Dimâge Scan Dual
Click on
• All frames on the cassette will be scanned and opened in the Index
Index scan performs a low resolution scan of each image on the cassette and displays them in
the index window. The time required for an index scan will vary, depending on the performance
of your machine.
If you don’t want to index scan the entire roll, select the frame number of the image you want
to scan from the index print provided by your photofinisher. Click on the appropriate image box
in the index window to select an image for prescanning or scanning.
Click here to reverse
the display order.
• To cancel the index scan, press the
escape key until the Cancelling Index
Scan message box appears.
• The completed index scans will
appear in the index window.
• Frames that have not been index
scanned can still be selected for
prescanning and scanning.