Travel: Currency
Travel: Currency
Shows the latest currency conversion
Shows the latest currency conversion
information for your location.
information for your location.
Travel: Nearby attractions
Travel: Nearby attractions
Shown when you’re near well-known
Shown when you’re near well-known
attractions, such as restaurants, museums,
attractions, such as restaurants, museums,
cafes, and so on.
cafes, and so on.
Travel: Time back home
Travel: Time back home
Shown periodically when you’re in a different
Shown periodically when you’re in a different
time zone than usual.
time zone than usual.
Travel: Translate
Travel: Translate
Shown when you’re visiting a place with a
Shown when you’re visiting a place with a
different language, to help translate words and
different language, to help translate words and
Periodically displays weather for home, work,
Periodically displays weather for home, work,
or your current location.
or your current location.