Koffiemachine geeft bij product 1 " Preselect 7-12" verder kom ik niet.
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Is resetten naar de fabrieksinstellingen mogelijk? Submitted on 28-1-2025 at 14:17 -
Out of service no water display in the machine, but our machine have lot of water inside
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Submitted on 30-5-2023 at 07:27 -
Hoi ik heb een vraag mijn machine doet het niet meer alleen de 2 bovenste lampen branden /knipper af en toe .weet iemand wat .in de handleiding staat er niks over.En nestcafe help me niet omdat ik geen contract heb . Neonleon45@gmail.com bedankt Submitted on 7-3-2023 at 19:04
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Good day
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Machine shows check water. What can the problem be? Submitted on 12-9-2022 at 15:46 -
Hi,I'm a technician from Myanmar.My Alegria A630 keep showing ''check water call technician" I'm sure that the water circuit,water sensor,wiring and pump is good and the front door is also closed and it's sensor is good.Please help me with this.What else can be to solve the problem. Submitted on 26-9-2021 at 04:30
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