To get the best out of your new appliance,
please read this user guide carefully before
using it for the first time. Take particular note of
the safety precautions. We also recommend that
you keep the instructions for future reference, so
that you can remind yourself of the functions of
your appliance.
• Incorrectuseofthisappliancemaycause
• Useforitsintendedpurposeonly.The
manufacturer is not responsible for any
or handling (see also Guarantee Terms).
• Fordomesticuseonly.Notforoutdooror
commercial use.
• Forconnectionto230V,50Hzonly.
• Donotimmersetheappliance,cordorplug
in water and make sure no water enters the
• Nevertouchtheappliance,cordorplugwith
wet or damp hands.
• Donotexposetodirectsunlight,high
temperatures, humidity, dust or corrosive
• Neverleavetheapplianceunattendedwhen
it is switched on.
• Keeptheapplianceunderconstant
supervision while in use. Keep an eye on
• Useonlyaccessoriessuppliedwiththe
appliance or those recommended by the
• Keeptheapplianceunderconstant
supervision while in use. Keep an eye on
children in the vicinity of the appliance when
it is being used. The appliance is not a toy.
• Theapplianceisnottobeusedbypersons
with reduced sensitivity, physical or mental
disabilities or persons who are unable to
use the appliance, unless supervised or
instructed by a person responsible for their
• Alwaysplacetheapplianceonalevel,dry,
and stable surface.
• Donottouchthemovingparts.
• Theapplianceisdesignedtosharpenalloy
steel, carbon steel or stainless steel knives.
It can be used to sharpen kitchen and sport
• Theappliancemustnotbeusedtosharpen
scissors, bread knives, electric knives with
bevelled indentations or knives with double-
sided bevelled indentations.
• Theappliancecansharpenkniveswith
single-sided bevelled indentations. Those
types of knife must only be sharpened in the
right-side guides of the appliance, and only
sharpen the smooth side of the blade.
• Nevertrytosharpenaknifethatcannot
easily fit into the guide.
• Neverputtheknifepointfirstintothe
sharpener and push it forward. You must
always draw the knife back through the
sharpener towards yourself.
• Keeptheknifeedgeparallelwiththetable,
unless sharpening the point.
• Donotpressdownhardontheknifeasyou
pull it through the appliance because this
can cause the whetstones to lock.
• Beverycarefulwhenhandlingknives.Never
run your finger along the blade to see if it is
• Youmayhavetosharpenaparticularknife
several times in the sharpener to achieve the
required sharpness.
• Youmustalwayswipethebladewithawet
cloth to remove any metal shavings when
you have finished sharpening the knife.
• Highcarbonsteelknivesmaygenerate
sparks when drawn through the sharpener.
This is normal and not dangerous.
• Thewhetstonescanvibrateastheyrotate.
This is normal.
• Donotapplyanykindoflubricanttothe
Cord and plug
• Donotletthecordhangoutovertheedge
of the work surface.
• Checkthatitisnotpossibletopullortrip
over the cord or any extension cord.
• Keepthecordandapplianceawayfrom
• Ensurethecordcannotcomeintocontact
with the knife when sharpening.
• Removetheplugfromthesocketwhen
the cord when removing the plug from the
socket. Instead, hold the plug.
• Ensurethatthecordisfullyextended.
• Thecordmustnotbetwistedorwound
around the appliance.