TV Signal Output Type
NTSC and PAL TV outputs are available from this unit.
The system default value is NTSC.
Environmental Light Adjustment Frequency
To overcome theflicker created on thepicturetaken
by DV and DSC due to indoor florescent lamp fl ashing
frequency, this unit provides two setups for flashing
frequencies of light source : 50Hz, 60Hz, and the system
default value is 60Hz.
Note: The flicker caused by direct shooting against
light source cannot be eliminated.
Language Selection
Different la nguage interfaces to operate this unit are
avail able.
Adjusting the Automatic Turn-Off Time
System provides five types of turn-off setup: Turn-off,
1minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, and 5 minutes, the
system default value is 3 minutes.
LCD Backlight Brightness Adjustment
To save power, users can adjust the LCD brightness,
there are 4 selections: Auto, Minimum, Medium,
Maximum. Mi nimum means darkest, Maximum means
brightest. System default is Medi um.