Tire pressuremonitor
Warning/indicator lamp
Possible causes/consequences and M
M Solutions
Tire pressuremonitoring
system warning lamp
The yellowtirepressuremonitoring system warning lamp(pressureloss/malfunction) flashes forapproximately one
minuteand then remains lit.
*The tirepressure monitoring system is defective.
WARNING There is arisk of an accident if thetirepressuremonitoring system is malfunctioning
If thetirepressuremonitoring system is malfunctioning, it is notable to issue awarning if thereispressureloss
in one or moreofthe tires.
Underinflated tires may, forexample, impair thedriving, steering and braking characteristics.
Have thetirepressuremonitoring system checkedataqualified specialistworkshop.
Visit aqualified specialistworkshop.
Tire pressuremonitoring
system warning lamplights
The yellowtirepressuremonitoring system warning lamp(pressureloss/malfunction) is lit.
*The tirepressuremonitoring system has detected tirepressurelossinatleast one of thetires.
WARNING Risk of an accident duetoinsufficient tirepressure
Tire pressures that aretoo lowpose thefollowing hazards:
The tires mayburst,especiallyasthe load and vehicle speed increase.
The tires maywear excessively and/or unevenly, whichmay greatlyimpair tiretraction.
Displaymessages and warning/indicator lamps