AssistanceCenter (USA) at thehotline number
1-800-FOR-MERCedes (1-800-367-6372)orCus‐
tomer Service (Canada)at1-800-387-0100.
Possible danger due to substances hazard‐
ous to health
In compliance withProposition 65 ("Prop65"),
thefollowing detachable label has been added to
eachvehicle sold in California:
Operating safety
Plug-in hybrid: observe thenotes in theSupple‐
ment.Otherwise, youmay fail to recognize dan‐
WARNING Risk of accident duetomal‐
functions or system failures
If youdonot have theprescribed service/
maintenanceworkorany required repairs
carried out, this could result in malfunctions
or system failures.
Alwayshave theprescribed service/
maintenanceworkaswell anyrequired
repairscarried out at aqualified spe‐
WARNING Risk of accident and injury as
aresult of incorrect modifications to
electronic componentparts
Modification to electronic components, their
softwareorwiring could impair their function
and/or thefunction of other networkedcom‐
ponentparts. In particular,systems relevant
to safetycould also be affected.
As aresult, they maynolonger function as
intended and/or endanger theoperating
safetyofthe vehicle.
Nevertamper withthe wiring and elec‐
tronic component parts or their soft‐
Youshould have all work on electrical
and electronic componentscarried out
at aqualified specialistworkshop.
Observe the"On-boardelectronics"section in
"Technical data".
WARNING Risk of fire due to flammable
materials on hotparts of theexhaust
Flammable material suchasleaves, grass or
twigs mayigniteiftheycome intocontact
with hotparts of theexhaust system.