1 Main applic ations
2 Quick-access (e.g. direct destination entry or
navig ating ho me)
3 Global search
(search for functio ns in the system, e.g. Music
or Na vigation , as well a s thos e exte rnal t o the
system, e.g. Internet)
4 Creates, modifies and switches profiles
You can, for exampl e, store the sea t and
steering whe el position , multifunction di splay
contents, amb ient lighting set tings, favorites
and persona lized suggestions.
5 Calls up th e not ification cen ter
6 Numb er of appl icatio ns and the c urrentl y
selected display area
7 Calls up the air condi tioning menu
8 Calls up fav orites/suggestions and them es
Almo st every fu ncti on can be store d as a favori te.
Quick-access occurs using favorites button
ß on
the steeri ng wheel or on the touc hpad.
Sugge stions
The system lea rns the habits of the driver. Using
artifi cial int elligence, f or exampl e, places w hich are
visited regu larly, numbe rs which are called reg ularly
or favorite music styles are sto red as suggestions in
the profile and can be call ed up more quickly.
Via a set of th emes pr e-config ured ex-fa ctory, a
number of settings, e.g. display content, music
stations, dri ve program, ambient ligh ting, can be
stored simultaneously.
You can create ne w themes yourself.
MBUX m ultim edia sy stem H ome scr een
$ WARNIN G Mak e sure t hat you r ead the ent ire Operato r's Manual. Ot herwise, you ma y not r ecognize dang ers.
Star ting a dial og
For th e dial og with the V oice C ontrol System , you
can use complete se ntences as voice co mmands.
Help functions
• Optimum op eration :
Say the "Help Voice Control Sys tem" voic e
• Help fo r the curren t funct ion:
Say the "Help" voice comman d during the dialo g.
• Help for a spec ific sys tem:
Say the vo ice command for the desired system,
e.g. "Help teleph one".
You can change the language via the syst em
language set tings. If the Voice Co ntrol System doe s
not support the set system language, English is
Sele cted e xampl es
Navigat ion vo ice comma nds
• "Navigate to 25 Woodward Avenue, Detroit"
Starts r oute guidanc e to an address . The order of
the road, to wn or buildi ng number is irr elevant.
• "Navigate to John Doe"
Starts route guidan ce to a co ntact from yo ur
address book.
• "Show alternative routes"
The navi gation sho ws alternative ro utes for route
gui danc e.
• "Navigate to nearest gas station"
Starts route guidan ce to the nea rest gas stati on.
Teleph one vo ice com mands
• "Call John Doe"
The tele phone nu mber of a st ored cont act is
• "Read ou t new text me ssages"
All new text messages will be read out.
• "Call my father on his cell num ber."
The te lephon e number of the co ntact "Father c ell"
wi ll be call ed.
Media/radio voic e commands
• "Switch to station Z100"
If you are listening to the radio, you can say the
name of a st ation to which you wou ld like to
• "Play Bob D ylan"
The system searches throug h the names of all
available albums, tracks, artist s, music genres
and playlists. If t he result is un ambiguous,
playback starts immediatel y.
Vehicle vo ice commands
• "Open t he Assistan ce menu"
• "Temperature to 72 °F (22 °C)"
• "When is the next se rvice due?"
• "Fron t passenger reading lig ht on"
• "Ambie nt l ight ing to bl ue"
•" H e a d - u p D i s p l a y o n / o f f "
Onli ne voice commands
T o u s e t h i s f e a t u r e , y o u m u s t h a v e a c o n n e c t i o n
to the Intern et.
• "What w ill the weat her be like tomorr ow in
Nashv ille?"
• "Is it rai ning at my de stinatio n?"
Activa tion w ith a key word: Say "Hi Mercedes"
and combine it with a voice command or a
Acti vation using th e roc ker swit ch on the
multifu nction st eering wheel: Press up
and aft er the acous tic signal say a voice
command or a question.
Voice Control System (for infotainment, navigation and vehicle functions)
Note that yo ur vehicle may n ot be equipped with all featur es described.
Head-up D isplay
The He ad-up Di splay proj ects the fol lowing in to the
field of vision
of the dr iver:
• Inform ation fro m the nav igation syste m
• Information from the driving assistance systems
• Some wa rning messages
Switc hing th e Head- up Di splay o n/off
Mu ltim ed ia s yste m:
+ ò * Se tting s * Quick Access
1 Navigation messages
2 Current sp eed
3 Detected instruction s and traffic signs
4 Speed set in the driving as sistance system
(e.g. Active Distance Assist DISTRONIC)
Select HUD.
The Head-up Display is activated.
MBUX In terio r Assist ant
The MBUX Interio r Assistant recognizes certain
hand movements and gestures made between the
Media Displa y and the ce nter console, including
those m ade on the touchpa d. For exa mple, yo u can
switch the readi ng light on/off by using the ba ck of
the han d to briefly tou ch the rear view mirro r.
Further contro l functions:
• Operati on of fun ctions b y mov ing the hand closer
to the touch screen or to uchpad, e.g. a djusting
seat settings.
• Cal ling up a pr evi ously sto red favor ite with a hand
Head-up Display and MBUX I nterior Assistan t
Note that your vehicle may not be equipped wi th all of the features describe d.
Connecting a mobile phone
Requir ements:
Bluetoot h
is swit ched on on the mobile phone an d
the device is vi sible for other devices (se e the
manufacturer's operating in structions).
Searc hing f or a mobil e phon e
If your mobile phone is not found, try sear ching on
the mobile phon e itself.
Authori zing a mo bile p hone
Further inf ormation
Detailed i nformation o n Bluetoo th
con nec tion s
with your mobil e phone can be fo und at:
www.mercede s-benz.com/connect
Conn ect ing exte rnal me dia sou rce s
Dep ending o n th e vehicl e equ ipment , th ere are
further USB ports in the stowa ge compartment in
the fron t center console o r in the rea r folding
compartm ent.
1 Changing mobi le phones
2 Device manage r
On the MBUX multime dia system, select ò *
* .
Select Connect Ne w Device.
Select the desired mobile phone.
A code is displ ayed in the multimedia system and
on the mobile phone.
If th e codes matc h: co nfirm the code on the
mobile phone.
1 USB c onnecti on (type C )
USB conn ection for Apple CarPl ay™ or
Android Auto™
connection and ext ernal media s ources
$ WARNIN G Mak e sure t hat you r ead the ent ire Operato r's Manual. Ot herwise, you ma y not r ecognize dang ers.
P253104213-Ein zel.fm Seite 11 Montag, 15. Apri l 2019 7:49 07
If you carry the KEYLESS-GO key on your person,
you will be det ected by a sensor.
Do no t touch th e bumpe r and m aintain a distan ce of
around 12 i n (30 cm).
i The kicking movement must be towards the
vehicle and back again, and it must not be
carried out too slowly.
Deactivati ng the KEYLE SS-GO key functi on
If you wi sh to red uce the e nergy consu mption of the
key, you can dea ctiva te t he KEY LESS -GO fu ncti on.
Further inform ation
Further info rmation about M ercedes-Be nz vehicles
and about Dai mler AG can be found on the following
webs ite:
Merce des-Ben z Guid es app
The Mercede s-Benz Guides app co ntains t he
complete Operator 's Manual a nd is avail able
free-of-ch arge in the familia r app stores.
Regis tering in t he Mer cedes me p ortal
Register in th e Merce des me porta l in order to be
able to use the fu ll scope of you r vehicl e's funct ions.
To open or close: kick into the c enter of the
sensor detectio n range under the bumper wit h
your foot .
To deac tivate: press twice in succession on
butto n 1.
The ba ttery check lamp o f the key
lights up t wice briefly and once for a longer
To activa te: press an y button on the key.
Operat or's Manua ls
How-To Videos
Further inf ormatio n on your vehicle
Note that your vehicle may not be equipped wi th all of the features describe d.
P253104213-Ein zel.fm Seite 12 Montag, 15. Apri l 2019 7:49 07
Adjust ing the multif unct ion displ ay
Conten t 4 ca n be fre ely se lec ted.
The index points 6 show th e selected display
content .
Opera ting th e menu bar
Conten t 5 can be set using menu bar 3.
i If you press and hold button 1, the standard
display of t he multifunctio n display is shown.
Swipe Tou ch Contr ol 2 to the left or righ t to
The selec ted area wi ll be highl ighted.
Swipe Tou ch Contr ol 2 up or down in order to
select the de sired display conten t.
To call up t he menu bar: press button 1.
To select content: swipe Touch Contr ol 2 to
the left or righ t and press to confirm the menu.
Multi funct ion di splay
$ WARNIN G Mak e sure t hat you r ead the ent ire Operato r's Manual. Ot herwise, you ma y not r ecognize dang ers.
P253104213-Ein zel.fm Seite 7 Montag, 15. Apri l 2019 7:49 07