Distance: It may also be that the distance betwe en the transmitter and
the receiver is too great or has too many obsta cles between the units t o
allow the signa l to reach the transmitt er.
Rain is inaccurate
Interference: Are t here sources of radio f requency or electrom agnetic
interference ne ar the Base or the Rain sensor? Ham radios, Baby
monitors, Cordless Phones, etc can cause los s of signal or erratic
Mounting: Is the rain gauge mounted level ? If mounted with sc rews
through the bas e, please be sure they are only snug and not too tight .
Accuracy Test:
To test any La Crosse Technology rain gauge, follow these s teps:
1. Erase the Total rainfall or make note of this amou nt.
2. Pour water into th e gauge very slowly until it clicks exactly ten
3. Allow a minimum of t en minutes for this "rainf all" to accumulate,
and check the amount liste d on the Total rainfall cou nter
4. Your total shoul d be .19 inches.
Please follow the Proper Restart listed abov e.
Wind Sensor
Wind speed inaccur ate: Is the wind speed reading 0 .00 or dashes or
something else? Do t he cups spin freely ? Are the cups clear of insect
nests leaves etc? Do al l the other sensors work properly ?
Mounting: Where is your wind senso r mounted and how high is it
above the ground? In most cases, the sensor needs t o be 3-4ft above
the highest point o n your roof in orde r to clear nearby obstructio ns and
read accurately. The wind cups need to be i nstalled below t he
mounting bracket . If possible please also em ail a few pictures of y our
sensor installati on and the surrounding area t o this address
support@lacrossete chnology.com
Cord: Check that the wind cord is in good repair, free of cuts, animal
bites, pinch marks etc. Be sure it is secured from blowin g around, by
twist ties or zip tie s. Do not use staples. Did you shorten, lengt hen,
splice or modif y the cord in any wa y?
Check that the port on th e Thermo-hygro sensor whe re the wind cord
plugs in free of corrosion or be nt wires.
Interference: Are t here sources of radio f requency or electrom agnetic
interference near t he Base or the Wind sensor? Ham radi os, Baby
monitors, Cordless Phones, etc can cause los s of signal or erratic
Direction is stuck but speed is corr ect:
Check that nothi ng is binding the w ind vane. Is it s ticking in one
particular direction ? Check sources of interference a bove.
Direction is i ncorrect speed is fine:
Be sure to observe the Directions list ed on the sensor (N, S, E, W) The
point of the vane w ill tell you where the wind i s coming from.
The large arrow o n the compass rose of the base station will tell you the
average of where th e direction was coming f rom in the past 4.5 sec ond
update. The smalle r arrows if they a ppear, indicate the direc tional
changes during tha t same period.
Direction is fin e but there is no Wind sp eed:
Check that the c ups are there and spinning f reely.
Please follow the Proper Restart listed abov e.
– Minimum and Maxi mum Records
The Weather Cente r will record the Minim um and Maximum value of
Outdoor Tempera ture, Dew Point, Wind Chill, and Relative Air Pressure
with Time and Date of recording automatically . The Weather Center w ill
also r ecord Maxi mum Wind Speed, Wind Gust, and 24 hour Rain with
Time and Date of r ecording automaticall y.
MIN/MAX weather data can be viewed by pressin g the MIN/MAX key in
normal display m ode. Keep pressing to toggle t hrough the different Mi n
and Max readings.
Reset the Min/Max data
To reset the MIN/MAX w eather data, you shall need to reset each of the
data independent ly.
1. Press MIN/MAX key to show th e desired weather dat a.
2. Press and hold the SET key for about 2 seconds, the n the
"RESET" icon will appear at the bottom part of the LCD.
3. Press the PLUS key once, and then the stored val ue will be reset
to the Current value and Current time.
4. Press the ALARM key to return to no rmal display mode.
Reset Total Rain fall
In normal display mode , press the MIN/MAX key 14 times to show the
total rainfall value. The "RESET" icon will also be shown at the same
To Reset the Rainfal l reading, press t he PLUS key once when the
Rainfall value and "Reset" icon is shown. Then the total rainfall amount
will be reset to 0, and the t ime updated to Current t ime.
Setting The Time Alarm
Press and hold ALARM but ton for about 5 seconds until the alarm time
shows in the date area.
Press and hold the SET bu tton until the Alarm Hour fla shes. Use the
PLUS or the MIN/MAX button t o set the alarm hour. Press the SET
button and the Al arm Minutes will start flashing. Use the PLUS or the
MIN/MAX button to set the alarm m inutes. Press ALARM when done to
save the setting. You w ill see an Alarm Icon ((● )) showing in front of
the alarm time. Thi s indicates the time alarm is ON.
Turning off the Time Alarm:
An alarm icon ((● )) w ill appear in the upper right area of the Base
means that Tim e Alarm is turned on. Th e time at which an alarm is set
to ring will als o be displayed. Press and hold ALARM bu tton for about 5
seconds until the alarm t ime shows in the date area. Press and release
the SET button so the ic on ((● )) disappears.
Storm Alarm
In the Set Up Menu-Pres s and release the SET butt on 13 times until
you see the up and dow n arrow and a number in the pressure a rea
flashing. Use the PLUS or MI N/MAX buttons to sele ct a value from the
range of 0.09 to 0.27. This value is used to trigger a Storm Warning
Alarm based on a drop in air press ure. Press and release the SET
button once to move to tur n the Storm Alarm on or off.
Turning Storm Alar m ON or OFF: Use the PLUS or MIN/MAX buttons
to select AOF (Alarm Off) or AON (Alarm On). When the pressure falls
by the Storm Warning Thres hold Value you have selected, an alarm (if
on) will be trigge red.
Alarms for Outdo or Temperature, Hum idity, & Wind Speed:
To set the we ather data Alarms you shall need t o set each alarm
independently .
Press and hold ALARM but ton for about 5 seconds until the alarm time
shows in the date area. Press and release the ALARM butt on to move
to Outdoor Temperature high alarm, Outdoor Te mperature low alarm,
Outdoor Humidity high alarm, Outdoo r Humidity low alarm, and Wind
Speed high alarm.
To set the alarm in each of these areas, Pres s and hold the SET butt on
until the alarm flas hes. Use the PLUS or the MIN/MAX butt on to set the
alarm value. Press ALARM w hen done to save the set ting. You will
see an Alarm Icon ((● )) showing in front of the alarm time. Thi s
indicates the al arm is ON.
Turn Al arms ON or OFF : An alarm icon ((● )) will appear next to the
alarm value set. This i ndicates the alarm is turned O N. To turn the
alarm off Press and hold ALARM but ton for about 5 seconds u ntil the
alarm time shows in the da te area. Press and releas e the ALARM
button to move to Outdoo r Temperature high alarm, Outdoor
Temperature low alarm, Outdoor Humidity high alarm, Outdoor
Humidity low alarm, and Wind Speed high a larm. In each area press
and release the SET but ton so the icon ((● )) disappears.
Master Buzzer
The Master Buzzer may be u sed to silence the alarm s. The Buzzer will
not sound but we can s till see the alarm icon ((● )) flashing on the bas e
for the Alarm. When any w eather alarm is activate d, the particular
weather digits w ill flash to show user that t he Alarm is triggered, yet th e
buzzer will not sound.
To switch off the Buz zer:
1. In normal display mode, press and hold the SET key until the icon
"BUZZER OFF" is show n at the right side above the Wind
direction scale. The base will change to se tting mode.
2. Press ALARM key once to ret urn to the normal display mode . The
"BUZZER OFF" i con will still be show n.
To re-enable the Bu zzer:
1. W hen the BUZZER OFF ico n is sho wn on base, press th e SET
key shortly and th e BUZZER OFF icon will disappe ar.
2. Press ALARM key once to ret urn to the normal display mode . The
"BUZZER OFF" icon w ill no longer be shown. Th en the alarm will
sound normally.
- History
The Weather Center can store up to 140 sets of weather data (not
min/max values) which ar e recorded automatically at 3-hour intervals
after the weath er center is powered up, at the nearest tim e of 0:00,
03:00, 06:00, 0 9:00, 12:00, 15: 00, 18:00 and 21:00 .
Each History record includes the Wind Direction, Wind Speed in
Beaufort Scale, Wind Chill Temperature, Wind Speed, Wind Gust,
Outdoor Tempera ture and Humidity , Relative Pressure, 24 hour
Rainfall, Total Rai nfall, Pressure Hist ory and W eather T endency. T he
Time and Date of hist ory recording wi ll be displayed.
In order to acquire the correc t time of recording of t he history records,
the Time and Date shou ld be manually se t as soon as installing
batteries to the Weather Center.
To view the We ather History:
1. Press the HISTORY key. The latest weather rec ord will be show n
with the date and time of recording. The "HIST ORY" icon will b e
displayed at the bottom of th e LCD. HISTORY icon