88 Auto dust brush plug-in
Film type: the type of film scanned must be specified. Dust on positive or slide film is shown as
dark spots. On negative or print film, the dust is seen as white spots.
Processing level: the degree of processing can be specified.
Dust threshold size: the processing can be limited to a certain size of image artifacts caused by
dust. The value displayed in the text box is in pixels. Processing is not applied to image ele-
ments larger then the specified value.
Fine control: by clicking on the check box, the slider and text box can be used to make fine
adjustments to the current settings.
Preview: click the check box to display the effect of Auto Dust Brush processing on the preview
Magnification buttons: to enlarge or reduce the preview image. Click and drag on the image to
Click the OK button to apply the settings to the image. The cancel button closes the window
without apply the changes.