Congratulations on your purchase of this product from 4MBO
International Electronic AG, Fabrikstraße 45, D-73207 Plochingen.
You are now the owner of a device of the highest technical standard
and tried-and-tested quality. If, however, you should have a problem
with this product at any time please observe the following warranty
We will provide a guarantee for this device, when used correctly, for
a period of 24 months calculated from the date of purchase from
your dealer. We will
remedy any possible defects at our
insofar that the fault is a result of material defects or production errors.
The date of purchase must be demonstrated by presentation
of an
invoice, till receipt or other proof of purchase.
2.The guarantee becomes invalid if repairs are carried out with
out the express consent of our company.
3. You do, of course, retain all legal rights both in relation to our
company and in relation to the seller of this device in addition
to the rights provided by this guarantee.
4.If you have questions regarding this device, or technical
problems, please contact our appointed service provider:
Great Britain:
CPES, Combined Photographic & Electronic Services,
Bedford Street, Shelton, Stoke-on Trent, Staffs ST1 4PZ
Steven Commons, Santryhall Industrial Estate, Santry,
Dublin 9, Irland
Our helpline telephone number is printed on the reverse of
this manual.
Please have the following available during your call:
a) Description of any errors observed
b) Proof of purchase or receipt
5.We are happy to deal with repairs outside the guarantee period
at cost. If an
estimate is required, we will have to charge you for
this, but this cost will of course be deducted from your final invoice
if we carry out the work required.
Yours faithfully
Customer Support
4MBO International Electronic AG