If all of the LED’s blink at the same time, the control unit is signaling a
The most important cases include:
• pump operation time has exceeded 2 minutes when !lling the boiler.pump operation time has exceeded 2 minutes when !lling the boiler.
This is usually due to:
- no water arrives;no water arrives;
- the level regulator does not work (probe).the level regulator does not work (probe). (probe).probe).).
• Water did not "ow during dispensing for more than 30 seconds.Water did not "ow during dispensing for more than 30 seconds.
This is usually due to:
- no water in the system;no water in the system;
- clogged jet;clogged jet;
- volumetric meter broken;volumetric meter broken;
- unsuitable grinding (too !ne).unsuitable grinding (too !ne).
Turn off the machine. Do not attempt any intervention. Contact the aftersales
service center!
Boiler !lling
A probe located inside the boiler controls water level.
Based on the water level, the pump will turn on and off but only after a certain
delay so as to prevent continuous operations due to the oscillation of water
Machine failureMachine failure
Contact the technical assistance centre
The machine is supplied with a !lling tube and drainage tube with relative
clamps, blind !lter and brush for daily cleaning, together with !lter holders and
8. Troubleshooting
3. Description
1 Interrupteur généralInterrupteur général
2 Pied réglable en hauteurPied réglable en hauteur
3 Jauge de niveauJauge de niveau
4 Robinet eauRobinet eau
5 Grilles d’appui des tassesGrilles d’appui des tasses
6 Bouton de commande distribution eauBouton de commande distribution eau
7 Tige vapeurTige vapeur
8 Bague d’enclenchement du porte-!ltreBague d’enclenchement du porte-!ltre
9 Porte-!ltrePorte-!ltre
10 Clavier de commande (version électronique seulement)Clavier de commande (version électronique seulement)
11 ManomètreManomètre
12 Semi-automatiquesSemi-automatiques
13 Boutons de commande distribution eauBoutons de commande distribution eau
14 Remplissage manuelRemplissage manuel