3 Secure the floor head ‰ inside the carpet glide
base attachment Ú and connect the floor cloth
(for carpets) È to the attachment by using the
floor cloth grips ÂD.
4 When cleaning carpets and rugs, set the
variable steam setting ¤ to “maximum”. Use
slow forward and backward cleaning strokes
over the desired area.
Carpet pile rejuvenation
To rejuvenate flattened carpet piles, remove the
floor cloth (for carpets) È and connect the
carpet glide base attachment Ú to the floor head
with the steam comb attachment Ò in place E.
Reduce the steam flow to a lower setting by
turning the variable steam setting ¤. Use both
forward and backward strokes across the floor
When cleaning parquet, laminate and wood
floors, set the variable steam setting ¤ to
Both sides of the floor cloth (for hard floors) Ë
can be used. Choose the smoother side for
easier movement and attach to the floorhead
using the floor cloth grips  to secure it in
place F.
When the floor cloth becomes very wet or too
dirty, rinse out the moisture, use the reverse
side or replace with a clean, dry cloth.
Stubborn stains on hard floors
To remove stubborn stains on hard surfaces,
fold and attach the floor cloth (for carpets) È
whilst leaving the brushes underneath the floor
head ‰ visible G.
Move the brush sliders Ê so that the brushes
appear underneath the floor head ‰. Move the
brushes back and forth over the area.
IMPORTANT: Do not use the brushes for
routine carpet and hard floor cleaning as
unnecessary scrubbing may cause damage.
To sanitise and remove dust mites and
allergens from bedding and upholstery, fit the
utility nozzle and pass the steam slowly and
evenly over the surface, ensuring all areas are
treated. Repeat the process. Leave the
mattress to dry thoroughly before covering.
IMPORTANT: Before connecting any of the
accessories (excluding the
floor head ‰
), first
connect the deflector nozzle Ì to the end of
the steam outlet on the main body of the steam
Fit the required accessory over the deflector
nozzle by aligning the hole in the side of the
accessory with the lock button „ on the main
body of the steam cleaner. Ensure that the lock
button clicks firmly into place H.
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