- Washthefruit carefully beforestoning.
-Youdo not needto remove theskinor peelfrommost fruits. However,the thickpeeland pithoncitrus fruits
suchas oranges,grapefruits, lemons,limes,satsumas,mandarins,clementines, etcshouldberemovedasit
has abitter taste.
- If using fruits with hard or inedible skins such as pineapples, mangoes, guava or melons, always peel them
before juicing.
(74 mmmaximum diameter),sochoose the appropriatetypeof fruit or vegetable.
better processedin a blenderor food processor.
- Onlyusefresh fruit andnotfrozen fruit.
-The juicemachineshould not beusedfor sugar cane andexcessively hard or fibrousfruit.
-Choosefresh, ripe fruit and vegetables, they will yield more juice. This appliance is suitable for such fruit as
apples, pears, oranges, grapes, pomegranates and pineapple and such vegetables as carrots, cucumbers,
tomatoes, beetrootand celery.
- Ifyoucentrifuge over-ripe fruit,thebasket will beblockedmore quickly.
change taste, colour and, above all, nutritional value. Apple and pear juices quickly turn brown. Add a few
drops oflemon juice toslow this discoloration.
-Allremovableparts may becleanedin the dishwasher.
- Thisapplianceis easier tocleanimmediately after use.Scrapeoff thepulpfrom all theremovableparts
of themachine and rinsethem under runningwater.Oncethepulphasdriedontothepartsitismuchharder
toclean.Later youcanthen wash theminwarm water andwashingup liquid later orinthe dishwasher.
- Donot use scouringpads, acetone, alcohol (spirit)etc. to clean theappliance.
-Thesieve must behandledwith care.Avoidany mishandling thatmaydamage it.Replaceyour sieve atthe
first signof wear ordamage.
- Cleanthe motor unitwith a damp cloth.
-The sieve (F)can be cleanedwith the aid ofthe brush (O). Cleanthemesh walls ofthesieve (F) with the
brush provided(O). If thefinemesh holes areblocked soak thesieve (F) inhotwater to unblocktheholes
or washin a dishwasher.This willremovethe excess fibrebuildup and prevent juiceoverflowing.
- Starttheappliance using theswitch (K): speed1(low speed) orspeed2 (normal speed).
- Insertthefruit or vegetablesthroughthe feed tube(D).
- Thefruitand vegetables mustbeinserted while themotoris running.
- Donot press toohard on thepusher,as this canalterthe quality of thejuice.
- Donot use anyother utensil. NEVERpushfood down withyourfingers.
-Whenyou have finished,stopthe appliance, usingtheswitch (K) and waitfor thesieve(F) tostop
- Whenthepulp collector (I)isfull, or theflowof juice slows,emptythe collector andcleanthe sieve (F).