Prior to installation
If the extractor hood is operating in
exhaust-air mode at the same time as a
flue-type heater (e.g. gas, oil or solid-fuel
heater, instantaneous water heater, boiler),
there must be an adequate air supply
which the fireplace requires for combusti-
Safe operation is possible if the partial
vacuum in the installation room of the fire-
place does not exceed 4 Pa (0.04 mbar).
This can be achieved if the combustion air
is able to flow through non-lockable ope-
nings, e.g. in doors, windows and in con-
junction with an air supply/air-intake wall
box or by other technical procedures such
as reciprocal interlocking.
If the air supply is inadequate, there is a
risk of poisoning caused by combustion
gases being drawn back into the room.
Note: When assessing the air supply,
always take into account the entire ventila-
tion system in the house. This rule does
not apply when using cooking appliances,
e.g. hob or gas cooker.
ṇ The fan must be attached at least 2 m
from the extractor hood.
ṇ Do not attach the outer wall fan near
windows, doors or patios.
ṇ When attaching the outer wall fan,
ensure that
–residents and neighbours are not
disturbed by noise and odours,
–it is accessible for maintenance and
ṇ The plug-and-socket connections of
the electric cables must be located inside
the building.
ṇ Do not reduce the 150 mm diameter of
the pipes connected to the extractor hood.
An additional silencer for 150 mm l pipes
is available as an optional accessory from
specialist outlets.
Preparing the wall
❑ The wall must be flat and perpendicular.
❑ Ensure that the wall is capable of
providing a firm hold for mounting
screws and plugs.
Weight: 7,0 kg.
We reserve the right to construction changes within the
context of technical development.