Niagara 9100 Series User Guide
ViewCast 241
Rack Mount Safety Instructions, 3
Read/Write permissions, 231
Reboot Message, 170
Restart LCD menu, 12
Restore Factory Defaults, 181
factory defaults, 181
Select a folder, 44, 52, 60, 67, 74, 82, 92, 102,
109, 117, 124, 131, 151
Select a Folder, 141
Serial number, 30
CPU thresholds, 180
current system configuration settings, 177
up user accounts on a remote PC, 225
Smooth Streaming
Analog inputs
Audio tab, 59
Output tab, 60
Video tab, 55
Digital inputs
Audio tab, 116
Output tab, 117
Video tab, 112
Smooth Streaming encoder
Analog inputs, 54
Digital inputs, 111
Agent tab, 200
Community Name field, 195
Confirm Installation, 188
Feature, 203
Installation Complete, 189
Installation Folder, 188
Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager,
IP Addresses, 197
Niagara 7550 example, 194
Programs and Features dialog box, 191
Programs and Features window, 190
Security tab, 195
Security warning window, 187
SNMP Service Configuration, 196, 198
SNMP Service Properties – Security tab, 196
Supero Doctor III Client, 193
Trap destinations, 199
Traps tab, 198
ViewCast SNMP Agent, 189
ViewCast SNMP Agent dialog box, 191
ViewCast SNMP Agent Setup Wizard, 187
Started icon, 35
an encoder, 34
an encoder group, 167
Starting ViewCast SNMP agent service
manually, 189
Status drop-down list, 18
Stopped icon, 34
an encoder, 35
an encoder group, 167
System Configuration Settings window, 176
system menu, 12
system requirements, 11
System status menu, 233
To register at, 27
To register online, 26
Uninstalling a previous version of ViewCast
SNMP agent, 190
USB storage device, 184
Users, 225
directional buttons, 16
Niagra SCX web interface, 184
Valid output container selections for video
encoder types, 79, 137
Video Filter Settings, 40, 48, 56, 64, 71, 77, 88,
97, 104, 113, 120, 128, 134, 147