For multiple speaker purchases, please fill out only one warranty card.
Street Address:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
E-mail Address:
Would you like to receive the latest product updates and news via e-mail? ❑ Yes ❑ No
Model: 4.1 System
Where did you purchase your Klipsch products from?
❑ Retail Store ❑ On-line at ❑ Computer Manufacturer
How did you hear about Klipsch? ❑ Audio/Home Theater Magazine ❑ Other Magazine ❑ TV ❑ Radio ❑ Newspaper
❑ Trade Show ❑ Friend ❑ Retail Dealer ❑ Direct Mail
Have you purchased Klipsch products before? ❑ Yes ❑ No
If yes, what products?
Product Name(s):
When do you hope to purchase additional loudspeakers? ❑ 6 mos.– 1 yr. ❑ 1–2 yrs.
How likely are you to consider Klipsch products for your upcoming purchases? ❑ Very likely ❑ Somewhat likely ❑ Doubtful
If doubtful, why? ❑ Don’t carry product I’m looking for ❑ Too expensive ❑ Klipsch dealer too far away
❑ Other
Please tell us about you!
❑ Married ❑ Single ❑ Student ❑ Male ❑ Female
Age: ❑ 15-17 ❑ 18-24 ❑ 25-35 ❑ 36-45 ❑ 46-55 ❑ 55-64 ❑ 65+
Annual Household Income: ❑ Under $25,000 ❑ $25-35,000 ❑ $35-50,000 ❑ $50-75,000 ❑ $75-100,000 ❑ $100,000+
Cut along dotted line and mail.