5.5 timEr
The amber LED timer breaks workouts into manageable increments by displaying a count down of the time remaining on
specic movements. When the timer reaches zero, the Coach LEDs will change. Slow your movement to a complete stop,
and begin the next interval.
5.6 rEsistancE lEvEl & intEnsity lEvEl
KEy prEss
The Resistance Level UP/DOWN Arrow Keys only function after a user selects and begins a workout using the E3 main
console. The UP/DOWN Level Arrow Keys control the brake resistance level (1-20) during a Quick Start or Manual work-
out. The UP/DOWN Level Arrow Keys control the overall difculty level (1-20 with corresponding ranges) during the follow-
ing workouts: Random, Hill, EZ Incline, and Sports Training.
main consolE display changEs
The digital reading for the actual resistance or difculty level changes on the main console display when a user presses
the UP/DOWN Level Arrow Keys on the CoachZone.
5.7 coachzonE™ sEttings
audio adjustmEnt instructions
A beeping sound occurs whenever the timer reaches zero or a new program is selected. The user can turn off the beeping
sound by pressing and holding the GluteToner key for seven seconds. A beep will sound to conrm the change in settings.
Note: Settings can only be changed when the CoachZone is idle. They cannot be changed while using a workout en-