Support and Tr oubleshooting
Support and Tr oubleshooting
Nintendo DSi Code of Conduct
ThisNintendoDSiNetworkServiceCodeofC onduct(“NintendoDSiCodeofConduct”)outlinestherulesthatyoumust
follow to participate in the Nintendo DSi Service. These rules are designed t o keep the Nintendo DSi Service a friendly and
safe environment .
The Nintendo DSi C ode of Conduct may be found at http://support.nint endo.c om and may be revised and updat ed by us at
anytime. If you do not ha ve Internet ac cess, please contact Nintendo C ustomer Service to receive a curr ent version of the
NintendoDSiCodeofC onduct,freeofcharge .AllcapitalizedtermsnotdenedinthisNint endoDSiCodeofConductwillhav e
the meaning set forth in the Nintendo DSi Ser vices User Agr eement.
1.Y ouruseoftheNintendoDSiSer viceissubjecttothisNintendoDSiCodeofC onduct,whichprohibitsallharmful,illegalor
otherwise oensive conduct, including, but not limited to the follo wing:
•Misrepresenting ,impersonating ,abusing,stalking ,threa teningorharassinganypersonorcompan y ,including,butnot
limited to other users, Nint endo itself , and/or its employees, moder ators, or sta .
•Doinganythingillegal,discriminatory ,defamatory ,hateful,har assing,abusiv e,obscene,thr eatening ,physicallydangerous
orotherwiseobjec tionable,inNintendo ’ ssolediscretion,inconnectionwiththeNintendoDSiSer vice.
•Downloading,sharingorplayingunauthoriz edsoftware,copiesofgames ,musicorimagesontheNintendoDSiSystem.
This activity may be illegal and voids your warr anty .
•UsinganunauthorizeddevicewiththeNint endoDSiSystemormakingunauthorizedt echnicalmodicationstoyour
Nintendo DSi System v oids your warran ty and may be illegal. Nintendo ma y make technical changes to the Nint endo DSi
System, software and/or Nint endo DSi Service to disable the modication.
•MakingnewversionsofexistingC ontentorPr oducts(“ derivativ es”).
•T r yingtoaccessanotherperson’ sNintendoDSiServicewithoutpermissionortr yingtoaccessanyofNintendo ’ scomputers,
hardwar e or networks used to provide the Nin tendo DSi Service.
•Cheatinginagame,unlesssuchcheatsha vebeendeliberat elyenabled.
•Hosting,int ercepting ,emulating ,reverseengineeringorr edirectingthecommunicationprotoc olsusedbyNintendoaspart
of the Nintendo DSi Service, regardless of the method used to do so .
•EngaginginanycommercialactivityusingtheNintendoDSiSyst emoranyotheractivitythatdisrupts,diminishesthe
quality of, int erferes with the performance of, or impairs the functionality of a Nintendo DSi System, including the Nintendo
DSi Ser vice or networks connected to the Nint endo DSi Ser vice.
•Accessingoratt emptingtoaccessanotherperson ’ sNin tendoDSiSystem,including ,butnotlimitedtoaperson ’ sNintendo
DSiShopAccountwithoutpermissionortryingtoaccessanythir dparty ’ s ,including,butnotlimitedt oNintendo ’ s
computers, har dware or networks .
•Uplo adin g,post ing,em aili ng,tra nsmi tting or other w isem aking avail able :(a) any content that youd ono thave a
lega lri ghtto make availa ble; (b) anyco ntent thati nfri nges anyp atent,t radem ark ,tra dese cret,c opyri ghto roth er
intellectualpropertyorproprietaryrightsofanypar ty;(c)anyunsolicitedorunauthorizedadv ertisingorpromotional
materials(e .g. “spam”);(d)inf ormationwhichpersonallyidentiesyouoranythir dparty;or(e)contenttowhichy ou
have disguised the origin.
2. Nintendo is not responsible for an ything you communicate using the Nin tendo DSi System or anything tha t happens on
the Nintendo DSi Service or as a result of your use of the Nintendo DSi Service; you alone are r esponsible.
3. V irtual Property. Some games or other cont ent may hav e certain features that may be traded with other Nin tendo DSi
Serviceusers.Forexample,agamemightgiv eyoutheabilitytocrea teacharacterthatgathersobjects(likeacarorgold
coins)andhascertaincharacteristics(likeaspecialabilityorappearance). Thesefeatur esaresometimescalled “ virtual
property. ” Nint endo(oritslicensors)ownthisvirtualproperty,andy oumaynotsell,trade ,assign,license,orotherwise
convey virtual property for real money or for Points .
4.Nintendoreservestherighttoimmedia telyterminateorsuspendy ouruseoftheNintendoDSiServicefor ,inNintendo ’ ssole
discretion, any violation of this Nin tendo DSi Code of C onduct. Nintendo reserves the right to con tact and cooperate with
any law enfor cement agencies, gov ernment ocials or Internet Service Providers , as Nintendo believes in its sole discr etion,
is necessary or appropriate to inv estigate or resolv e possible problems or inquiries, or as otherwise requir ed by law .
We ha ve established reasonable safeguar ds to secure sensitiv e and Personal Informa tion collected directly by us in an eort to
ensure the security , integrity and privacy of the Personal Information submitt ed or collected from your Nint endo DSi. W e also ha ve
implemented reasonable security measures in an eort to protect information under our c ontrol against loss, misuse or alt eration.
Personal Information is st ored in rew all-protected servers. Nintendo will notify users of a da ta breach involving unencrypted
Personal Information b y email or by posting a notice on our websit e. W e also work hard to limit ac cess to P ersonal Information to
those employees performing a legitimate business function. If you contact us concerning your Nin tendo DSi Shop account, w e will
verify your identity befor e discussing your account . W hile we strive to saf eguard your sensitiv e and Personal Information, no da ta
storage system or transmission of data o ver the Internet or an y other public network can be guaranteed to be 100% secur e.
Please note that information collected fr om and provided by y ou to other persons or entities may not hav e the same security
protections as information you submit t o us, and you ar e responsible for prot ecting the security of any such information. If you install
unauthorizedapplicationsorcont enttoyourNint endoDSi,yoursensitiveorP ersonalInformationmaybecollectedorcompr omised.
Nintendoisnotresponsibleforan ydatacollection,useordisclosureresultingfr omtheuseorinstallationofunauthorized
applications or content .
Use of the Nintendo DSi does not requir e disclosure of P ersonal Information. If you ha ve provided P ersonal Information t o us, you
can update your pr eferences or opt-out of further collection as follows. In order to completely opt-out from the collection of any
information about you r elating to the Nintendo DSi, both anonymous and P ersonal, y ou must disable your Nintendo WFC. If y ou
havelink edyourClubNintendoacc ounttoyourNint endoDSiShopAccountorotherNint endoDSionlineapplications,(collectively
“Featur es”),youmustunlinkthoseF eaturesfr omyourClubNintendoacc ountinordertost opthecollectionofinformationaboutyou.
Y oumaydosointheSettingssectionoftheNintendoDSiShop . Y oumayupda teanyP ersonalInformationyouha vesubmittedto
Nintendo through the Nint endo DSi by going to club .nintendo .com and logging in to y our Club Nintendo accoun t.
Any information you pr ovide or that is collected thr ough the Nintendo DSi may be stor ed and processed in the United Sta tes or any other
country in which we or our aliated companies, v endors or agents maintain facilities. As such, P ersonal Information may be ac cessed
by foreign gov ernmental authorities and otherwise in accordance with the laws applicable in the jurisdiction in which it is stored . By
using the Nintendo DSi, you consent t o such storage and proc essing. W e abide by the safe harbor framew ork as set forth by the U.S.
Department of Commerce regar ding the collection, use, and retention of da ta from the Eur opean Union. However , this Privacy Policy is
intended to meet the laws and r equirements of the United S tates and those of Canada and Latin A merica, which may not be the same as
the laws and regulations of y our home country. If y ou are not located in the Unit ed States , Canada or Latin America please go back to the
country selection screen and select an appropriate country so that you will be awar e of the policies that apply to you .
If you have an y questions, complaints or commen ts regarding this Priv acy Policy or our practices, please contact the Nintendo
DSiPrivacyPolicyAdministratorviaemaila,byphonea t(888)977-7627,orbyregularmailat
Nintendo , Attn: Online Privacy Policy Administra tor , 4820 150th A venue NE, Redmond, W A 98052. Nint endo is a licensee of the
EntertainmentSoftwareRatingBoard’ sP rivacyOnlineProgram.Ifyoubeliev ethatwehav enotrespondedtoy ourinquiryoryour
inquiry has not been satisfactorily addressed, please contact ESRB at http://www.esrb .org/privacy/contact.jsp , ESRB Attn: Priv acy
OnlineProgram,317MadisonA venue,22ndF loorNewY ork,NY10017orprivac yinfo@esrb .org .
“Cont ent” means the softwar e, services, material and other data which w e own or have the righ t to use, distribute or sublicense , and
which we send to , or make a vailable as a download through, the Nint endo DSi System or the Nintendo DSi Service.
“Nintendo Zone ” means a hotspot or download station that allows you to access C ontent , T hird-P arty Data, and other ser vices.
“Points ” means the points tha t you purchase fr om us through the Nintendo DSi Shop or thr ough points cards sold or distributed b y us or
our retailers and promotional partners and that you may e xchange with us for a license to do wnload Conten t or to purchase Pr oducts.
“Products” means any goods other than Content that are made a vailable for purchase fr om us through the Nintendo DSi Shop .
“Third-P artyData” meansC ontentorothersoftware ,services,material,messages(includingcommer cialandnon-commercial
messages),linkstoInternetsites ,andotherdataeithercreat edby ,orsentto ,yourNin tendoDSiSystemthroughtheNin tendoDSi
“NintendoDSiService” meanstheservicewhereb ywecandistributeCon tent,messages(includingcommer cialandnon-commercial
messages)andotherdatatoyourNint endoDSiSystem,orlinkyout oanInternetsite,andwher ebyyoucansendandrec eiveCon tent,
messages(includingcommercialandnon-commercialmessages),andotherdata,including T hird-P artyData,usingyourNintendoDSi
System. The “Nintendo DSi Ser vice” includes, but is not limited to, the Nin tendo DSi Shop and Nintendo Z ones.
“Nintendo DSi Shop Accoun t” means an accoun t on your Nintendo DSi Syst em which you set up and use in connection with the Nintendo
DSi Shop.
“NintendoDSiShop” meansouronlineNintendoDSiSystem’ sstore,whichoerssuchthingsasP oints,C ontent ,Products,anda
download service, all of which Nintendo directly or indirectly operates .
“NintendoDSiSystem ” meansthehandhelddevice(includingimbeddedsoft wareandaccessories)soldandmark etedbyNint endo
under the Nintendo DSi brand, including an y succeeding devices and compatible devic es.