For the presets Best Quality, Standard
and Extended Record, the resolution will also
be selectable:
To select the resolution, activate the correspond -
ing submenu (fig. 31) via the line 1.Record
Mode Setup.
Define the desired resolution (pixels horizontal ×
vertical) in the line 1.Record Resolution.
In the line 3.Max Rec. PPS define a maxi-
mum picture rate (PPS = pictures per second)
depending on the resolution.
(For DMR-604, the
maximum picture rate will be defined by the reso-
lution selected.)
Note: If a change has been made in the submenu
Record Mode Setup, a message requiring a sys-
tem restart will appear when exiting the submenu.
For the presets mentioned above, the total pic-
ture rate will principally be divided among all input
channels, regardless of whether or not there is a
camera signal at an input. For the preset
ezRecord, however, the memory will be used
more effectively: Only the channels with a cam-
era signal applied will be recorded. To configure
this preset
chapter 8.1.1.
For recording in case of alarm triggering only (by
motion detection or via an alarm input), select the
preset Event Only. Define the type of events
and their evaluation under Alarm Functions
chapter 10).
If no preset has been selected (OFF), it will be pos-
sible to set each camera channel individually for
recording via the line 4. Per Camera Config
now accessible (
chapter 8.1.2).
3) In the line 6.Data Lifetime, define the num-
ber of days for which a recording will be available
for replay. If no limit is desired for the replay time,
set the value to 0Days.
Note: This setting will not affect the actual exist -
ence of a recording; it will limit the replay time
intentionally. For replaying a recording made ear-
lier, increase the value accordingly.
4) In the line 7.Circular Recording, define if
the oldest data on the hard disk will be automati-
cally overwritten (ON) and thus permanent
recording will be possible. If the overwrite mode
has been deactivated (OFF), the recording will
stop once the hard disk(s) is (are) full and a sig-
nal will sound.
5) In the line 8.Audio Recording, define if audio
signals will also be recorded (ON) or not (OFF).
8.1.1 Configuring “ezRecord”
The preset “ezRecord” allows a simple and effective
setting for recording. To configure this preset:
1) Via the line 5.ezRecord Setup, activate the
corresponding submenu (fig. 32).
2) In the line How Many Days To Record, de -
fine the minimum number of days for recording.
3) In the lines Daytime Record, Night
Record and Weekend Record, define if nor-
mal recordings (i. e. without alarm triggering) will
be made during these periods (Yes) or not (No).
The periods will be defined in the recording
schedule (
chapter 8.1.3). If the option “Week-
end Schedule” has been deactivated in the
recording schedule, it will not be possible to set
the line Weekend Record.
Depending on the capacity of the hard disk(s)
installed and the preset values, the change of the
other values will be calculated and displayed imme-
diately when entering data, e. g. the average picture
rate to be achieved with the presets will be displayed
in the line Average Normal PPS and the cor -
responding quality will be displayed in the line
Average Normal Quality.
Likewise, the possible recording time will be cal-
culated immediately when the picture rate or the
quality is changed.
Note: Only channels with a camera signal applied
will be recorded. Calculations in this submenu will be
based on the cameras currently connected. It is
therefore recommended to repeat the setting in this
submenu when the number of cameras connected is
8.1.2 Configuring individual camera channels
If none of the presets for recording is the optimum
solution for the application, it will be possible to con-
figure the camera channels individually for record-
ing. For this purpose, select the option OFF in the
line 3.Preset Config.
1) Via the line 4.Per Camera Config, activate
the corresponding submenu (fig. 33).
2) In the line Camera Select, select the channel
of the camera to be adjusted.
3) In the line Normal PPS, define the picture rates
(pictures per second) for the normal recording
mode. The columns Day, Night and Weekend
refer to the periods defined in the recording
schedule (
chapter 8.1.3). If the option “Week-
end Schedule” has been deactivated in the
recording schedule, the values in this column will
be insignificant. Set the picture rate to 0 if a cam-
era signal is not to be recorded in the normal
mode (only in case of alarm).
In the line Normal Qlty, select the quality of
the video signal in the normal mode. With
increased quality (Low → Fair → Mid → High
→ Best), the required memory space will also
4) In the line Event Max PPS, define the maxi-
mum picture rates for the recording mode in case
of alarm. The actual picture rate for recording a
channel will depend on the number of channels
recorded simultaneously in case of alarm.
In the line Event Qlty, select the quality for
recording the video signal in case of alarm. With
increased quality (Low → Fair → Mid → High
→ Best), the required memory space will also
5) In the line Event Act, define the type of event
triggering an alarm recording.
Motion motion detection
Alarm signal at an alarm input
Both motion detection or signal at an alarm
None no alarm recording
The type of event triggering an alarm recording
also depends on the settings in the submenu
“Event Setup” (
chapter 10).
Note: The total amount of picture rates for all chan-
nels may be the total picture rate as a maximum, i. e.
before increasing the picture rate of a channel in nor-
mal mode, it may be necessary to decrease the pic-
ture rate of another channel. In case of alarm, the
channel with the event triggering the alarm will take
priority. The remaining picture rate will be divided
among the channels recording normally.
8.1.3 Defining the recording schedule
For the recording preset “ezRecord” and for the indi-
vidual recording configuration of the camera chan-
nels it will be necessary to define the recording
1) Via the line 2.Schedule Setup, activate the
corresponding submenu (fig. 34).
2) In the line 1.Day Time Start, define the start
of the recording period “day”.
3) In the line 2.Day Time End, define the end of
the recording period “day”.
4) In the line 3.Night Time Start, define the
start of the recording period “night”.
5) In the line 4.Night Time End, define the end
of the recording period “night”.
6) In the line 5.Weekend Schedule, define if the
recorder will distinguish between weekdays and
weekend (ON) or not (OFF).
If ON has been selected, define the start of the
weekend period in the line 6.Weekend Start
and the end of the weekend period in the line
7.Weekend End.
Note: While recording, it will not yet be possible to
replay a part of the latest recording as the data will
still be in the buffer.
Submenu “Record Mode Setup”
Submenu “Schedule Setup”
Submenu “Per Camera Config”
Submenu “ezRecord Setup”
720 × 576,
25 PPS
720 × 288,
50 PPS
360 × 288,
100 PPS
720 × 480,
30 PPS
720 × 240,
60 PPS
360 × 240,
120 PPS
22 KB/
12 KB/
6 KB/
14 KB/
8 KB/
4 KB/
6 KB/
4 KB/
2 KB/