➔ Wait until the symbol for water
hardness, Symbol 18, lights up
and press the Selection button
(fig. 1/E and 6) to confirm.
➔ Symbols 14 and 10 start to
➔ Press the Selection button (fig.
1/E and 6) until the symbols for
the desired water hardness flash.
➔ Press and hold the Service but-
ton (fig. 1/I) for about 4 seconds
to confirm.
➔ The programming operation is
now complete and the system
returns to stand-by mode.
4.3 Temperature
You can change the coffee tem p -
erature as desired. The default
setting is ‘High’:
Normal = Symbol 14
High = Symbols 14 and 9
Maximum = Symbols 14 and 10
➔ Switch your machine off (stand-
by mode) by pressing the On / Off
button (fig. 1/F).
➔ Press and hold the Service but-
ton (fig. 1/I) for about 4 seconds
to enter programming mode.
➔ Symbols 20, 18, 8 and 16 light
up and rotate sequentially in the
➔ Wait until the symbol for temp -
er ature, Symbol 8, lights up and
press the Selection button (fig. 1/E
and 6) to confirm.
➔ Symbols 14 and 9 start to
➔ Press the Selection button (fig.
1/E and 6) until the symbols for
the desired setting flash.
➔ Press and hold the Service but-
ton (fig. 1/I) for about 4 seconds
to confirm.
➔ The programming operation is
now complete and the system
returns to stand-by mode.
4.4 Automatic stand-by
This function allows you to pro-
gram the machine to switch auto-
matically to stand-by mode a
given length of time after the last
brewing operation. The following
settings are possible:
Never = Symbol 14
30 mins. = Symbols 14 and 9
2 hours = Symbols 14 and 10
5 hours = Symbols 14 and 11
Note: The default setting is
5 hours (Symbols 14 and 11).
➔ Switch your machine off (stand-
by mode) by pressing the On / Off
button (fig. 1/F).
... 4. Programming functions