#Have thevehicle and SmartKey checked at a
qualied specialist workshop.
TherThere is inte is interferfererence frence from a powom a powererful rful radio signaladio signal
Possible causes if the function of KEYLESS-GO is
RHigh voltage power lines
RMobile phones
RElectronic devices (notebooks, tablets)
RShielding due to metal objects or induction
loops for electrical gate systems or automatic
#Make sure that there is sucient distance
between the SmartKey and the potential
source of interference.
AActivctivating/deactivating/deactivating tating the authe automatic locomatic locking fking fea-ea-
The vehicle is locked automatically when thevehi-
cle is switched on and the wheels are turning
faster than walking pace.
#TTo activo activatate:e: press and hold button 2for
approximately ve seconds until an acoustic
signal sounds.
#TTo deactivo deactivatate:e: press and hold button 1for
approximately ve seconds until an acoustic
signal sounds.
The red indicator lamp on button 2lights up
once thevehicle is locked.
In thefollowing situations, there is a danger of
being locked out when the function is activated:
RWhile thevehicle is being tow-started or
RIf thevehicle is being tested on a roller dyna-
LocLocking/unlocking/unlocking tking the vhe vehicle witehicle with th the emer-he emer-
ggency keyency key
LocLocking/unlocking/unlocking tking the drhe driviver's door witer's door with th thehe
emergemergency keyency key
%If you wish to lock thevehicle entirely using
the emergency key, rst press the button for
locking from the inside while the driver's door
is open. Then proceed to lock the driver's
door using the emergency key.
7272 Opening and closing