GP 50
Below are two examples of Midi Applications among the GP 50 and external Midi Units, such as
for example.
For practicality we will make reference to the XD3 model.
GGPP 5500 wwiitthh ffuullll ppiiaannoo kkeeyybbooaarrdd..
In this case all we need to do is set the Global Channel of the XD3 to reception on channel 01. The unit will then behave like a keyboard
with an Arranger section on the left of the Split C3 and the lead on the right. The GP50 can be played over the entire range.
GGPP 5500 wwiitthh sspplliitt kkeeyybbooaarrdd aanndd ppiiaannoo oonnllyy ffoorr tthhee lleeaadd..
In this case it is necessary to first activate the keyboard splitting (see Split chapter). In fact, every time that a Split keyboard is created,
the left side of the GP 50 can be muted by turning down the 2nd voice potentiometer (if there is an orchestral voice playing on the left) or
the Bass potentiometer (if the Bass is playing on the left). This allows us to play with the Piano only on the right and the Arranger on the
left, eliminating the annoying overlapping of grave notes of the Piano over the automatic accompaniment.
The Reset function of the GP 50 is used to restore all the functions and the initial parameters of the instrument.
To Reset the instrument, turn the instrument on holding the Track 1 and Record keys down together at the same time.