Possible causes/consequences and MM Solutions
Consult aqualified specialistworkshop.
Engine Oil Level Cannot Be
*The electrical connection to theoil levelsensor has been interruptedorthe oil levelsensor is faulty.
Consult aqualified specialistworkshop.
Warning and indicator lamps
Overviewofindicator and warning lamps
Somesystems will perform aself-testwhen the
ignition is switched on. Someindicator and
warning lamps maybriefly light up or flash. This
behavior is non-critical. Theseindicator and
warning lamps indicateamalfunction onlyifthey
light up or flash afterthe engine has been star‐
tedorduring ajourney.
Instrument Display
Dependingonthe displaysetting, thepositions
of theindicator lamps on theInstrument Display
maydifferfromthe example shown.
If youselect theprogressivedisplaysetting, the
positionsofthe indicator lamps on theInstru‐
ment Displaywill change.
Displaymessages and warning/indicator lamps