With all these voices on board, you will soon notice that you do have some voices that you use more often than others. These ‘favourite’ voic-
es can be stored in a special location in memory (One Touch) which renders quick access and recall during live performances. The DG 90 already
contains Ketron’s favourite voices within the current One Touch locations as default but you can later edit and replace these with your favourite
voices. Groups of ten favourite Voices can be created at a time. To call up one of these voices simply press the
push buttons (LED lit).
On the main page the first ten Voices of the list are displayed. To display the other five pages (with ten Voices each), use the first six
push buttons or scroll the pages using the
+/- push buttons. To select the Voice desired press the relative function push button.
To modify the list proceed as follows:
Press the
push button:
FF44 OOnnee TToouucchh EEddiitt
which will display the first page of the list. To access the other pages use just the
+/- push buttons.
Find the location to be replaced with a new Voice, selecting it using the function push buttons.
Select the Voice that will replace that in the list by following the procedures already described for calling up voices. The audio files could
also be used but these will not be loaded automatically when turning on again.
Furthermore, the DG 90 does not acknowledge original audio files within the list, which distributes the audio files in their loading order.
If the audio files are to be used in One Touch it is advisable to create a group of files to be loaded upon turning the keyboard on in the same
order in which they appear in the list (Sound Block).
to return to the One Touch Edit page.
Once the list has been completed press
Confirm the procedure using
FF1100 SSaavvee
or Cancel the procedure using
FF55 EEssccaappee
or Reset the default list using
FF99 DDeeffaauulltt..
FF88 DDiisskk SSaavvee
to save on the selected disk.
DG 90 - Digital Piano
Program and One Touch