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BZ_| go {H$gr ^r bjU H$m AZw^d hmoVo hr, Vwa§V {M{H$ËgH$ go gånH©$ H$a|. _mVm-{nVm H$mo BZ bjUm| na {ZJamZr aIZr Mm{hE `m AnZo ~ƒm| go nyN>Zm Mm{hE - ì`ñH$m| H$s VwbZm
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Qo>br{dμOZ ñH«$sZ go Xya ~¡{R>E.
N>moQo> Qo>br{dμOZ ñH«$sZ H$m Cn`moJ H$[aE.
^br^m±{V àH$me_mZ H$_ao _| Io{bE.
O~ AmnH$mo ZtX Am ahr hmo `m WHo$ hþE hm|, Vmo _V Io{bE.
`{X AmnH$m `m AmnHo$ {H$gr n[aOZ H$m Xm¡ao `m {_aJr H$m B{Vhmg hmo, Vmo IobZo go nhbo {M{H$ËgH$ go g§nH©$ H$a|.
g^r {S>dmBgoμO
[ano`a H$aZo H$m à`mg Z H$a|
hmS©>do`a {S>dmBg `m nm°da gßbmB© H$mo AbJ H$aZo, ImobZo g{d©g H$aZo `m g§emo{YV H$aZo H$m à`mg Z H$a|. Eogm H$aZo go {~Obr Ho$ PQ>Ho$ bJZo `m AÝ` IVao hmo gH$Vo h¢. {S>dmBg H$mo
ImobZo Am¡a/`m g§emo{YV H$aZo Ho$ à`mg, {Og_| N>rbZm, No>X H$aZm `m {H$gr bo~b H$mo hQ>mZm em{_b h¡, gr{_V dma§Q>r H$mo A_mÝ` H$a XoJm.
KwQ>Z H$m IVam
Bg {S>dmBg _| Hw$N> N>moQo> nmQ©²>g hmo gH$Vo h¢, Omo 3 df© go H$_ C_« Ho$ ~ƒm| Ho$ {bE KwQ>Z H$m IVam ~Z gH$Vo h¢. N>moQo> nmQ©²>g H$mo ~ƒm| go Xya aI|.
Cn`moJ Am¡a gμ\$mB©
BZ {ZX}em| Ho$ AZwgma Cn`moJ H$a|:
{H$gr Vmn ómoV Ho$ {ZH$Q> Cn`moJ Z H$a|.
Ho$db Microsoft Ûmam {Z{X©ï> AQ¡>M_|Q>/EŠgogarμO H$m Cn`moJ H$a|.
Ho$db gyIo H$n‹So> go gmμ\$ H$a|.
Bg CËnmX H$mo Jrbm Z hmoZo X|. AmJ `m {~Obr Ho$ PQ>Ho$ Ho$ Omo{I_ H$mo H$_ H$aZo Ho$ {bE Bg CËnmX H$mo dfm© `m AÝ` àH$ma H$s Z_r Ho$ g§nH©$ _| Z AmZo X|.
{MnH$mH$a Xrdma na bJmZm
Hw$N> CnH$aUm| na {MnH$Zo dmbr Qo>n H$m Cn`moJ {H$`m J`m hmoVm h¡ Vm{H$ AmnHo$ H$m`©joÌ na MrμOm| H$m aIm Om gHo$. nwamZr MrμOm|, gm_mZm| `m AÝ` ~hþ_yë` `m AZ_mob dñVwAm| na H$moB©
MrμO Z aI|. aIH$a, {MnH$Zo dmbo nXmW© Ho$ hQ>Zo go H¥${Ì_ naV CI‹S> gH$Vr h¡ Am¡a/`m {MnH$Zo dmbm Adeof dhm§ Ny>Q> gH$Vm h¡.
Q¡ãboQ ñQ¢S
Q¡ãboQ ñQ¢S na aIo hwE CnH aUm| H$mo ZwH$gmZ Z nh§yMo, BgHo {bE CZ na ~hwV A{YH ~moP Z aI| `m YŠHm Z X|, {Oggo do {Ja OmE§ `m nbQ OmE.
boμOa Am¡a LED {Z{X©ï>rH$aU
gmdYmZ `hm§ ~VmE JE qZ`§ÌH$m| `m g_m`moOH$m| H$m Cn`moJ H$aZo go AWdm ~VmB© JB© H$m`©{d{YAm| go BVa H$m`©{d{Y H$aZo Ho$ n[aUm_ñdê$n IVaZmH$ {d{H$aUm| go gm_Zm hmo gH$Vm h¡.
boμOa {S>dmBgoμO
`h CnH$aU loUr 1 Ho$ boμOa CËnmX Ho$ {bE A§VaamîQ´>r` _mZH$ AmB©.B©.gr. 60825-1:2007-03 Ho$ AZwê$n h¡. `h {S>dmBg boμOa Zmo{Q>g Z§~a 50,
{XZm§H$ OyZ 24, 2007 Ho$ {df`m§VaH$aU H$mo N>mo‹S>H$a 21 CFR 1040.10 Am¡a 1040.11 H$m ^r AZwnmbZ H$aVm h¡.
Am°pßQ>H$b (LED) _mCg
A§Vaamï´>r` _mZH$ (AmB©.B©.gr. 60825-1:2001-08) Am¡a AmB©.B©.gr. 62471 (2006-07) Ho$ AZwnmbZ Ho$ g§~§Y _| Bg CËnmX H$m _yë`m§H$Z
{H$`m J`m h¡. Bg CËnmX _| CZ boS²>g (Eb.B©.S>r.Eg.) H$m Cn`moJ {H$`m J`m h¡ {OÝh| loUr 1 (AmB©.B©.gr. 60825-1:2001-08) H$m _mZm J`m h¡.
{Z`m_H$ OmZH$mar
Bgo _erZr, {M{H$Ëgm g§~§Yr `m Am¡Úmo{JH$ AZwà`moJm| _| Cn`moJ {H$E OmZo Ho$ {bE Zht ~Zm`m J`m h¡.
Microsoft Ûmam A{^ì`º$ AZw_moXZ Ho$ {~Zm {H$`m J`m n[adV©Z `m g§emoYZ Cn`moJH$Vm© Ho$ Bg {S>dmBg Am°naoQ> H$aZo Ho$ A{YH$ma H$mo A_mÝ` H$a gH$Vm h¡.
`h CËnmX EZ.Ama.Q>r.Eb. _| gyMr~Õ (`y.Eb., gr.Eg.E., B©.Q>r.Eb., Am{X) Am¡a/`m AmB©.B©.gr./B©.EZ. 60950-1 g§JV (gr.B©. {M{•V) gyMZm àm¡Úmo{JH$s Ho$ CnH$aU Ho$ gmW
Cn`moJ {H$E OmZo Ho$ {bE ~Zm`m J`m h¡
H$moB© g{d©g H$aZo `mo½` nmQ©²>g em{_b Zht. `h CËnmX +41ºF (+5
ºC) go +95ºF (+35ºC) na Am°naoeZ Ho$ {bE ì`mdgm{`H$ CËnmX Ho$ ê$n _| aoQo>S> h¡.
Ama.Eμ\$. àXe©Z g§~§{YV Amdí`H$VmAm| H$s ny{V© Ho$ {bE, {ZåZ{b{IV g§MmbZ H$m°pÝμ\$Jaoe§g A{Zdm`© ê$n go hmoZr Mm{hE: CËnmXH$ Ûmam EH$ E§Qo>Zm ñWm{nV {H$`m J`m h¡ Am¡a H$moB©
n[adV©Z Zht {H$E Om gH$Vo. dm`abog {S>dmBgoμO {ZpíMV ê$n go AÝ` E§Qo>Zm `m Q´>m§ñ_rQ>a Ho$ g§`moOZ _| gh-pñWV `m Am°naoQ> Zht hmoZo Mm{hE. hoS>goQ> Am¡a hmW _| {bE OmZo dmbo CnH$aUm|
Ho$ Abmdm, ~mH$s g~ Vmaa{hV CnH$aU H$m Vmaa{hV CnH$aU Am¡a g^r ì`{º$`m| Ho$ ~rM H$_ go H$_ 20 go_r H$m hmoZm A{Zdm`© h¡.
802.11E CnH$aUm| Ho$ {bE _mÌ
Bg CËnmX H$m Cn`moJ Ho$db Ka H$s MmaXrdmar VH$ _mÌ gr{_V h¡ {Oggo 5.15 go boH$a 5.25 {JJmhQ©²>O μ\«$sŠd|gr joÌ Ho$ ^rVa hmoZo dmbo bmBg|gewXm g§MmbZ _| hm{ZH$maH$ hñVjon hmoZo
H$s {H$gr ^r g§^mdZm H$mo H$_ {H$`m Om gHo$.
Microsoft Corporation; One Microsoft Way; Redmond, WA 98052-6399; U.S.A. g§`wº$ amÁ` A_o[aH$m: (800) 426-9400 H$ZmS>m: (800) 933-4750
Iam~ ~¡Q>[a`m| Am¡a BbopŠQ´>H$b Am¡a BboŠQ´>m°{ZH$ CnH$aUm| H$m {S>ñnmoμOb
CËnmX `m BgH$s ~¡Q>[a`m| `m BgH$s n¡Ho$qOJ na Bg {M• H$m AW© h¡ {H$ `h CËnmX `m Bg_| em{_b H$moB© ~¡Q>ar, {ZpíMV ê$n go AmnHo$ Kaoby Ad{eï>m| Ho$ gmW {S>ñnmoμO Zht {H$E
OmZo Mm{hE. BgHo$ ñWmZ na, `hm± AmnH$s {μOå_oXmar h¡, {H$ ~¡Q>[a`m| Am¡a BbopŠQ´>H$b Am¡a BboŠQ´>m°{ZH$ CnH$aUm| H$s argm`{H$qbJ Ho$ {bE Bgo bmJy g§H$bZ {~ÝXw Ho$ gwnwX© H$a|.
`h n¥WH$ g§H$bZ Am¡a argm`{H$qbJ, àmH¥${VH$ g§gmYZm| Ho$ g§ajU Am¡a ~¡Q>[a`m| Am¡a BbopŠQ´>H$b d Bb¡ŠQ´>m°{ZH$ CnH$aUm| _| IVaZmH$ VÎdm| H$s g§^m{dV _m¡OyXJr Ho$ H$maU
_mZdr` ñdmñÏ` Am¡a n`m©daU na n‹S>Zo dmbo CZ gå^m{dV ZH$mamË_H$ n[aUm_ go ~MZo _| ghm`Vm H$aoJm, Omo AZw{MV {S>ñnmoμOb Ho$ H$maU n‹S> gH$Vm h¡. AnZr ~¡Q>[a`m| Am¡a
Bb¡pŠQ´>H$b d Bb¡ŠQ´>m°{ZH$ CnH$aUm| H$mo H$hm± S´>m°n H$a|, Bg {df` _| A{YH$ OmZH$mar Ho$ {bE H¥$n`m AnZo ñWmZr` ZJa/ZJanm{bH$m, Kaoby Ad{eï> {S>ñnmoμOb godm `m Cg
XwH$mZ go g§nH©$ H$a|, Ohm± go AmnZo Bgo IarXm Wm.
WEEE Am¡a Ad{eï> ~¡Q>[a`m| na A{YH$ OmZH$mar Ho$ {bE weee@microsoft.com na g§nH©$ H$a|.
`yAmaEb Am¡a AÝ` B§Q>aZoQ> do~ gmBQ> g§X^© O¡go Bg XñVmdoμO _| ì`º$ OmZH$mar Am¡a {dMma {~Zm {H$gr nyd© gyMZm Ho$ ~Xb gH$Vo h¢.
`h XñVmdoμO AmnH$mo {H$gr
Microsoft CËnmX H$s {H$gr ~m¡{ÕH$ g§n{Îm na H$moB© H$mZyZr A{YH$ma Zht XoVm. Amn AnZo Am§V[aH$, gm§X{^©H$ CÔoí`m| Ho$ {bE, Bg XñVmdoμO H$s à{V{bn ~Zm gH$Vo h¢ Am¡a BgH$m Cn`moJ H$a gH$Vo h¢.
© 2012 Microsoft Corporation.
Microsoft, IntelliEye, IntelliMouse, Am¡a Windows Microsoft H§$nZr g_yh Ho$ Q´o>S>_mH©$ h¢.
Bluetooth Bluetooth SIG H$m n§OrH¥$V Q´o>S>_mH©$ h¡. AÝ` g^r Q´o>S>_mH©$ g§~§{YV ñdm{_`m| H$s g§n{Îm h¢

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Microsoft All in One Media Keyboard Quick start guide - English, French, Portuguese, Spanish - 11 pages

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