#Press me button 1.
Making an emergMaking an emergency callency call
#To open the cover of SOS button 2, press it
#Press and hold SOS button 3for at least one
If a Mercedes me call is active, an emergency call
can still be triggered. This has priority over all
other active calls.
Inforormation about tmation about the Merhe Mercedes me call using tcedes me call using thehe
me buttme buttonon
A call to the Mercedes-Benz Customer Center has
been initiated via the me button in theoverhead
control panel or the multimedia system
(/page 336).
Using thevoice dialog system you access the
desired service:
RAccident and Breakdown Management
RMercedes-Benz Customer Center forgeneral
information about thevehicle
You can nd information on thefollowing topics:
RActivation of Mercedes me connect
ROperating thevehicle
RNearest authorized Mercedes-Benz Center
ROther products and services from Mercedes-
Data is transferred during the connection to the
Mercedes-Benz Customer Center (/page 338).
Calling t
Calling the Merhe Mercedes-Benz custcedes-Benz customer centomer center usinger using
tthe multimedia systhe multimedia systemem
RAccess to a GSM network is available.
RThe contract partner's GSM network coverage
is available in therespective region.
RThe vehicle must be switched on so that vehi-
cle data can be transferred automatically.
Multimedia system:
4©5Phone 5©
#Call Mercedes me connect.
Aer conrmation, the multimedia system
sends therequired vehicle data. The data
transfer is shown on the central display.
Then, you can select a service and be connected
to a specialist at the Mercedes-Benz customer
Calling t
Calling the Merhe Mercedes-Benz Custcedes-Benz Customer Centomer Centerer aeraer
autautomatic accident or bromatic accident or breakdoeakdown detwn detectionection
RThe vehicle has detected an accident or break-
down situation.
RThe vehicle is stationary.
RThe hazard warning lights are switched on.
%This function is not available in all countries.
The vehicle can detect accident or breakdown sit-
uations under certain circumstances.
MBUX multimedia system 337337