• Specificationsanddesignaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice.
• Noreproductioninanyformofthis"Instructionmanual,"inwholeorinpart(exceptforbriefquotationincritical
articles or reviews), may be made without written authorization from NIKON VISION CO., LTD.
*Waterproof models:
All models shown are waterproof, and will suffer no damage to the optical system if submerged or dropped
in water to a maximum depth of 1 meter for up to 10 minutes .
These products offer the following advantages:
• Canbeusedinconditionsofhighhumidity,dustandrainwithoutriskofdamage.
• Nitrogen-filleddesignmakesthemresistanttocondensationandmold.
Observe the following precautions when using these products:
• Astheunitdoesnothaveaperfectlysealedstructure,itshouldnotbeoperatednorheldinrunningwater.
• Anymoistureshouldbewipedoffbeforeadjustingmovableparts(focusingknob,eyepiece,etc.)ofthese
products to prevent damage and for safety reasons.
To keep your binoculars in excellent condition, Nikon Vision recommends regular servicing by an authorized