Please read the follo wing section very carefully before operating the
device. This is important in terms of getting the best performance out
of your detect or!
The INVENIO system box and shaft & handle communicate wirelessly.
Normally, the system box and the shaft & handle are paired before they
are shipped from the factory. Therefore, they will connect directly upon
initial start up.
Please follow the pairing st eps below if there is no connection
established :
1. Be sure that the system bo x and shaft & handle are turned off .
2. While pressing the SCAN butt on on the handle, turn the ON/OFF
switch on the shaft to ON position. The LED on the handle will st art
blinking red.
3. While pressing the Zoom In button on the system box, turn the
system bo x on - do not let go of the button! When the pairing is
successful, the LED will blink green twice and turn off . You can now
let go of the button.
4. Once the pairing is done, the system box and shaft & handle will
connect automatically upon st art up.
NOTE : You may hear the sound of the relay circuit in the shaft during
pairing; this is normal.
You can follo w the st atus of the wireless connection from the WiFi
icon the INFO bar located at the bottom of the screen. If the icon is
green, it means there is connection. If the icon is red, it means there
is no connection.
If the Wireless Shaft Channel is turned off in the OPTIONS, the
connection will be lost, the LED on the handle will st art blinking red
and the WiFi icon on the INFO bar will turn red as well.
Similarly, if the connection is lost due to any reason, the LED on the
handle will st art blinking red. When the connection is reestablished,
the LED will blink green twice.
All modes of the INVENIO, except for the Ground Anomaly & Cavity,
work in 2 different det ection screens - one with and one without the
IPTU sensor . The Ground Anomaly & Cavity mode will wor k in the
detection screen with the sensor only. Det ection screen selection
does not ha ve direct effect on the operation of the modes. The main
difference between the 2 screens is as follows: When searching in the
detection screen without the IPTU sensor , the device detects t argets
and displays their IDs only. On the other hand, while searching in the
detection screen with the IPTU sensor , apart from the IDs, the device
also provides the inst ant depth, shape and 3D gr aphs of det ected
1. First, adjust the shaft length and coil angle to searching position.
Then place the search coil on a flat surface, adjust the search coil angle
so that it is parallel with the ground and lean it against a fixed object
such as a tree, rock or a wall. If there is no place to lean it against, hold
it stable with your hand.
2. T urn both the system box and shaft & handle on.
3. Press the SETTINGS button and select ''Calibrat e the sensor''.
4. Press the OK button and wait for the calibration process to be
completed. Once the progress bar is full, the calibration will be
completed and the device will automatically revert t o the select ed
mode's det ection screen.
NOTE : If you will search using the det ection screen without the IPTU
sensor , you do not need to do the calibr ation process.
Especially if you will use one of the non-motion modes, you must
ground balance the detect or before starting t o search. Ground
balancing plays a big role in minimizing the f alse signals and obtaining
target shapes. All details regarding ground balance are explained in
the relevant sections of the manual.
T o obtain accurat e data in the detection screen with the IPTU sensor ,
first be sure that the IPTU sensor is properly calibrat ed.
While searching in this screen, the height of the coil above the ground
is critical for the sensor to obtain accurat e data. For this reason, pay
attention to the height indicator on the screen. The ideal search height
is shown with green on the indicator . T o obtain the best results while
searching and scanning, pay attention to keeping the search coil within
the green area.
While searching in this screen, you can see the movements of the
coil in real time on the 3D detection ground. As the search coil mov es
forward or back, the 3D detection ground will slide. The areas scanned
over by the search coil will be paint ed in gray on the screen. You can
see how much area you hav e scanned by zooming in and out on the
ground. When you zoom in or out on the ground, the target signals and
the search coil will also be zoomed in or out. Zoom does not affect the
scaling of the ground. For example, if the search coil scans an area of
1 meter while you zoom in or out on the ground at maximum, the tot al
scanned area will still be shown as 1 meter on the result screen.
TRACE function : When you press the TRACE button and activate this
function, the screen will follow the coil and rotat e in the same direction.
When you press the TRACE button, the word TRACE will be displayed
on the INFO bar.
When you detect a target in the det ection screen with the IPTU sensor ,
the target ID will be displayed on the cursor on the color ID bar at
the top of the screen. At the same time, the signal obtained from the
target will be displayed with a 3D graph and colored according to the
type of target. Ferrous met als are indicated with red, gold/non-ferrous
metals with yellow , and non-ferrous met als are indicated with green. In
addition, the depth of the detected t arget will be shown on the depth
indicator instantly.
While searching in this screen, drifts may happen in both directions
on the Drift-Metal bar at the bottom. When the bar fills up in the Drift
direction, nothing will be displayed on the 3D detection ground, and the
device will not produce any audio. When the drift happens in the metal
direction on the other hand, a flat, continuous gr aph will appear on the
det ection ground, and the de vice will produce an audio response.
In such a case, pull the trigger t o w ards you once and release it t o
manually retune the de vice. If the drifts are still present, you can use
the Aut oR eset and St abilizer settings t o eliminat e the drifts. Please
read the rele v ant sections of the manual for more det ails.
The 3D signal gr aph will st ay on screen as long as you do not mo v e
the search coil. Once you mo v e the coil, it will st ay on screen for about
3 minut es and then disappear . As the 3D det ection ground slides, the
signals may f all outside the screen. If you go back t o the spots where
you obt ained the signals within 3 minut es, you can see the 3D gr aphs
In det ection screen with the IPTU sensor , you can use the CLR butt on
t o clean the screen. Each time you press the CLR butt on, all dat a on
screen will be er ased and the search coil will go t o the origin and will
be cent ered on screen.
You can magnify and reduce the t arget signals with the up and do wn
butt ons.
The usage det ails mentioned abo v e are common for all modes except
for the Ground Anomaly & Ca vity mode. F or Ground Anomaly & Ca vity
mode, please read the next section.
Searching in Ground Anomaly & Ca vity Mode
The most import ant thing you need t o kno w before using this mode
is that this mode, diff erent than the other modes, is not a ''det ection''
mode but r ather a '' surv ey'' mode. In this mode, the de vice will det ect all
ground anomalies and ca vities. Anomalies include, but are not limit ed t o
the belo w: Diff erent soil types within the same area, miner alized rocks,
disturbed ground etc. etc. Similarly the ca vities can be list ed as: R ooms,
tunnels, ca v es, cellars and gr a v es underground. It is recommended that
this mode should not be used in r andom fields but only in places with
limit ed size where you suspect the presence of a ca vity.
Before st arting t o use this mode, first be sure that the IPTU sensor is
properly calibr at ed.
R etune height will be sho wn on the height indicat or . By lifting the coil
up t o the retune height, pull the trigger back once and release. The
sw eep height will be mar k ed on the height indicat or . Lo w er the coil t o
the sw eep height and st art searching. While searching, the coil must
st ay within the green area on the indicat or . This is v ery import ant for
the de vice t o perform correct comput ations.
In the Ground Anomaly & Ca vity mode, all signals obt ained from
ground with the mo v ement of the coil (ground eff ect, ground anomaly,
ca vity or met al), are indicat ed by painting on the screen. When you
first st art searching, the 3D gr aph of the signal obt ained from ground
appears bigger and stronger for a short period of time. Then it goes
back t o normal. F or the de vice t o perform accur at e comput ation in this
mode, it has t o collect dat a for a cert ain period of time. Therefore, it is
recommended that you scan an area of minimum 5-10m² (54-108ft²)
around the suspect ed area.
In this mode, ground eff ect is indicat ed by yello w , met als and positiv e
hot rocks by red, and ground anomaly and ca vity are indicat ed by gr ay
or blue color , based on the strength of the signal. In high miner alization,
the de vice may paint in red color just lik e in positiv e hot rocks.
In addition, the signals of t argets paint ed in red are sho wn with a peak
f acing upw ards and the signals of t argets paint ed in gr ay and blue are
sho wn with a pit f acing do wn w ards.
In this mode, the de vice does not pro vide any audio response. All
t argets and signals are only sho wn visually on screen. F or this reason,
you must follo w the screen carefully while searching in this more. If
needed, you can zoom in and out on the screen.
If a met al or a positiv e hot rock is det ect ed, the t arget ID will be
displayed on the ID bar at the t op. The t arget ID bar in this mode is
whit e and not colored lik e the other modes.
NO TE : In this mode, t argets with IDs betw een 0-10 or abo v e 97
indicat e positiv e hot rocks. Sometimes miner alized and v olcanic rocks
may gener at e such IDs and the presence of ground anomalies is v ery
common around them. Therefore, ca vity signals obt ained in such areas
may not alw ays belong t o real ca vities.
The 3D signal gr aph will st ay on screen as long as you do not mo v e
the search coil just lik e in the other modes. Once you mo v e the coil,
it will st ay on screen for about 6 minut es and then disappear . As the
3D det ection ground slides, the signals may f all outside the screen.
If you go back t o the spots where you obt ained the signals within 6
minut es, you can see the 3D gr aphs again.
Scan function w or ks in non-motion modes only. The de vice will not
switch t o scan screen in motion modes!
T o be able t o obt ain the 3D gr aphs and the shapes of the det ect ed
t argets in the search screen with the IPTU sensor , you must perform
a scan. In order t o do this, please follo w the st eps belo w :
a. First, st ep a w ay from the area where you get the t arget signal.
b. Then, press the scan butt on once and release. The de vice will switch
t o the scan screen. Diff erent than the det ection screen, the scan screen
is a whit e, chequered ground.
c. Press and hold the clear butt on. When you see the coil cent ered on
the screen, release the butt on.
d. By pressing and holding the scan butt on, swing the coil left t o right
slo wly and scan o v er the t arget, st arting from a bit a w ay from where
the signal is st arting and until the coil is complet ely off the t arget
signal. The most import ant things you should pay att ention t o while
scanning are holding the search coil st able and par allel t o the ground,
and slightly o v erlapping each sw eep with no gaps in betw een. You
can see the gaps clearly on screen. If you are in the Ground Anomaly
& Ca vity mode, k eeping the search coil height within the green area
on the indicat or is also v ery import ant.
NO TE : Do not let go of the SC AN butt on as long as you hear the t arget
signal. If the SC AN butt on is released and pressed again, the shapes
will not be correct and there will be gaps betw een the st art and finish
points of the scan.
Except for the Ground Anomaly & Ca vity mode, the areas where the
de vice receiv es a signal will be paint ed in red. In the Ground Anomaly
& Ca vity mode, on the other hand, when you first st art scanning, the
painting will be in red or blue for a short period of time independent
from the t arget. Then the painting will be done according t o the met al
type just lik e in the search screen.
TIP : Once the scanning is complet ed, if you swing the search coil o v er
the edges of the scanned area with short sw eeps and clean out the
spots with no t arget signals, the de vice will obt ain a much bett er r a w
dat a.
e. Once the scanning is complet ed, release the scan butt on.
If you w ant, you can scan multiple t argets at the same time by holding
the SC AN butt on pressed or scan them one by one by pressing and
releasing the SC AN butt on each time. In each case, the 3D gr aphs and
shapes of all t argets will appear in a single result screen.
NO TE : T argets with a signal strength of more than 40 on the
Drift-Met al bar locat ed on the bott om of the screen (not present in
the Ground Anomaly & Ca vity) will yield bett er shapes. F or w eak
signals with a signal strength of less than 40, you can increase the
sensitivity t o boost the signal strength.
NO TE : In the scan screen, if you scan o v er the t argets without pressing
the SC AN butt on, the de vice will produce an audio response but will not
paint on screen. If you press the OK butt on in such a case, the de vice
will go t o the result screen but the screen will be blank.
The timing for refreshing the scan screen (dat a t o be er ased from
screen) is around 8 minut es for non-motion and motion modes and
around 1 6 minut es for the Ground Anomaly & Ca vity mode. In the
scan screen, diff erent than the det ection screens, the visible parts of
the screen will be cleared.
IMPOR T ANT! If strong drifts occur once you go t o the scan screen,
first pull the trigger t o w ard you once and release t o manually retune
the de vice. If the drifts are still present, press the B A CK butt on t o go
t o the det ection screen. Then press the SETTINGS butt on, select the
Aut oR eset option and adjust it t o a le v el t o eliminat e the drifts. In case
the drifts are still present, go t o the scan screen, press the SETTINGS
butt on and lo w er the sensitivity le v el.
IMPOR T ANT! If o v erload occurs in the scan screen, you need t o press
the SETTINGS butt on and lo w er the sensitivity.
T o measure the field by scan process :
You can use the scan process just t o measure the field you are in. In
order t o do this, press and hold the SC AN butt on, st art w alking in a
str aight direction and scan without swinging the coil. You can apply
this process in all fields with diff erent shapes, circular or square. Once
the scanning is complet ed, release the SC AN butt on and press OK. An
empty result screen will appear on screen. Press the OK butt on again
and the scanned area will be sho wn linearly. By using the scale on the
screen, you can see the dimensions of the scanned area with 94% -
97% accur acy.
The sample image belo w belongs t o a result screen of a 200x250cm.
(6.7'x8.3') scanned area.
While searching in the det ection screen without the IPTU sensor ,
all t arget signals including f alse signals are sho wn on a running
oscilloscope windo w with 2D gr aphs. Based on met al type, the t arget
signal is sho wn in the same color as the ID bar at the t op. The IDs
filt ered out by the Discrimination setting are indicat ed by gr ay color
but the de vice does not pro vide an audio response for these t argets.
Upon t arget det ection, the 2D gr aph of the t arget signal will peak
according t o the signal strength. You can magnify or reduce the signal
gr aph with the zoom function. Upon t arget det ection, the Drift-Met al
bar will fill up in the MET AL direction and the ID of the t arget is sho wn
both in the t arget ID windo w at the bott om and with a cursor on the
color t arget ID bar at the t op.
While searching in this screen, drifts may happen in both directions on
the Drift-Met al bar . When the bar fills up in the DRIFT direction, nothing
will be displayed on the oscilloscope and the de vice will not produce
any audio. When the drift happens in the MET AL direction on the other
hand, a flat, continuous gr aph will appear on the oscilloscope, and the
de vice will produce an audio response.
In such a case, first pull the trigger t o w ards you once and release it t o
manually retune the de vice. If the drifts are still present, you can use
the St abilizer setting t o eliminat e the drifts. Ho w e v er , please remember
that as the St abilizer setting is increased, the de vice may det ect w eak er
signals but will not be able t o det ect the t argets anymore if you hold
the coil st ationary or sw eep back and forth o v er the t arget.