preferences] from the menu.
The Printing Preferences window will open.
* When you are making settings for optional equipment, select [Properties] here and
then click on the [Device Settings] Tab.
The following procedure explains the functions of the Universal driver and the KPDL2 driver for those who use Windows 2000 as their operating
* Depending upon version upgrades of the printer driver, the screenshots shown here may differ somewhat from that of the actual printer driver.
* Refer to the Instruction Manual for Windows or to On-Line Help for information regarding items that are not explained in this Instruction Handbook.
* If you use the KPDL 2 driver, be sure to set the emulation mode in the printer to “KPDL” or “KPDL(AUTO)”.
5. Printer Driver for Windows2000
5-2 Layout Tab
Select the print orientation from the following:
[Portrait] .....................................Prints lengthwise.
[Landscape] ...............................Prints widthwise.
[Rotated Landscape] ................Selecting this option prints upside down. (only available with KPDL2 Driver)
Page Order
The Printer has the ability to print from the 1st page or from the last page.
* It is necessary to enable “Advanced Printing Features” in order to perform this setting. Refer to Advanced Printing Features” on page
[Front to Back] ..........................Print from 1st page print from page.
[Back to Front] ..........................Print from last page.
Page Per Sheet (N-up)
Prints multiple pages on a single paper (number of pages: 1,2,4,6,9,16). (This is called combined print.) The pages are reduced automatically
so that all the pages can be put on one page. The factory default setting is “1” (1 page on each paper).
* It is necessary to enable “Advanced Printing Features” in order to perform this setting. Refer to Advanced Printing Features” on page
Example: With 2-Up printing
Prints reduced images of 2 full pages onto a single sheet of paper.
Click this button in order to open the Advanced Options dialog box. Refer to “5-4 Advanced Options” on page 5-4 for more detailed
5. Printer Driver for Windows2000
5-3 Paper/Quality Tab : (Tray Selection)
Paper Source: (Universal Driver)
Select the desired location of paper feed from the pulldown menu. The factory default setting is “Automatically Select”.
* Items marked with an exclamation point (!) are currently unavailable. Refer to “5-5 Device Settings” and complete the appropriate
setting for the corresponding function in order to use that item.
Paper Source: (KPDL2 Driver)
Select the desired location of paper feed from the pulldown menu. The factory default setting is “Automatically Select”.
* It is necessary to perform the settings under “Page Policy” on page 5-6 BEFORE making settings here. If you want to select the source
of paper feed according to the tray, make sure that “Cassette Base” is selected there.
If you select “Automatically Select” here, be sure that the “Page Policy” setting is set to “Auto Size Select” or there is a possibility that
printing will be accomplished onto paper that is difference the expected.
Click this button in order to open the Advanced Options dialog box. Refer to “5-4 Advanced Options” on page 5-4 for more detailed
5. Printer Driver for Windows2000
5-4 Advanced Options
The following explains the Advanced Options dialog box.
* The explanations here are focused mostly on the special features of this product. Refer to On-Line Help for information regarding items that are not
explained in this Instruction Handbook.
5-4-1 Paper/Output
Paper Size:
Select the size of standard-size paper sheet or envelope. Selection can be made in the drop-down list.
The following standard-size paper sheets and envelopes can be used with this printer:
Copy Count:
Set the number of copies to be made. The allowable range is from 1 to 999.
5-4-2 Graphics
Print Quality:
Specifies the printing resolution (number of dots per inch) to be used when printing. Select between “600 x 600 dots per inch” and “300 x
300 dots per inch”. The factory default setting is “600 dots per inch”.
Standard-size paper
Letter (8 1/2" × 11"), Legal (8 1/2" × 14"), Statement (5 1/2" × 8 1/2"), A4, A5, A6, Folio (210
× 330 mm), JIS B5, JIS B6
COM-10, Monarch, DL, C5
5. Printer Driver for Windows2000
5-4-3 Document Options
Advanced Printing Features:
Be sure to select “Enable” for this setting if you want to use the “Pages Per Sheet” (N-Up) function or the “Back to Front” option under the
“Page Order” setting.
5. Printer Driver for Windows2000
5-4-4 Printer Features
Eco print:
Saves on toner. The factory default setting is “Off”.
Edge Smoothing:
Turning this setting “On” allows the jaggies that appear around the edge of text and graphics to be evened out through the smoothing
PagePolicy: (only available with KPDL2 Driver)
Perform this setting in conjunction with the settings to be made under “Paper Source” on page 5-3.
[Auto Size Select] ......................Select this setting when you want to select “Automatically Select” under “Paper Source”.
[Cassette Base] .........................Select this setting when you want to select the source of paper feed according to the tray under
“Paper Source”.
* If you are going to select “Automatically Select” under “Paper Source”, be sure to select “Auto Size Select” here or there is a possibility
that printing will be accomplished onto paper that is difference the expected.
Job Spooling:
Allows you to select whether to sort the copies in the case of multiple copy.
[None]........................................Does not sort.
[Temporary] ..............................Prints in the order of 1st, 2nd, 3rd copies and so on.
* If you are using a KPDL2 Driver, it is necessary to create a RAM disk. (Refer to page 5-8.)
* If you are using a Universal driver, it is necessary to increase the memory capacity of your printer and then change the “Memory” setting
to more than 24 MB. (Refer to page 5-8.)
5. Printer Driver for Windows2000
5-4-5 PostScript Options:
This option can only be used with a KPDL2 Driver.
Allows you to make PostScript-related settings. Refer to On-Line Help for more detailed information.
5. Printer Driver for Windows2000
In order to view this window and make settings for optional equipment, select “Properties” in step 4 on page 5-1 and then click on the “Device
Settings” Tab.
Perform the settings here whenever you add optional equipment. The functions of the optional equipment will only be available to the printer
after you have completed the setting here. The optional equipment available for selection are as follows.
Optional Feeder
Perform this setting according to the installed Option Cassette.
Optional Disk (only available with KPDL2 Driver)
Perform this setting when you want to create a RAM disk. Refer to “Chapter 1, 2-2 RAM Disk” on page 2-1 for more detailed information
on creating a RAM disk.
* In order to create a RAM disk, it is necessary to increase the memory capacity of your printer. After increasing memory, perform the
setting here according to the “Memory” setting below.
Perform this setting according to the amount of memory in your printer. If a mistake is made in this setting, there is a possibility that printing
will not be accomplished properly.
5-5 Device Settings Tab
6. Printer Driver for Macintosh
6. Printer Driver for Macintosh
When using unit as a network printer, it is possible to print PostScript files from a Macintosh Computer. This section contains explanations regarding
the procedure to install the Macintosh PPD files and select this printer, as well as explanation about the computer environment required to run the
installed files.
Attention (Macintosh)
*When using the Printer driver, change the emulation setting KPDL or KPDL (AUTO).
6-1 Required computer environment
*OS: system 7.61 later
*CPU: Minimum Power PC
*RAM: Minimum 24MB
*Free hard disk space: Minimum 10MB
*CD-ROM drive: 1 drive
6-2 Installing the PPD files
This section explains the screen that appears when the CD-ROM supplied with the Printing System (M) is inserted into the CD-ROM drive.
*All the screens to use for explanation are samples, and a screen may be different by a version of utilized software to some extent.
A: [Install Drivers]
Click to start installation of the printer driver. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen to install the printer driver.
B: [Documentation]
Click to display the manual (PDF file) supplied with the printer driver. To open this PDF manual, Adobe Acrobat Reader (developed to view
PDF files) is required, so make sure that Adobe Acrobat Reader is installed before opening the manual.
[Install Acrobat Reader]............Installs Adobe Acrobat Reader.
[Printer Manuals]....................... Displays the manuals (PDF) of the printer and printer driver. They explain the installation procedure
of the printer driver and operation procedure of the printer.
[Readme] ....................................This file contains information which is not explained in the manuals. Please read this file before using
the printer driver.
Start up your Macintosh computer.
Insert the CD-ROM disk that is included with this product into a CD-ROM drive.
*If there is starting other program, please be finished.
* Screens are things of Mac OS 8.1.
6. Printer Driver for Macintosh
Double-Click on the icon for the CD-ROM disk.
“A copy machine product name of use” dialog box will appear.
Double-Click on “the copy machine product name of use” Installer icon.
The window shown on the right will appear. Click on “Continue”.
A dialog box will appear.
Click on [Install].
A dialog box will appear.
Click on [Yes].
Installation was finished.
Click on [Restart], and start again.
6. Printer Driver for Macintosh
Access the Apple Menu at the far left of the Menu of Bar and select Chooser.
The Chooser will appear.
Click once on the LaserWriter 8 icon.
Once you’re finished with the settings, click on [OK], the chooser will be displayed
Make sure that the name of this printer is selected (highlighted) in the “Select a
PostScript Printer” list and close the Chooser.
A dialog box for selecting the appropriate options will appear.
Select the option that are currently installed in or on your printer.
Select the name of this printer in the [Select a PostScript Printer] list and then click on
the [Create] button.
* The name of this printer can be verified by printing out a Status Page from the
printer’s operation panel.
6. Printer Driver for Macintosh
6-3 General Dialog Box
*The actual layout of each dialog box and the available option and settings may differ somewhat depending upon the application and version of
LaserWriter that you are using.
Selects the desktop printer to be used for printing your document.
Type the desired number of prints to be made (or the number of files to be saved to disk) directly into this field.
Select a number between 1 - 999.
To print all of the pages in a file, select the All radio button. To print only certain pages, type in from what page (in the From filed) to what
page (in the To field) you want to print.
Paper Source:
Select the desired location of paper feed from the dropdown list. The factory default setting is “Auto Select”.
* It is necessary to perform the settings under “Page Policy” on page 6-6 BEFORE making settings here. If you want to select the source
of paper feed according to the tray, make sure that “Cassette Base” is selected there. If you select “Auto Select” here, be sure that the
“Page Policy” setting is set to “Auto Size Select” or there is a possibility that printing will be accomplished onto paper that is difference
the expected.
6. Printer Driver for Macintosh
6-4 Layout Dialog Box
Pages per sheet:
Sets the number of pages to be printed on each sheet of paper.
Layout Direction:
A button of either is clicked, and a layout direction is decided. If right button is selected, the pages are laid out from right to left.
Sets the type of line to appear around the page.
6. Printer Driver for Macintosh
6-5 Printer Specific Options
Specifies the printing resolution (number of dots per inch) to be used when printing. Select between “600 dpi” and “300 dpi”. The factory
default setting is “600 dpi”.
Turning this setting “On” allows the jaggies that appear around the edge of text and graphics to be evened out through the smoothing
Perform this setting in conjunction with the settings to be made under “Paper source” on page 6-4.
[Auto Size Select] ......................Select this setting when you want to select “Auto Select” under “Paper source”.
[Cassette Base] .........................Select this setting when you want to select the source of paper feed according to the tray under
“Paper source”.
* If you are going to select “Auto Select” under “Paper source”, be sure to select “Auto Size Select” here or there is a possibility that
printing will be accomplished onto paper that is difference the expected.
Allows you to select whether to sort the copies in the case of multiple copy.
[Off] ...........................................Does not sort.
[On] ............................................Prints in the order of 1st, 2nd, 3rd copies and so on.
* It is necessary to create a RAM disk. (Refer to step 9 on page 6-3.)
6. Printer Driver for Macintosh
6-6 Page Setup dialog Dialog Box
Settings for paper size, page layout, magnification ratio and print direction (orientation) are performed in the Page Setup dialog box. To display the
Page Setup dialog box, select Page Setup… in the File menu of the corresponding application.
* The actual layout of each dialog box and the available options and settings may differ somewhat depending upon the application and the version
of LaserWriter that you are using.
* For the user using Mac OS 7.6.1, we strongly recommend that you update the LaserWriter8.3.2 to Laser Writer 8.5.1.
Format for:
Use this pop-up menu to select the Printer that you want to use.
Select in this pop-up list the desired paper size. Choose from among Letter, Legal, Folio, Statement, A4, Custom,
A5, A6, B5(JIS),B6(JIS) and Envelopes (Monarch, Com 10, DL, C5)
* ALWAYS use the multi-bypass to feed the following sizes:A6,B5(JIS),B6(JIS),Envelopes (Monarch, Com 10, DL, C5)
Enable selection of the desired print direction.
Type the desired magnification ratio directly into this field. Select a ratio between 25% - 400%.
6. Printer Driver for Macintosh
6-7 PostScript Dialog Box
The actual layout of each dialog box and the available options and settings may differ somewhat depending upon the application and the version of
LaserWriter that you are using.
Visual Effects:
Visual effects such as horizontal and vertical flip and image inverting can be selected here. Place
a check in the check box next to the desired visual effects to select that effect.
Image & Text:
Place a check in the check box next to the desired printing options to select that option.
6. Printer Driver for Macintosh
6-8 Custom paper sizes Dialog Box
When a paper sizes is selected in “Custom paper sizes” Dialog Box , the paper size can be set as desired.
* The actual layout of each dialog box and the available options and settings may differ somewhat depending upon the application and the version
of LaserWriter that you are using.
New button
To create a new custom page size, click this button.
* The acceptable paper width is between 9.81 - 21.59 cm (metric) or 3.86”- 8.5” (inches). The acceptable paper length is between 14.82
- 35.56 cm (metric) or 5.83” - 14” (inches).
Edit button
To edit the selected custom page size, click this button.
Delete button
To delete the selected custom page size, click this button.

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