Exceeding maximum pulse
If the preset maximum pulse is exceeded by one pulse beat,
every 5 seconds two short beeps can be heard.
Error indication
In case of an error, 3 short beeps can be heard.
In this function, the flywheel mass is braked automatically.
Further training is not recommended.
Calculation of the fitness grade (F):
Grade (F) = 6.0 –
10 x (P1–P2)
P1 stress pulse, P2 = recovery pulse
F1.0 = very good, F6.0 = insufficient
Switching time/distance
With the programmes “Performance Profiles”, you can switch
the profile per column in the settings from time mode (1 minu-
te) to distance mode (400 metres or 0.2 miles). Cross ergome-
ter: (200 metres or 0.1 miles).
Profile display during training
At the beginning the first column is flashing. After that, one
column after the other is flashing, from left to right during training.
Rotation-speed independent mode
(constant performance)
The electromagnetic eddy-current brake regulates the braking tor-
que to the preset performance in case of alternating pedal rates.
Arrows pointing upwards/downwards
(Rotation-speed independent mode)
If a certain performance cannot be achieved with the rotation
speed (e.g. 400 Watt at 50 pedal rotations), the upward or
downward arrow indicates when faster or slower pedalling is
Rotation-speed dependent mode
(constant braking torque)
The eddy-current brake sets a constant braking torque. Only
pedalling will change the performance.
Calculation of the average values
The calculation is effected per training session.
Pulse measuring
If you lose the pulse signal, the performance of the device will
remain constant for approx. 60 seconds and is then slowly adju-
sted downwards.
Information on pulse measuring
The pulse calculation starts when the heart symbol in the dis-
play flashes according to your pulse beat.
With ear clip
The pulse sensor operates with infra-red light and measures the
changes in the light permeability of your skin caused by your
pulse beat. Before fastening the pulse sensor to your ear lob, plea-
se rub it strongly 10 times in order to increase blood circulation.
Avoid interfering impulses.
• Fasten the ear clip carefully at your ear lob and try to find
the most favourable point for sensoring (heart symbol flas-
hes without interruption).
• Do not train directly under strong incidence of light, e.g.
neon light, halogen light, spot light, sunlight.
• Completely avoid any vibrations and wobbling of the ear
sensor including cable. Always fasten the cable with the
clip at your clothes or - even better - at a headband.
With a chest strap
Please read the instructions on the back of the packaging.
Mobile telephones, TV sets and other electronic equipment
generating an electric field may create problems for heart-fre-
quency measurement.
Malfunction in the training computer
Turn the main switch off and then on again. In case of a mal-
function at the date or time display, change the battery on the
backside of the display panel. (See assembly instructions)
Information on the interface
The training programs “TourConcept“, item no. 7926-700,
which is available at your specialist dealer, makes possible to
control this KETTLER device by means of a PC /notebook via
the interface. For further information and for information on
software updates (firmware) of this device, go to
Training Instructions
You can determine whether or not your course of training has
had the desired effects after a few weeks by doing the following:
1. You achieve a certain level of staying power with less cardio-
vascular output than before;
2. You achieve a certain level of staying power for a longer peri-
od of time, though with the same cardiovascular output;
3. After achieving a certain level of cardiovascular output, you
recover more quickly than previously.
Standard values for endurance training
Maximum pulse rate: Maximum stress means achieving the indi-
vidual maximum pulse rate. The achievable maximum heart rate
depends on the age.
The following rule of thumb applies: The maximum heart rate per
minute equates to 220 pulse beats minus your age.
Example: Age 50 years > 220 - 50 = 170 pulse beats/min
Weight: Another criterion for determining the optimal training
data is the weight. The target specification for stress is 3 Watt/kg
weight for men and 2.5 Watt/kg weight for women. You must
also take into consideration that the physical efficiency decreases
at the age of 30 and beyond: with men approx. 1% and with
women approx. 0.8% per life year.
Example: Man, age 50; weight 75 kg
> 220 - 50 = 170 pulse beats/min maximum pulse
3 Watt x 75 kg = 225 Watt
> Minus “age discount” (20% of 225 = 45 Watt)
> 225 -45 = 180 Watt (target specification in case of stress)
Stress intensity
Stress pulse: The optimal stress intensity is achieved at 65 - 75%
(see diagram) of the individual cardiovascular performance. This
value will change, depending on the age.
Amount of stress
Duration of a training session and frequency per week:
The amount of stress can be regarded as ideal when 65 -
75% of your personal cardiovascular performance is achie-
ved over an extended period of time.