14| Let’s start!
HDMI/RCA Video out
Connect Pa1000 to a TV or video monitor, to read lyrics and chords, or mir-
ror the internal display, on a bigger monitor. Models up to SN# 39999 in-
clude an RCA Video connector, while models starting from SN# 40000 in-
clude an HDMI connector.
USB ports
Use these connectors to connect your Pa1000 to a personal computer or a
tablet (DEVICE) or to connect an USB memory device, like an USB pendrive,
or another musical instrument to be used as a controller (HOST-R).
Pedal connectors
Use the DAMPER connector to connect a damper pedal, and the ASSIGNABLE
connector to connect either a continuous pedal or footswitch.
MIDI ports
Use these ports to connect Pa1000 to external controllers (master keyboard,
MIDI guitar, wind controller, MIDI accordion, MIDI pedalboard…), to a series of
expanders, or to a computer with a MIDI interface.
Audio outputs
Use these connectors to send the audio signal (sound) to a mixer, a PA sys-
tem, a set of powered monitors, or your hi-fi system.
Audio inputs
Use these connectors to connect a microphone, a guitar or another musi-
cal instrument. You can also connect the audio output of a media player, a
smartphone or a tablet.