#Remove thevalve cap from valve7on the
faulty tire.
#Screw lling hose 8onto valve7.
#Insert plug 4into a 12 V socket in your vehi-
#Switch on thevehicle.
#Switch on the tire ination compressor using
On/O switch 3.
The tire is inated. First, tire sealant is pum-
ped into the tire. The pressure may briey rise
to approximately 500 kPa (5.0 bar/73 psi).
Do no
Do not switct switchhoo tthe tirhe tireeinationination comcomprpressoressor
durduring ting this phase!his phase!
#Let the tire ination compressor runfor a max-
imum of ten minutes.
The tire should then have attained a tire pres-
sure of at least 200 kPa (2.0 bar/29 psi).
If tire sealant leaks out, make sure you clean the
aected area as quickly as possible. It is prefera-
ble to use clean water.
If youget tire sealant on your clothing, have it
cleaned as soon as possible with perchloroethy-
If,If, aeraer tten minuten minutes, a tires, a tire pre pressuressure of 200 kPae of 200 kPa
(2.0 bar/29 psi) has no(2.0 bar/29 psi) has not been attt been attained:ained:
#Switch o the tire ination compressor.
#Unscrew the lling hose from thevalve of the
faulty tire.
Please note that tire sealant may leak out when
unscrewing the lling hose.
#Drive forwards or in reversevery slowly for
approximately 33 (10 m).
#Pump up the tire again.
Aer a maximum of ten minutes the tire pres-
sure must be at least 200 kPa (2.0 bar/
29 psi).
&WWARNINGARNING Risk of accident due to the
specied tire pressure not being achieved
If the specied tire pressure is not achieved
aer the specied time, the tire is too badly
damaged. The tire sealant cannot repair the
tire in this instance.
The braking characteristics as well as the driv-
ing characteristics may be greatly impaired.
#Do not continue driving.
#Consult a qualied specialist workshop.
If,If, aeraer tten minuten minutes, a tires, a tire pre pressuressure of 200 kPae of 200 kPa
(2.0 bar/29 psi) has been att(2.0 bar/29 psi) has been attained:ained:
#Switch o the tire ination compressor.
#Unscrew the lling hose from thevalve of the
faulty tire.
368368 Breakdown assistance