Select Dry On Stop to remove the effect on the microphone each time the arranger is stopped using
the Stop button. Normal: this is the standard condition.
Activates or deactivates the operation of the storage on the 2 Lower on the Stop position.
Allows you to assign a personal Password to all the Folders on the Hard Disk. This function is use-
ful for those Folders which have previously been locked using the LOCK function. (See DISK func-
tions). In fact, with the Password, these folders benefit from a further protection from erasure proce-
dures, writing and copying on the part of third parties, seeing as you first need to enter your
Password to be able to deactivate the Lock device.
The Password can be assigned to the Folder of the Hard Disk which is active upon operation in the
following way:
1) – Press F 1- Modify. If a Password does not already exist in the Folder, just write the new name
on the NEW line. The name must be composed of a maximum of 6 letters. To confirm, press F 10 –
2) – If an old Password already exists and you intend to modify it, first write the old name on the
HOLD line, then write the new one on the NEW line and confirm it.
Function of protection from the accidental writing on the Flash Card.
You can lock the Vocalizer mode on a specific Midi Channel. This function can be extremely useful
if you possess many Midifiles which have the Vocalizer track on a specific Midi Channel (e.g. 05). In
this case, in fact, if this function did not exist, you would have to set the Vocalizer onto this Midi
Channel for every new Song. You can select the Vocalizer mode within the General Midi (GM) using
the PART MODE – F8 function (Voice, Drum Set, Groove, VOCALIZER).
To access the Lock – Unlock function for the Midi Channel of the Vocalizer, use the F8 button in
the Utility – Pag 3 menu.
Selection of the access time to the Midifile on Hard Disk. On the NORMAL position, the access time
is the instrument’s normal access time; on the other hand, on the FAST position, the Midifile starts
immediately from the first notes in the sequence, ignoring the fist 1 or 2 initial beats and thus
allowing you to go from one Song to the next much faster.
F10: DELAY LOCK: (F10)
Allows you to lock the type of Delay active at that moment.