your needs. Available profiles: Normal, Quiet,
Meeting, Outside,
You can edit the Normal profile by selecting:
Options> Settings
you can change:
- Ringtone (separate for SIM1/SIM2)
- Ringtone volume
- Ringtone type (ringing only, vibration only, etc.)
- Other sounds (key sounds, low battery alert, phone
switch-off sound)
In Standby mode, press and hold the # key to
activate the meeting profile, hold the # key again to
return to the previous profile.
22. Settings:
22.1 Phone settings
22.1.1 Date and time settings
To set the date and time, select in MENU:
Settings>Telephone>Time and date.
"Set time/date" to enter the time and date. To
navigate between options, use the UP/DOWN keys;
to enter an hour and date, use 0-9 keys.
You can also format the time (12h or 24h), and the
date format
If the battery is removed from the phone, you will
need to set the date and time when you reinsert it (if