1. Click “Edit” on the Audacity interface, select “Preferences”.
The screen will show the Audacity Preferences. You can see Audio I/O, Quality, File Formats, Spectrograms,
Directories, Interface, Keyboard and Mouse in the Audacity preference interface.
2. Select the recording device: microphone (USB Audio CODEC)
• Click“AudioI/O”intheAudacityPreferencesinterface.
• Click“Device”andselect“microphone(USBAudioCODEC)”.
• Click“Channels”andselect2(stereo).
• Tickthecheckboxesbelow“Channels”.
• Click“OK”.
Note: If you cannot find the “microphone (USB Audio CODEC)” from the Device list, close the Audacity
Software, re-open it, then try again.