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©d‚ «ô´b«œ
«≤Ed ≤IU◊ ≥U±W ¢∑FKo °FLq «∞ª∂e ´Kv «∞BH∫W 2.
white bread stiff yeast dough
kg (3lb) strong plain flour
15ml (3tsp) salt
25g (1oz) fresh yeast; or 15g/20ml (
2oz) dried yeast + 5ml (1tsp) sugar
750ml (1
4pts) warm water: 43˚C (110˚F). Use a thermometer or add 250ml
(9fl oz) boiling water to
500ml (18fl oz) cold water
25g (1oz) lard
dried yeast (the type that needs reconstituting): pour the warm water into
the bowl. Then add the yeast and the sugar and leave to stand for about
minutes until frothy.
fresh yeast: crumble into the flour.
other types of yeast: follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Pour the liquid into the bowl. Then add the flour (with fresh yeast if used),
salt and lard.
Knead at minimum speed for
45 - 60 seconds. Then increase to speed 1,
adding more flour if necessary, until a dough has formed.
Knead for
3 - 4 more minutes at speed 1 until the dough is smooth, elastic
and leaves the sides of the bowl clean.
Put the dough into a greased polythene bag or a bowl covered with a tea
towel. Then leave somewhere warm until doubled in size.
Re-knead for
2 minutes at speed 1.
Half fill four
450g (1lb) greased tins with the dough, or shape it into rolls.
Then cover with a tea towel and leave somewhere warm until doubled in
Bake at
230˚C/450˚F/Gas Mark 8 for 30 - 35 minutes for loaves or 10 - 15
minutes for rolls.
When ready, the bread should sound hollow when tapped on the base.
white bread soft yeast dough
2.6kg (5lb
12oz) ordinary plain flour
1.3 litre (
4pts) milk
300g (
10oz) sugar
g (1lb) margarine
100g (4oz) fresh yeast or 50g (2oz) dried yeast
6 eggs, beaten
5 pinches salt
Melt the margarine in the milk and bring to
43˚C (110˚F).
dried yeast (the type that needs reconstituting): add the yeast and sugar
to the milk and leave to stand for about 10 minutes until frothy.
fresh yeast: crumble into the flour and add the sugar.
other types of yeast: follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Pour the milk into the bowl. Add the beaten eggs and
2kg (4lb 6oz) flour.
Mix at minimum speed for 1 minute, then at speed 1 for a further minute.
Scrape down.
Add the remaining flour and mix at minimum speed for 1 minute, then at
1 for 2 - 3 minutes until smooth and evenly mixed.
Half fill some
450g (1lb) greased tins with the dough, or shape it into rolls.
Then cover with a tea towel and leave somewhere warm until doubled in
Bake at
200˚C/400˚F/Gas Mark 6 for 20 - 25 minutes for loaves or 15
minutes for rolls.
When ready, the bread should sound hollow when tapped on the base.
Makes about 10 loaves.
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˝ 003 §r (01 «Ë≤BW) ßJd
˝ 054 §r (1 °UË≤b) ±d§d¥s
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«∞ªLOd… «∞DU“§W: ≠∑∑NU ≠w «∞bÆOo.
«≤u«Ÿ «îdÈ ±s «∞ªLOd…: «¢∂l ¢FKOLU‹ «∞LM∑Z.
3 ÅV «∞∫KOV ≠w «∞u´U¡. «{n «∞∂Oi «∞LªHu‚ Ë 2Øπr (4 °UË≤b Ë 61 «Ë≤BW) ±s
4 ¢Leà «∞Lu«œ ´Kv «∞ºd´W «∞b≤OU ∞Lb…1 œÆOIW. £r ´Kv «∞ºd´W 1 ∞Lb…1 œÆOIW. «ÆAj
«∞Lu«œ ∞ößHq.
5 «{n «∞bÆOo «∞L∑∂Iw Ë«±eà ´Kv «∞ºd´W «∞b≤OU ∞Lb… 1 œÆOIW, £r ´Kv «∞ºd´W1 ∞Lb…
2-3 œÆOIW «∞v «Ê ¢B∂` ßKºKW ˱∑πU≤ºW.
6 «±ú «∞v «∞LM∑Bn «Ë´OW ±Fb≤OW ±e¥∑W ÆOU” 054 §r (1 °UË≤b) °U∞FπOs, «Ë ®Jq
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¥∑CU´n •πLNU.
7 ¢ª∂e ´Kv 002 œ¸§W ±µu¥W/004 ·/¨U“ ´ö±W 6 ∞Lb… 02-52 œÆOIW ∞ö¸¨HW
Ë51 œÆOIW ∞ößDu«≤U‹.
8 ´Mb±U ¥B∂` «∞ª∂e §U≥e« ¥πV «Ê ¥Bb¸ ±Mt Åu‹ ËØQ≤t ±πuÒ· ´Mb {d°t.
˝ ¥JHw ∞FLq •u«∞w 01 «¸¨HW.

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