Ground balanc e can be per f ormed in thre e ways with the Gold Kruzer: Automati c, Manual
and T racking.
When the GB button is pushed while pe r forming automatic or manual gr ound balance ,
the device will switch to the Gener al Search ( GEN) mode a utomatically on the backgr ound
without an y indication t o the user , r egardless of the selected sear ch mode.
Upon completion of ground balance , current ground balance value is shown in the Ground
Balance (GB) box on the right side of the display .
Automa tic Ground Balance
Automatic g round balance is performed as follows in all sear ch modes:
1) F ind a spot where there is no metal .
2) Push and hold the GB button do wn (GROUND BALANCE value and “Pump Coil” warning
message will be shown on display) and start pumping the search coil up and down from
about 15-20 cm (~6''- 8'') abo ve the gr ound down to 3 cm (~1'') off the gr ound with smooth
movements and keeping it parallel to the ground.
3) Cont inue until a beep , indicating the completion of ground balance, is heard . Based
on gr ound conditions , it usually takes about 2-4 pumps f or the gr ound balance to be
completed .
4) Upon c ompletion of the ground balance, ground bal ance value is shown on the display
(GB). The device c ontinues to ground balance and pr oduce a beep sound as long as y ou
keep the GB button pushed down and pump the coi l. In or der to ensur e that the gr ound
balance is proper , gr ound balance at least 2-3 times and ch eck the gr ound balance values
on the displa y . In general, the differenc e between the values shall not be higher than 1-2
5) If you cannot ground balance, in other wor ds, if no beep sound is produced, it means that
either the ground is too conductive or not mineralized or there is a target right below the
search coil. In such a case, retry ground balance at a differen t spot. If you still cannot ground
balance, read the section titled ''Impor tant Details Conc erning Ground Balance''.
When the ground balanc e button is released, the devic e continues to operat e in the GEN
mode for a short period of time and the ground balance value stay s on display . T his makes
it possible to manually fine tune the automatic gr ound balance value. Ref er to the follo wing
"Manual Ground Balance" section for further information regarding this f eature. If this is
not desired, pr ess the PP button once to r eturn to the main screen.
NO TE: If the iSA T value is set high, the device may not auto ground balance. In such a case ,
lower the iSA T value first. After gr ound balancing, set the iSA T back to its original position.
Manual Ground Balance
Allows y ou to manually modify the ground balance v alue. It is not preferred mostly because
it takes time. How ever , it is the pref erred option in cases where a successful g round balance
cannot be per f ormed using other methods or minor corrections are required t o the
automatic balance .
Gold Kruzer is designed to allow for automatic g round balancing conv eniently on any type
of ground. Ther efore , it is recommended to perform automatic ground balance upon start
up. Ho wever , the gr ound may not be suitable for automatic gr ound balancing in some cases
and the device cannot ground balance on such gr ounds. F or instance, wet beach sand, soils
containing alkali or salty water , trashy sites, ploughed fields , highly mineralized grounds
and grounds with very low mineralization are not suitable for aut omatic ground balance .
In such terrains, try manual gr ound balancing. How ever , manual ground balance r equires a
skill which develops over time through practice.
T o per form manual ground balance:
1) F ind a clear spot without metals and switch the device to the GEN mode .
2) Y ou need to listen to the sounds coming from the ground in order to perform manual
ground balance. Pump the search coil up and down fr om about 15-20 cm (~6''- 8'') above
the gr ound down to 3 cm (~1'') off the ground with smooth mo vements and keeping it
parallel to the gr ound.
If the sound gets higher when li fting off the sear ch coil abo ve the ground , the g round
balance value is too low , in other w ords, the effect fr om the g round is negative and the
ground balance value needs to be increased by using the ( + ) button. On the other h and,
if the sound gets higher when lowering the search coil to the gr ound, the ground balance
value is t oo high, in other wor ds, the effect fr om the gr ound is positive and the gr ound
balance value needs to decreased b y using the ( - ) button.
3) Push the gr ound balance button once and r elease it. The ground balance v alue will be
shown on the display and remain ther e for a moment. Y ou can return to the ground balance
screen by pushing the gr ound balance button if the scr een switches.
Manual ground balance functions within the
range of 0-99.80 However , each value cov ers
5 steps used for fine tuning within itself and
these steps are indicated as multiples of 20 in
the Ground Balance window (GB). F or example,
ground balance value shown on the side is 70.80.
Pr ess ( + ) or ( - ) to increase or decrease the
ground balance value , resp ectively . If the key is
pressed onc e at a time, th e values c ount one b y
one and if it is held down, the values will change
quickly .
4) Repeat the above pr ocedure until the sound hear d from the ground is elimina ted.
The sound may not be eliminat ed completely in some areas . In these cases, listen to the
sounds produced when moving the sear ch coil tow ards and awa y from the ground t o check
if the ground balance is c orrect. If there is no difference between the tw o sounds then the
ground balance is set pr operly .
The devic e will r eturn to the main screen automatically after a short period of time upon
completion of ground balance. T o r eturn to the main screen instantly , just press the PP
button onc e.
IMPORT ANT! Experienced detectorists adjust the gr ound balance setting to a slightly
positive response (w eak but audible sound is produc ed when moving the search coil closer
to ground). This method may pr oduce fav orable results f or experienced users in certain
fields where small targets are searched f or .
Ground T racking ( TRACK)
In this option, the user does not need to make any adjustments. TRACK f eature is activated
from the SET TINGS menu by switching it to 01 position. The w ord ''T rack ing'' is display ed
at the bottom of the GB window . The device updates the ground balance automatically as
long as the search coil is swung ov er the ground and sho ws the ground balance v alue in the
GB window . I t does not pro vide any f eedback to the user (like the beep sound in automatic
ground balance).
While tracking is active, the device can initially produc e a loud signal when it detects a
differ ent gr ound structure (f or instance a mineral rock) or a target. In this case, swing the
search c oil ov er the spot where the device pr oduces the si gnal . If the sound remain s the
same and the device sho ws an ID , it is possibly a tar get. If the sound attenuat es too much
or is lost after a f ew swings, it means tha t the devic e has pr oduced a sig nal for the diff erent
ground structure or a stone.
NO TE: It is recommended that you use tracking in the General Search mode (GEN) and not
in other modes.
T rack ing is suitable for use in ar eas where diff erent soil structures are presen t within the
same land or in fields wher e mineralized r ocks are sca ttered widely apart. If you use gr ound
tracking in areas where hot rocks are in tensely present, the device may not be able to
eliminate these highly miner alized rocks or you may miss the smaller or deeper metals.
IMPORT ANT! Ensure tha t tracking is off during air tests. Other wise, the device will attempt
to perform ground balance on the tar get and the depth will be reduced .
Ground Balance V alue
Ground balance value provides inf ormation about the ground you are sear ching on. Some
typical ground types are as f ollows:
0-25 W et salt water or w et alkali soils
25-50 W et salt water and w et alkali soils covered with dry layers
50-70 Regular , low-qualit y soils
70-9 0 Highly magnetic soils, magnetite or maghemite and similar highly mineraliz ed soils,
black sand
I mpor tan t Details C onc erning G r ound B alanc e
1) U p o n s t ar t u p , t h e g r o u n d b a l a n c e v al u e i s s e t t o 9 0 . T h e d e v i c e c a n p e r f o r m g r o u n d
b al a n c e a u t o m a t i c a l l y w i t h i n t h e r a n g e o f 2 0 - 9 9 .8 0 i n a l l m o d e s .
2) I f th e g r o u nd m i n e r a l i za ti on i s t oo lo w , au t o m a t ic g r o u nd b a l an c e m a y f ai l t o w o r k i n o t h er
m o d e s . I n su c h a ca s e , t r y ma n u a l g r ou n d b ala n c i n g .
3) Y o u can t e s t t h e a c c u r a c y of t h e g r o u n d b alan c e w i t h t h e p i n p o i n t m o d e . A f t e r g r ou n d
b al an ci n g , i f y o u r e c e i v e n o s o un d o r a w e a k o n e w h e n y ou m o v e th e s e a r c h c o i l cl o s er t o
t h e g r ou n d i n th e p i n p o in t mod e , t he n t he g r o u n d b a lan c e i s s u c c e s sf u l . I f t h e s ou n d g et s
l ou de r w h e n y o u m o v e t h e s e ar c h c oi l c lo se r t o t he g r o u nd , t he n t he g r ou n d b a la n c e i s n o t
s u c c e s s f u l . I n t h i s ca s e , si m p ly c h a n ge y o u r l o ca t i o n . I f g r ou n d b al an c e i s n o t p o s s ib l e de s p i t e
t h e se e f f o r t s , y o u s h ou ld c o n ti n u e y ou r s e a r c h wi t h o u t pe r f o r m i n g g r ou n d b a la nc e .
Y ou cannot sear ch in the G ener al S ear ch ( GEN) mode without g r ound balancing . Y ou need
t o use one of the other modes and incr ease the DISC. v alue un til the noise is elimina t ed .
4) Onc e the g r ound balanc e is set , it will r emain sa tisfac t or y f or a long time in most ar eas .
Ho w ev er , if y ou enc oun t er an e x ca v a t ed , backfilled or geolog ically c omposit e soil struc tur e ,
a g r ound balanc e should be per f or med again t o adapt t o the v ar ying soil struc tur e .
5) I n some cases wher e the iSA T v alue is set high, the devic e ma y not be able t o g r ound
balanc e aut oma tically . I n such a case , first lo w er the iSA T and af t er g r ound balancing swit ch
it back t o its pr evious position.