This is not your grandmother’s pressure
It’s not even my grandmother’s pressure
cooker, and I come from Switzerland, where
pressure cookers are so popular that the aver-
age household has three. When I was growing
up, if I didn’t see a KUHN RIKON Duromatic
pressure cooker on the stove, I seriously won-
dered if we’d be having dinner.
KUHN RIKON, which has specialized in
pressure cookers for over 50 years, invented the
spring-loaded valve system that revolutionized
pressure cookers and made them extremely
safe to use, unlike some earlier models made by
other companies. KUHN RIKON has continued
to innovate and perfect pressure cooker designs
over the years, always listening to our cus-
tomers to provide what they want. We offer a
variety of styles because many cooks want more
than one – for example, a pressure frypan with a
waffle textured bottom for browning, plus a larg-
er size for really big batches of beans or soups.
Consumers tell us that they want delicious,
healthy meals, but they don’t have time to cook.
For cooks who know, pressure cookers solve
this problem with convenient Euro-style cooking
– fresh food fast.
Pressure cooking is the one kind of pressure
you can enjoy, and it’s even healthy for you!
Happy Cooking,
Rudolf Keller
Welcome to the
exciting world of
pressure cooking!
pressure cooker by
from Switzerland is
the best and most
accurate on the
market. You will
experience years of
satisfaction and
enjoyment from a
quality Swiss product,
not to mention better
tasting food, lower
energy bills, and less
time spent in the
kitchen. Did you
know all these
benefits came with a
pressure cooker?