This product is manuf actured under license from
Neural A udio Cor poration and THX Ltd. Marantz
hereby gr ants the user a non-exclusiv e, non-
transf erable, limited right of use to this product under
USA and foreign patent, patent pending and other
technology or trademarks owned by Neur al Audio
Corporation and THX Ltd. “Neural Surround”, “Neural
Audio”, “Neural” and “NRL ” are trademarks and
logos owned b y Neural Audio Corporation, THX is a
trademark of THX Ltd., which may be registered in
some jurisdictions. All rights reser ved.
Manuf actured under license under U.S . Patent
#’ s: 5,451,942; 5,956,674; 5,974,380; 5,978,762;
6,226,616; 6,487,535; 7,003,467 & other U.S . and
worldwide patents issued & pending. DTS, DTS
Digital Surround, ES, and Neo:6 are registered
trademarks and the DTS logos, Symbol and DTS
96/24 are trademarks of DTS, Inc. © 1996-2007 DTS ,
Inc. All Rights Reserved.
• dts Digital Surround
DTS was introduced in 1994 to provide 5.1 channels
of discrete digital audio into home theater systems.
DTS brings you premium quality discrete multichannel
digital sound to both movies and music.
DTS is a multichannel sound system designed to
create full range digital sound reproduction.
The no compromise DTS digital process sets the
standard of quality for cinema sound b y delivering
an exact cop y of the studio master recordings to
neighborhood and home theaters.
Now , e very moviegoer can hear the sound e xactly as
the moviemak er intended.
DTS can be enjoy ed in the home for either mo vies or
music on of D VD’ s , LD’s , and CD’ s.
• dts Neo:6
The advantages of discrete m ultichannel systems
ov er matr ix are well kno wn.
But ev en in homes equipped for discrete m ultichannel,
there remains a need for high-quality matrix decoding.
This is because of the large library of matr ix surround
motion pictures av ailable on disc and on VHS tape;
and analog television broadcasts .
The typical matrix decoder of today derives a center
channel and a mono surround channel from two-
channel matrix stereo material. It is better than a
simple matrix in that it includes steering logic to
improv e separation, but because of its mono , band-
limited surround it can be disappointing to users
accustomed to discrete multichannel.
Neo:6 offers se ver al impor tant improvements as
follo w ,
• Neo:6 provides up to six full-band channels of
matrix decoding from stereo matrix mater ial. Users
with 6.1 and 5.1 systems will derive six and fi ve
separate channels, respectiv ely , corresponding to
the standard home-theater speaker la youts.
• Neo:6 technology allows various sound elements
within a channel or channels to be steered
separately , and in a way which f ollows naturally
from the original presentation.
• Neo:6 off ers a music mode to e xpand stereo
nonmatrix recordings into the fi v e- or six-channel
lay out, in a wa y which does not diminish the subtlety
and integrity of the original stereo recording.
• dts Digital Surround ES
DTS-ES Extended Surround is a new multichannel
digital signal format de veloped by Digital Theater
Systems Inc. While offering high compatibility with
the conv entional DTS Digital Surround format, DTS-
ES Extended Surround greatly improv es the 360-
degree surround impression and space e xpression
thanks to fur ther e xpanded surround signals. This
format has been used prof essionally in movie
theaters since 1999.
In addition to the 5.1 surround channels (FL, FR, C,
SL, SR and LFE), DTS-ES Extended Surround also
offers the SB (Surround Bac k) channel for surround
playbac k with a total of 6.1 channels. DTS-ES
Extended Surround includes two signal f or mats with
different surround signal recording methods , as DTS-
ES Discrete 6.1 and DTS-ES Matrix 6.1.
• dts Digital Surround 96/24
The stereo CD is a 16-bit medium with sampling at
44.1 kHz. Prof essional audio has been 20- or 24-
bit for some time , and there is increasing interest
in higher sampling rates both f or recording and for
delivery into the home. Greater bit depths provide
extended dynamic r ange. Higher sampling rates
allow wider frequency response and the use of anti-
alias and reconstruction fi lters with more fav orable
aural characteristics.
DTS 96/24 allows f or 5.1channel sound tracks to be
encoded at a rate of 96kHz/24bits on D VD-Video
When D VD-video appeared, it became possib le to
deliver 24-bit, 96 kHz audio into the home , but only in
two channels, and with serious limitations on picture.
This capability has had little use.
D VD-audio allows 96/24 in six channels , but a
new pla yer is needed, and only analog outputs are
provided, necessitating the use of the D/A con ver ters
and analog electronics provided in the pla yer .
DTS 96/24 offers the f ollowing:
1. Sound quality transparent to the original 96/24
master .
2 . Full backward compatibility with all e xisting
decoders. (Existing decoders will output a 48 kHz
3. No new pla yer required: DTS 96/24 can be carried
on D VD-video , or in the video zone of D VD-audio ,
accessible to all D VD pla yers .
4 . 96/24 5.1-channel sound with full-quality full-
motion video , for music prog rams and motion
picture soundtracks on D VD-video.
DTS-HD Master Audio is capab le of delivering audio
that is a bit-for-bit identical to the studio master .
DTS-HD Master Audio deliv ers audio at super high
variable bit r ates -24.5 mega-bits per second (Mbps)
on Blu-ra y discs and 18.0 Mbps on HD-D VD - that
are signifi cantly higher than standard D VDs . This bit
stream is so “f ast” and the transfer r ate is so “high”
that it can deliver the Holy Gr ail of audio: 7.1 audio
channels at 96k sampling frequency/24 bit depths
that are identical to the original. With DTS-HD Master
Audio , y ou will be able to experience movies and
music, e xactly as the ar tist intended: clear , pure, and
Manuf actured under license under U.S . Patent
#’ s: 5,451,942; 5,956,674; 5,974,380; 5,978,762;
6,226,616; 6,487,535 & other U .S. and worldwide
patents issued & pending. DTS is a registered
trademark & the DTS logos and Symbol are
trademarks of DTS, Inc. © 1996-2007 DTS , Inc. All
Rights Reserved.
DTS-HD High Resolution Audio can deliv er up to 7.1
channels of sound that is vir tually indistinguishable
from the original. DTS-HD High Resolution Audio
delivers audio at high constant bit r ates super ior to
standard D VDs---6.0 Mbps on Blu-ra y discs and 3.0
Mbps on HD-D VD to produce outstanding sound
quality . It is capable of delivering up to 7.1 channels
at 96k sampling frequency/24 bit depth resolution. It
allows content creators to deliv er r ich, high defi nition
audio on movies where disc space ma y not allow f or
DTS-HD Master Audio .
Only receiver and controller products bearing the
THX Surround EX logo , when in the THX Surround
EX mode, f aithfully reproduce this new technology
in the home. This product ma y also engage the
THX Surround EX mode during the playbac k of 5.1
channel material that is not Dolby Digital Surround
EX eocnded. In such case, the inf or mation deliv ered
to the Surround Back channel will be progr am
dependent and may or ma y not be very pleasing
depending on the par ticular soundtrac k and the
tastes of the individual listener .
“SURROUND EX™” is a trademark of Dolby
Laboratories. Used under authorization.
THX Select2
Before an y home theater component can be THX
Select2 cer tified, it must pass a rigorous series
of quality and performance tests. Only then can a
product feature the THX Select2 logo , which is your
guarantee that the Home Theater products you
purchase will give y ou superb performance for man y
years to come . THX Select2 requirements defi ne
hundreds of parameters, including po wer amplifi er
performance, and pre-amplifier perf or mance and
operation f or both digital and analog domains. THX
Select2 receivers also f eature proprietar y THX
technologies (e.g., THX Mode) which accurately
translate movie soundtr acks for home theater
playbac k.
Neural Surround
T echnologies has been
chosen as the offi cial surround sound broadcast
format f or XM Satellite Radio’s “XM HD Surround”
and other leading FM/HD radio stations in the USA
and worldwide. Neural Surround, THX T echnologies
delivers the rich env elopment and discrete image
detail of surround sound in a format 100% compatible
with stereo .
Neural Surround, THX T echnologies draws the br ain’s
attention to sonic details in musical instruments,
vocals and ambience that are typically mask ed by
other playbac k systems. This allows the listener
to fully experience the richness and subtleties in
recorded performance as ne ver bef ore for both
surround encoded material and regular stereo
material such as CDs or digital media play ers. Neural
Surround, THX T echnologies is enabling the second
surround sound rev olution, bringing surround directly
to your ears!
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